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Social Eating Edition

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shit game

>shooped ass
why, you ruined it


She just had latent latina genes.

>bigger ass

Confirmed gay.

Welcome to /hsg/, where we talk about magic the gathering, shadowverse, Elder Scrolls: Legends, Zeraya and anime sometimes

Oh, most of us hate Hearthstone

>>bigger ass
you are literally a nigger

First for hunter is extremely balanced and takes a lot of skill to play.

If it's not shopped explain her shadow you tool

So who are the victims of TGT? I nominate these two.

>fair but never broken minions

>play hunter for quest
>hunter mirror
>other hunter wins because he goes first and plays double unleash the huffers first


Not even him but niggers like big asses you idiot
They literally have songs praising big asses 'baby got back'

Fair is rarely good when it comes to competitions.

thats exactly why I called him a nigger

Every night I pray to whatever god that listens. Pray for a better time sink than hearthstone to be released on Android. So that I can uninstalled this infuriating game forever and never look back. Like I did with Dota 2.

Please gods. I beg you. I want to get off Laughing Pizza Delivery Guy's wild ride.

>Welcome to /hsg/, where we talk about magic the gathering, shadowverse, Elder Scrolls: Legends, Zeraya and anime sometimes

Thanks for reminding me.

Wizards today spoiled this card.
This card is amazing on Standard.
Really good on certain Modern decks.
Is the best Chandra ever printed.
And is good pretty much at any stage of the game, if you play red you will use this.

Then we have shit like Purify and 90% of the Kara cards, things nobody cares or like.

Why they do it? Why Blizzards is so shit and why Wizards is so best? How can two opposites like this exist in the same world?

kek. Too bad this deck isn't consistent at all. Burgle.deck with Yogo and N'Zoth is pretty fun.

>ben brode will never deliver pizza to you while laughing hysterically for no reason
why live

I remember when HS was at its peak and people were like "MTG? Yeah, right. There's a new GOAT in town"

And now HS couldn't be at its lowest where WotC just launched conspiracy 2, Kaladesh is GOAT, Egyptian set and Modern Master 2017

Kaladesh is shaping up quite nicely

Does Social Eating also implies sucking semen?

I don't get this N'Zoth Burglerogue meme.
Even Aggro Burglerogue was mediocre, why do you guys think slapping N'Zoth tech in there would fix anything?

>Chandra, Flame-Sculptor

Chandra deserved a non-shit card after all these years

Aetherworks Marvel just keeps getting more and more playable with all these energy cards being spoiled

>plane filled with artifacts

Something tells me lady gaga of mtg will be invading

>Egyptian set
Been on a break since ~khans, tell me more.

i remember how HYPED we were after seeing their art
then they revealed the stats/text
>our fucking faces when

We don't know much yet, aside from some key art and that Nicol Bolas controls the plane


I just wish the community response to seeing cards like this would be "nerf everything already" instead of "why don't you release more power creep, idiots?"...

>The desert oasis of Amonkhet forges warriors. You have trained your entire life for a chance to face the Trials of the Five Gods and join the elite ranks of the Worthy. Using your strength, speed, and cunning, overcome deadly challenges and rise above the competition to claim an honored place in the Afterlife!

Basically Bolas is a gigantic egyptian god now and is using the plane for some evil purpose.

I see
Im an idiot

these two have always annoyed me, why does one allow you to continuously benefit from its effect while the other requires it to take damage between each spell you cast?

battelnet in pic

Just gimme my Not-Anubis card already Wizards

Would a rogue portal that costs 0, draws a card and summons a 0 cost minion be broken?

Beyond broken

>The islands are probably oasis in the middle of the desert

Gimme naaaaaaaaau

Here's your (you)

If you're being serious, giving a 0 mana draw for the combo class, while being a spell so you draw with auctioneer... just think two seconds about it

sounds decent my man

>costs 0, draws a card
yeah sounds great

>Too broken

Okay. Then WHAT IF

>Portal to the Treasure Vault
>0 Mana
>Add a coin to your hand
>Summon a 0 mana minion

I'd probably play it I guess. At least one, maybe.

miracle is happy
i dont think its unfair
its just saying "miracle now gets 2 free draws" which I dont htink is inherently broken

I think the draw card one is less broken

remove the 0 drop
it's even better now since it doesn't clug the board

Anyone fuck around with the new OTK druid?

post list

>Even Prince Malchezzar animation has rng.

They have gone too fucking far.

sounds alright
i'd play it

>take 2 damage from tunnel trog and 1 damage from finley
>die to druid hero power, doomhammer, rockbiter, lava burst


>HS doesn't promo/alternate art

Why don't they implement this some way into the game?

Make some events now and then and award the player with some cards with different art?

>have win streak
>have rogue daily
>don't want to ruin win streak



Seriously even in Yugioh we have very few alt art cards because of that retarded perception.
Only Magic embrases it.

there's casual, or wild, or arena

MTG has perfected the alternate art method, but even though I don't play Pokemon TCG, they have some sick ass full art cards

Yeah but I don't want to have to play wild or casual or roll rogue in arena

Every 9 out of 10 spell in the game can target face. Board has always been an afterthought in HS.


>MTG, a cardgame that has less players than HS, is getting a new set released every month
>Team 5 has released the worst adventure by far after 3 months, and now we get to wait another 3 months for 100 new cards

Why do we keep gobbling this shit up?

