How much savings does Veeky Forums have

how much savings does Veeky Forums have

$0 in savings.

seems like a shame to lock cash up in prison when it can be out working for me.

My parents say I need an emergency fund, but I guess that's what insurance and credit are for.

$15 k , looking out to buy a flat @30k

Fuck loans

Love my mortgage 1.5% interest refinanced every 5 year. Might change it to a 2.5% 30 years

183k in investments. 10.1k in cash.

This. Even an index fund is a better use of money than paying off most mortgages

10k invested, 4k on bank account

i bought 21 bitcoins with my savings because i fell for the meme. Will be able to retire on that within 10 years


£25k in savings.

£16k is saved up salary. I am 19 and work 32 hrs per week. Parents provide accommodation and most meals. I don't spend much.

$10,000 cash
10 oz ($13,116) gold



Bout 80k

I owe my dealer $10 sooo



Only 4k in cash, rest in investments.

46k in my savings account
32k in my 401K

dumbest person in this thread

>22 Years old
>$59K in checking (Zero inherited)

Basically my goal is to save $100K and move out of mom and dads without having to worry about mortgage payments

$13k savings/emergency fund
$9k checking
$36k investments
401k unknown (don't look at it)
$3k business checking

Also about time to rebalance. I usually only keep ~$4k in checking and everything else goes to moneymaking endeavors, stocks or other investments.

a more interesting question is what our net worths are

something like -$30,000 here

>$150k cash
>$90k taxable securities account
>$60k retirement accounts
sitting on a lot of cash right now because i'm planning to buy a new house soon.

>$1300 checkings

>$17000 savings

Thinking of dumping my savings into an index fund once I hit 20k, but I'm half way done with university and something might come up.

my net worth is currently -$480000

what will i do with my life

230 bitcoins
$50,000 in vanguard

About $1000 in physical gold and silver
Marlin .22 rifle with over 1500 rounds

2 grand, pitiful seeing as im on 600 a week, but fuck an effort is being made

nocoiner cope

7k Aud
Earn $450 aud a week


two fiddy hunnie

No, yes I'm aware I can't invest in anything with that.

No. I will not buy ETCmonerpotcoin

$10k checking/safety money
$1k investments to meme with until student loans paid
~$35k in loans

tfw negative net worth

8k savings, 12k 401k


only just got a mortgage and paying off student loans?

Negative $36

Why wouldnt you take out a mortgage

$110,000 in ausdollaryroos
$700 in an oil ETF
$6000 in a short NASDAQ etf

About 1000 dollars, but I be finna spend it all on some materialistic things that will hopefully kill off my drive to kill myself at least for as long as I don't get tired of the thing. Then idk what I'm going to do.

$24k cash
$13k 401(k)
-$8k equity on car
$4k ebayable equipment

what counts?
cash-~100 dollars
accounts (bank)-~22000

>checking $6000
>taxable investments $16000
>457b $43000
>Roth $31000

~120K in real estate.
~500K in family trust fund.
~12K in cash.
~5K in various stocks.
~4K in bank partnerships.
~25K in company shareholder stocks.
+ ~50K worth of old coins, paintings, rare books, etc...

So my net worth is about 716K in Euro.
I'm 27.

The cash is just for the down payment. I live in an expensive city.

How much of it did you earn? Like 40k? ;)

$67K. I'm 26, started saving at 23.



I have about $3000 in my checking account, but I owe like $1000 on my credit card so $2000

1.2 million in savings, 238k in overseas investments, and 6.8 million in assets

had more but recently i been scammed by 2 assholes


Everything except the trust fund if you include investment yields.

;) x

1600 eur in BTC
200 eur in beer money
such is the neet life

Post house user.

networth at ~$150k