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I love this guy


Best DS2 PvEstomper build that isn't a blunt weapon or red iron twinblade?

Best DS2 soul farming spot?


>If you don't read any item descriptions, you won't learn anything about the game's lore.

Is this good game design? Fuck man, if there weren't item descriptions during loading screens, no one would understand shit about the game. And fucking Miyazaki keeps boasting on twitter, saying he's a great developer because his games don't rely on cutscenes to tell the story. Fuck this guy and fuck this series.

Grunbeld, look at me
I'm the giant now

I love bullying Kriemhild!

>no dynamic lighting system when even basic indie games have them
>rehashed areas
>rehashed NPCs
>invasions sucks
>Heavy armor sucks
>brown and grey
>Armor variety is less than DS2 BASE game, despite copypasting a 3rd of the armors from previous games
>Magic needs 2-3 ring slots just to dish out melee level damage
>FP horribly ineffiecent with damage, ends up causing everyone to use 1 or 2 FP efficient spell like Great Heavy Soul Arrow
>Miracles awful, best and most viable one LOCKED BEHIND THE FINAL BOSS
>awful covenants
>left hand weapons no longer have full movesets
>dual wield weapons are gimmicks
>Straight Swords and Curved Sword are as fast as daggers
>Great Weapons are slower than previous games, and costs more stamina, while barely doing more damage
>1-2 Weapons ALWAYS the best in class, no redeeming qualitys for quirky weapons. In the end less weapon variety than BB
>No animation canceling
>No backstep i-frames
>rolls have too much i-frames and cost too little stamina
>bloodborne enemies catered to R1 spam from ss and cs
>hexes gone and dark magic is shit
>shittiest dragon form
>refined/hollow completely dominates
>pyromancy is the quality of casters
>19 bosses, a good chunk being gimmicks
>linear level design, less branching options than DeS, DS2, and even BB

>b-but the DLC will save it!

I love shitty AI!

Drakeblood Greatsword

rapier, estoc, falchion

use soul vessel, get 30/30 int/fth, spam great resonant soul on giant lord

>Keep teaming up with a Darkwraith named Darkwraith in Irithyll when I invade and end up with him

>split damage
>takes too long to get

I was thinking estoc to still be metacancer but not use a twinblade or blunt weapon anyway, thanks

Anybody know how to make Boss vs Boss fights ?

I want Pontiff to fight the Nameless King


That picture is super crappy though.

>taking miyazaki's tweets serious

There are layers of irony on everything he does. The guy is a living meme.

>constant source of humanity
>turn into a mangled husk
firelinkers, everybody

o fuck

Any PS4 players need any assistance?

>Sword and board Smough


>boss has a stunlock combo that you can't escape no matter what
>boss can juggle you for hours
>boss can hit you while you're lying down on the ground
>boss has infinite poise
>boss is too far away from the bonfire

well, it's pretty much impossible to actually hit the sacks with his hammer

>boss actually has dangerous combinations*
>boss doesnt give you free windows of rest to* recover mentally
>boss isnt cheesable with large weapons*
corrected a couple for you, you're welcome

>not a single piece of his set

I will never understand this autism.


so manus

>complaining about the difficulty of any boss in any game

Back to /skyrim/.

if this is NG, there's no way for him to obtain Ornstein's armor at this point of the game

>boss has infinite poise
There is literally nothing wrong with that

nor smoughs

It's NG, I'm only SL 20-something
I just wanted to farm some medals before moving on

>source of humanity
>implying that you're not just the strongest Undead in the room
>implying that you won't hollow out like all the other undead plebs
>implying that you weren't tricked by Kaathe so that he can laugh at your shuffling, zombified form has he hangs out with all the other serpents in the dark

>there are people who unironically dislike DaS3

I will never understand this type of autism.

posting a superior smough

what anime does this reference? who is Kyuubey?

you only need to kill 1 enemy to get to manus and it's a light trek if you've opened the shortcut
>not ceing his equipment at the start of a cosplay run
ha, what a loser
sounds like you're the autistic one
i got humanity for millenia, nigga. maybe you should git gud at invading


>what is google

>DMB twinblades
>using a fucking talisman to buff

Ah. k.

