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>SMTIV Final/SMTIV Apocalypse information

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SMT is for casuals.

> Hero the Human is here.

Play Debisama you BITCHES

Persona is the future of SMT.

>asian roommate enters room whilst I play devil survivor
>he is enticed by the menu music and begins to dance
>he kicks my 3ds with the game into the wall and breaks both
god damn it

Persona is the future of SMT.

Dogs are shit let's create a world where every dog and dog lover are purged

What is debisama?

Why are old SMT fans mad at Final?

Jesus fucking christ you are retarded.


I don't even get what happened in SMT4 Law ending. Suddenly angels control everything and the only way to close the hell mouth is to destroy Tokyo and that somehow creates a land of peace forever.

We're mad the game isn't about all the mcs coming together for a curcle jerk just like this general.

>13 post
>8 of them are memes

Casuals don't even know that SMT exist. Are Doi Demons going to appear in P5

Such is the fate of this general.

Urusai falseflagger kun.
Genocide on old Tokyo people who think for themselves. Only sheep allowed in Mikado. Peace lasts easier that way.

SMT had waifus through the demons.

>getting ready for Tower of Kagutsuchi
>Think I've made the perfect buffing demon
>Get into tower
>Realize that I don't have taunt or tarukaja
>MC is all physical

What V can possibly even be about?
IV was about taoistic dualism
III was about zoroastristic radicalism

Now it has proper waifus.

People who think for themselves turn into demons and kill everyone bro. Did you not pay attention to the game?

And the ones that don't proceed to round up children, suck out their brains, and feed the brains to demons.

You are but casual scum.

Can you even take on the armies of YHVH and fight in the name of chaos? Or would you rather dream of shitposting /smtg/'s threads instead of claiming the world in Lucifer's own glory?


Finding your true self while also managing a harem of waifus.

Devil Summoner when

Didn't Strange Journey make fun of the people that waifu'd demons?

What were 1 and 2 about?

Only Toki os considered a proper waifu. Nozomi seems to be ignored right long with Danu.

Mad chaosnigger.

That's a shame.

lucifer dating sim

Its not like I actually think their genocide was a good idea.

Yeah, Inanna really boosted Toki's popularity unintentionally.

Devil Survivor 3 when?

What about a game where the alignments are actually well written and implemented?
That would be quite an innovation.

>What were 1 and 2 about?
Play them for yourself.

Nintendo Direct 2017.

Screencap this post.

Cozy left and atlus would rather find some freelance writer to do mainline games while the good team goes to making Persona

I have, I was just asking this person about what their interpretation of 1 and 2 was.

It depends on the tone of the character speaking (Isamu with his rough speech, Beasts, and some Pentagramma members are probably the worst to understand). For the most time, though, Chiitrans and ATLAS do the job surprisingly well, and you can understand what's going on, even when the translation looks like a mess. Also, if you know some basic Japanese and can read Kana and some Kanji, you should be all set.

Mad Tyrone detected.

You're still trying? You realise you were wrong the first time right?

>TMS 2 is announced but this time SMT characters are the mirages.

How you would react?

What if SMT V was written by this lovely man?

I'd still be relatively butthurt, but nowhere near the level of butthurt that happened the first time around.

I'm not the same nigger you was talking too.
I haven't played I and II yet. Not expecting too much of a deep thematic shit in games this old tho.

Yes and they are named Dagda and Hallelujah.

>zoroastristic radicalism
Wait, what?

Also, I tried translating some dialog, but either the game, or Chiitrans (or both) don't seem to support translations of long sentences, so the only option for a quiality translation patch is to hack the game, or at least have someone fluent in Japanese run through the game, and make a ,doc file with translated script, just like Debisama translators did.

Yes please.

Then I'll stick to Persona, since even Hashino's dating sim will be better than meme hack-written turd from this pretentious idiot.

TMS FE does it as well. Morage, demon, they dont want to fuck beta males.


C'non user.
Isn't that bad. It could be a lot worse.

>It could be a lot worse
You jinxed it, good going user. When the next entry comes out, and it turns out to be shit, I'm going to blame you.

What kind of mother would Inanna be?

The Persona team wrote Catherine, which is arguably pretty good. But then they go and write shit like P4 and P4 Arena.

So... what is it then? Are they shit, or do they have some good writter out there who is locked in a basement of ATLUS HQ ?

They should just get Cozy back on. I don't care what it takes.

Meant 'zoroastrian', my engrish is bad, sorry.

Smothering. All up in her kids faces teying to get them to drink feom her tits and makingn babbies when daddy does not want too.

She will teach her girls how to get laid.

They let an Adachi fanboy write Ultimax you tell me.

To the user that gets triggered by Black Mark.

Why yes... I do. And in a more hardcore series at that

I still don't get why (You) try to rile up a conflict between EO and megaten.

Both are unique enough, and cover different niches for any reasonable person to be able to be a fan of both.

How would she react to a surprise baby shower? Sorry if all I talk about is Inanna making babies, it feels like that's her primary motive aside from getting revenge on Danu. She seems like a decent demon.


Does Apocolypse fix the difficulty issues in 4? That was my only real problem with it.

Supposedly smirk is no longer retardedly overpowered and the combat is improved so it sounds like the lol slot machine bullshit will be tamped down a bit.

Reports are that it's still on the easy side but SMT4 can't be harder until it deals with the random crit smirk instakill stuff.

Note of course this is all preliminary from weeb hackers who speak moon or trolls.

>difficulty issues in 4
You mean all the RNG bullshit?

How the fuck people having a problem with smirk in the first place? Killed Minotaur with Walter with the first attempt, ezpz as cake.




Dagda is a waifu?

>.jpeg large.jpeg

Soul Hackers 2 when

I was raised in a Catholic family and biker girls in leather never turned me on. I wasn't raised this way.
Why is Nemissa so fucking hot?

Already here mate.


When did this place come back to life? I was here a few months ago and it was dead as balls.

Apocalypse is coming out in a few days.


i think that everyone is triying to avoid spoilers
>i think

There are people trying to avoid spoilers? As far as I know, literally everyone knows the entire plot of the game by now.

i don't :^)
i just started posting here again yesterday

Here there's no rules against spoilers though. You are going to have some stuff spoiled.

What do you want spoiled? Do you want me to tell you anything in particular? Do you want some information that's as spoiler free as possible?

And P5 is coming out after that.

In reference to SMTIVA, only the beginning and the end were spoiled, but not the middle.
I think that user was talking about Persona 5.

Wait, Apocalypse is a sequel? I thought it was an expansion like FES or Golden.
Well fuck.

1? I don't know, it's just typical post apoc fair. Neutral is laughably the only 'good' choice, but at least even it has downsides.

2 is more interesting, I would say it's basically a study on Christian thought of the end of the world. It's pretty much Revelation in a game.

no i am talking about IVA, i dont give a fuck about p5

If you know that little about the game, you're in for a hell of a ride.

I guess so.
Excuse me while I dip off and not come to the general for a good month.

>Implying it won't be spoiled on other threads and boards

I don't think we're popular enough that there'll be spoiler threads plaguing facebook.

You don't know me man.
You don't know where I've been.
You don't know where I'll be.

Voiced by Char afterall.

Fuck Failbook in general.

Yeah fuck that site. They don't even have SMT memes

They do when I'm around.

That's cause fucking, vengeance, and war were Inannas thing.

She'd want sextoys and lots of them to stuff herself when taking care of the kids.


Not that user but some twitter pics get like that when saving large version of pics.