Every time.

I don't even know if I can be mad. Dude stalled me with spells then killed off his own creature only to double summon bishop next turn and form ancient one.that's a first for me.

It's way easier to access than MTG.

>MTG, a cardgame that has less players than HS

Sorry, were you actually serious?

Cause MTG Online fucking sucks dick you think I'd be playing Hearthstone if MTG or Yugioh had a quality OCG?

Hearthstone is probably in the top 3 most played videogames because of China.

I don't have the deck crafted, kripp was fucking around with it, you need to discount some mana cost from the combo with thaurissian and you get 30 damage

Druid of the saber with charge
abusive x 2
Menagerie warden copy the 10/1 2 times

>hold onto buff so it's not punished when he clears my board
>never get board back again so i can't use the buff anyway

Misplays you do ALL THE FUCKING TIME?

cause i don't have to actually play cards with other people in HS

>Misplays you do ALL THE FUCKING TIME?

My biggest misplay is opening battle.net everyday

Who else uninstalled til next expansion? Only cucks will put up with this shit game in its current state.

I tried this uninstalling thing once and it just led to me reinstalling/uninstalling every day. So I skip that part nowadays.

A reminder that wild is fun
>all the shitty and dead sites listed
>hearthstonetopdecks not listed
It's miles ahead in the netdeck game, you only need it and >tempostorm

You gotta break out of it, dust all your shit and cycle through golden / vanilla milhouse until you're down to 0 dust.

That's what I did, no regrets.

>People bitch about Paladin's curvestone with sticky minions
>Both Shaman and Hunter play overstatted/sticky minions curvestone AND they have burst from hand, unlike Paladin

>Hearthstone is a multiplayer card game
>Minion combat is a form of interaction
>People demand no interaction in a multiplayer card game

u fucking people amaze me

>you have to TRAVEL to a place filled with filthy nerds to play a few games and then travel back to home
oh, and
>The cards are fucking expensive and HS is free once you catch up
It's not all about the gameplay user, Hearthstone is better in every single aspect but the gameplay
Yes, I literally said that.

Also MTG will die in 10 years since there are is no influx of new players, that's a thing to consider

>he thinks you playing a minion and your opponent deciding how to trade is interaction


Why the FUCK aren't you playing Discard Lock right now?

I'm 8-0 currently.

>Shaman and Hunter
>Sticky minions
Nigga, nothing but squires, wolfs and highmanes stick

Eh, paladin didn't have burst but with who am I played on turn 6 their board became almost irremovable. He is comparable to call of the skill in the sense that if it's played with some board you pretty much auto win.

Because I'm farming it with Dragon Warrior on my way to golden garry?

>people running double ooze
garrosh hate is strong

if u want blockers play magic and fuck off
hehe xd

Because I'm tired of zoo
It also requires attention to play perfectly, you either think about positioning till rope, or slam the minions randomly and get microtilted when argus/wolf fucks shit up

Do any of you run savage roar in beast druid? Out of my 8 game sample it came in handy 1 time for a minor before mid game board clear, and I had 2 sit in my hand for the entirety of 4 other games as dead wastes of space.

Typing like a retard is against the rules, kiddo. Back to 9gag.


>The average hearthstone streamer

>You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.

>"lol u tk him 2da bar|?"


>Rogue Burgles me
>He gets 2 (TWO) Rockbiters

Fucking unfair class.

Guys, you've got to help me!
>last night
>eat 3 large, spicy tacos with extra guaccamole
>2 french toasts
>1 bowl of extra spicy ramen
>1 large protein shake
>eat a decent breakfast and a large cup of the blackest coffee, unfiltered ofcourse
>feel a slight tingle in my bowels
>"oh well, off to work"
>sit down on what is to become my porcelain grave
>nothing special at first, just a few hard farts
>sudden pain
>start leaking like a faucet
>it's building up in pressure
>pain gets worse and worse
>start sweating
>solid bits starts rushing out along with my brown river
>the pain is excrutiating at this point
>start groaning, eventually builds up to a full volumed scream
>catch myself showering my left foot with cold water to cool myself
>drenched in sweat
>finally stops
>sit down, write this, red and exhausted
>can feel it building up again


>uhh guys should I play card A or card B?
>is card C good enough?
>literally asking for advice on a rank 20 discussion board instead of netdecking
there's your problem

Bead druid is a meme, everything out tempos the fuck out of it. You're dead before you can even get warden out.

>Druid yogg thoughtsteals me
>Gets lightning storm that wins him the game

I wasn't even playing aggro shaman, i didn't deserve it.

Yep. It's garbage because it requires 6 cards to pull off and druid has nowhere near the cycle and stall capabilities of warrior, so imagine one or more of those cards being stuck in your bottom 5.

Pic related, one of few games I managed to pull off the combo and win.


You are supposed to only save the combo in the matchups where you need it
You literally just tempo in most matchups

no more than one imho

>Make a non-aggro deck.
>Go first and let my aggro enemy have coin.


I would in a heartbeat if there was anything else worth playing on the train or at work.

Although even staring forward soullessly is beginning to sound more entertaining right now than Hearthstone.

Where's the joke?
You are complaining about the 0.5 wild growth you start the game with?

It's better than Aggro Stone in standard, but got boring once you realize there's no point in playing anything other than boring tier 1 N'Zoth netdecks.

this deck is fun