Ornstein & Smough still makes me cringe tho.

I legit met a Pikachu & Snorlax with full set & weapons on PS4 about a week after the game was launched.
It would've been epic but they were absolute shitters.

I dislike it because the PvP and lasting appeal are very bad compared to every other game in the series. It has great bosses and environments though, it's just too linear and the lack of poise+build variety is a bummer.

The inability to understand other peoples' opinions is a sign of autism, user.

Madoka Magica

He's a monkey's paw wish granter kind of
>Oh yeah I granted your wish become magical girl now
>Oh yeah I forgot to mention we use your tears as fuel

I've been getting really salty about Champ Gundyr always hitting me while I'm on the ground, literally unable to do anything. I'm fine with a challenge until the game literally doesn't let me even attempt to react.

I only had 30 fth too
that was before people figured out how the buffs work

>boss has ridiculous elemental defence
>gotta make the NPC summon survive the fight to progress through the questline

is Madoka good?

Siegward's quest did this right

It's relatively easy to keep him alive on NG

It's alright as far as chinese cartoons go
I haven't watched the movie(s?) yet so I have no opinion there

SO I never triggered yuria for firelink shrine. Do her ashes appear anywhere or am i just fucked?

>lock onto an enemy
>roll directions literally become RNG

human form won't save you from losing your mind, moron, just ask the Crestfallen Merchant, who's human form and also on the verge of slipping

It's decent. It's slow to start but gets good after the third ep.

Can Siegward even die?

Isn't 58 mbps average? I spent 3 weeks making a PvP build on DaS1 and holy shit this lag is retarded. I can't believe you guys played this game for years.

Didn't I see you in those short-lived EDF 4.1 generals ?

>want Mirrah Greatsword so bad
>Lost Sinner keeps hitting her and she never even blocks

my loads'a'humanity will. i don't think crestfallen merchant has any humanity at all, just his human form. i'll go suck him and check

>not using the connectivity mod


>point up
>finger isn't all fucked up

>DaS2 bosses are so shit I can't even remember who the 4 Great Ones were without googling it

>Fume Knight
>Smelter Demon
>The Pursuer
>Burnt Ivory King
>Lud & Zallen
>not the best bosses in the series

>Summon Sif while fighting Manus
>He still has the moveset and AI of his boss while lacking damage and any offensive nature
>Just pussyfoots around the arena and hits Manus 3 times throughout the entire fight
>Eats the entirety of Manus' Dark Volley at point blank and dies instantly
He had the Health of Vengarl, the usefulness of Manhunter O'Harrah, and the damage of Sirris

>Summon phantom for nameless king
>Lightning buff on his ugs
>Kills dragon form in literally sub 60seconds
>Switches to katana on second form
>we duel it out with second form nk
>Right before boss dies he crystals out
>giving me all the souls
What a guy...

What about Alonne? He was my fav.

>Ivory Kang


Go slit your wrist, Lucifer.

yeah, 0 humanities with the dark hand, 0 humanities dropped after death

>>Fume Knight
Too easy.
>>Smelter Demon
Just another generic "big dude in armor" fight
>>The Pursuer
Parry 2 Win
>>Burnt Ivory King
>>Lud & Zallen
just another gank boss

Nameless King keeps wrecking my shit. So far I've only managed to get him to about 50% hp before he combos my shit.
At least I got this staff.

Anyone got any tips? I'm currently using Hollowslayer for melee and the Avelyn for ranged.


If you were to fight a firekeeper, would she use pyromancies or miracles?

>no love for looking glass knight
Come on guys.

Don't beat yourself up. I'm the averagest of average players you'll ever see. If a slacker like myself made it, you can do it too!

>No Looking Glass Knight-type bossfight in DaS3

>boss shares a critical weakness with a mid-game boss that lets you kill him in five or six attacks

It's Urobuchi, the guy re-uses plot and story points in every single one of his shows. But usually he uses them pretty damn well and they're a good change of pace from your regular Chinese cartoon.

Unless you're talking about Blue Smelter, no, the first Smelter wasn't that hard. Though granted, I'd summoned Lucatiel for that fight for her quest, so she took most of the aggro for me.

>Gestures don't make your weapon disappear

I'm the one who posted Alonne. You're right, user, LGK was great too.

that doesn't matter in the slightest, the only thing that prevents hollowing is stopping yourself from getting bored and staying driven. How many soft humanities that you've got in your counter is irrelevant

>get 99 dex 99 fth
>ds spear STILL has shit AR

First smelter was an absolute monster on vanilla release.

>Based Ivory King
I didn't know it was physically possible to have taste this fucking awful.

If you're on PS4 I'll solo him for you.
If not then I'll give you some advice.

NK heavily telegraphs his attacks. The catch is that when he's finished winding up his attacks come put ridiculously fast. Learn the timing on his wind ups and dodge as soon as the wind up is finished. 99% of the time you'll dodge whatever he throws at you once you get the timing down on those wind ups.

>meme character
>turns out to be super strong

which is better:
>girl (boy)

How about
>boy (girl)

Guise, what class did you start with and why?

deprived for fun. Knight if im speeding through the game from now on

first smelter is ezpz when you learn his audio cues, he's super telegraphed

Assassin, completely based on looks, I loved that badass tunic.

I always pick my starting class based on the look of the starting gear, nothing else.

Not on PS4. Thanks for the offer though.
Is he weak to any elemental damage?


I deleted the character after Abyss Watchers and started with K***ht

>he leveled adaptability

rolls aren't rng, you just need to realize 3 things:
1. you can only roll forwards, backwards and side to side, which is why learning to play unlocked is important
2. you roll according to where your character looks, not the camera
3. when locked, you have a turning speed, you can't immediately look to your back
as such, if you get knocked down and the enemy moves around you before you get up, you will think you're rolling one direction, but really you'll be rolling another. luckily, the remedy is simple. break lock whenever you get down, relock after you roll
im pretty driven on sucking out all this humanity.

That would probably be unfair as hell. Summoning an enemy player would be an insta-lose if the boss himself were as fast and dangerous as the standard DaS3 boss, the only reason it was remotely fair in the case of LGK was because he was slow and easy to predict and flank, so you could reliably deal with him and his phantom at the same time. Imagine if you had a Gundyr-fast boss who could stay on your ass, or could fill the arena with projectiles, all while another player fucks your shit up. Unless the summon works under some kind of handicap, you'd have a boss that breaks players harder than Ornstein and Smough.

>im pretty driven on sucking out all this humanity.
and what happens when you've sucked all the humanity and you're on top of a kingdom of hollows who all have nothing?

if you use a straight sword, you can do the stagger strat and kill him easily, but i don't know if it works for other weapon classes. you could also bleed him easily
you can do the fight quickly if you never get far away from him - when he flies away, always move towards him. the best attack he can do is the fast double swipe - roll two swipes and try to recover right in front of him - he will do a slow stab or lightning attack later on - roll the stab to the side and he won't followup - that gives you an enormous window to attack, you can probably get a R2 there. vertical swipe is another good attack, it doesn't have a followup - it has fast recovery though, you should probably punish it with rolling R1. when he flies away, you can probably shoot him but he can step forward a bit and the swipe combo will get you - it's safer to stand still after he does it, shoot and then move towards him

Knight because it seemed like it might be useful. Wish I stuck with my original gut feeling of Warrior, which would have been much better.

what do people mean when they say quality build

His dragon is EXTREMELY weak to lightning. You can easily beat the 1st phase in about 30 seconds with something that does lightning damage. Nameless himself is weak to fire, I believe.

DaS1: 28-45
DaS2: Sun Sword
DaS3: lol