/utg/ - Undertale General

Three Times the Passion of an Ordinary Skeleton edition

Previous timeline: Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.

-The Game

-The Demo





-Steam Group




Other urls found in this thread:



Let's try this again now that we got a fresh thread.

Which /utg/ contentfags do you miss the most?

What are your favorite fics and pics to come out of /utg/?

What have you contributed to /utg/?

What are your favorite /utg/ memes?

If you could resurrect one contentfag on the 15th, who would it be?

Mine and Papyrus' beautiful children!

What the fuck is that.

Okay, but why then specifically.

what kind


All Paps are perfect Edition

GBfag knock it off


i don't know, one that has similar interests to me


Is that supposed to be a bad thing?


My god he found a high definition version.

What's wrong, Goatfucker.


fic: sauna, pic related

some fics and garbage art

the //pees on u// meme


9/15 is undertale's birthday

Oh boy, a GB edition.
Threadly reminder to UNLEASH YOUR INNER FURRY

another one for the handbang folder


this animation is shit and penises dont work that way


what are some things you hate about the undertale fandom?
toby fox has been my favorite composer since like 2010 when he first joined the homestuck music team and i can unironically say his music has changed my life and the way i look at music at least twice and it pisses me off that most undertale fans don't give a shit about stuff he's done unless it's directly relatable to undertale. despite his massive success it still feels like he's some obscure artist if you're not discussing undertale and i wish people fully saw in him what i see

>11 unique ip's
holy fuck this general is dead

>12 unique ips
>22 posts
so everyone's posted twice? wow what a travesty

You visited /indie/ lately? They're more dead than us right now.

Thread is always slow at the start. Settle the fuck down

I can't sleep after all so let's make it 13

I might care about his earlier music if I cared about homestuck, which I don't.
Though I won't deny the possibility that his earlier music is just as good as if not better than his Undertale work.
All I've heard are the Noisemaster's theme and the other versions of Megalovania, care to post some of his other stuff?

is this SwapPapy?

be a shame if someone decided to make it 15


Chara burpfic?

>9/15 is undertale's birthday
Can't wait to celebrate a whole year of FUCKING NOTHING with you worthless fucks

Then leave, saltanon.


i cant wait to celebrate a year of getting to know you wonderful people i consider friends

One sunday afternoon Chara drank a bit too much soda pop and lightly belched.

Cry or Dezz

i'll post the two things that i feel like completely changed the way i view things wrt music
number one is this:
for whatever reason hearing these different melody tracks combined together engendered an interest in polyphonic music that's never quite left me in addition to just being fucking amazing on its own
number two (and this is the big one, specifically the first section):
so a little backstory to this one: on twitter toby asked people to send him two words that he would then use as a theme to base an improvisational piano piece around. the first one in this batch was based on the phrase "hanger artery" which he interpreted as being a megaman-style stage music track. he improvised an entire megaman stage track on piano and that blew my fucking mind. up until then improvisation to me had been like blues solos and and shit. to hear toby suddenly compose an ENTIRE SPECIFIC STYLE OF SONG SPECIFIC TO ONE GAME SERIES by himself was so revelatory to me that i'm still reeling from it. god i love his music so much.

Sorry for not replying before but I fell asleep, thanks.

Cry still asks for requests on at least a weekly basis user, usually more.

Alphys vore when?

Why don't you suck his dick while you're at it.

well let's not get too ahead of ourselves here

im going to have to stop doing it often soon


LE ZA WARUDO?!??? *does epic pose*

haha, is this that irony i've heard about? damn...saying things you don't mean. that's pretty fucking twisted

Makes sense, you've been pretty active recently. Appreciate what you've been doing.

Ebin post


the jojokes

I've got a collection of shorts I'd like to do for the anniversary, hopefully they'll turn out halfway decent.

So what do you hope happens on the 15th /utg/?

toby posts the backer comic already
an anonouncement of his new game feels too early

nothing, really.
maybe hang in this thread or something

oh daddy sans how i love daddy i live for daddy sometimes i imagine myself with daddy and he's raping me and he has all the souls because sans is the strongest monster in the world and he's so strong and depressed and no one understands him but i do because i love my daddy i want him to rape me and reset the tineline with his rainbow souls power and i want him to leave me in the ground with my ass really wide i'll be "oh daddy why" and he'll say "heh kiddo now look my special attack" and he'll give me a wink and i'll get so happy because then sans transforms himself using his ectofiredingdongo powers and he transforms himself into a ectotank and he's like "WOWOWOWOWOWWOWOWOWOWOWOWO [tank moving and fixing angle sounds] and i'll be so wet because i love daddy sans and then he fires his love shells in me and over me and they explode and they are filled with ecto love cummies and they are rainbow colored because sans has all the souls and then frisk will be there really confused but then sans will shoot against frisk too and then frisk also turns into sans' bitch but there can only be one so i go there abd murder frisky because frosk is a fucking slut trying to get my sans and then sans will say "you gave that fucking kiddo bad times huh hehe" and he'll reset the timeline and we'll go to 2nd world war and he'll fire against all his enemies (that is everyone because no one understands him just me because i love daddy sans) and then he'll shoot and give everyone a very bada times and everyone'll turn into snassluts because of his love shells but i won't let this happen because i am the only one who understands sans so i kill everyone because they are fucking sluts fucking bitches and sans'll get really mad and say "fucking kiddo...." and i'll be like "yea daddy sans oh" and he'll rape me like 42 times plus 7 because i deserve it oh daddy sans then he'll fucking shoot against the city of Danzig and i'll rename it to the city of cummies and it will be good hmmm

contentfags return and shower us with content

/utg/ closes its doors for good

Everything being normal.

and Toby announcing his partnership with Figma.

when people ignore canon. flaming sans eye is the best example, but there are others like bad time papyrus, satan chara, evil asgore that's not from aus, any kind of sans ships, etc. there are few other things like dadster and #saveasriel2016 stuff that i don't like, but can tolerate.

Stealth Undertale update that adds a new ending specifically for killing the first froggit you encounter and nothing else


>he actually did the ecto-tank
I feel this is my fault.

toby is proven to be more than just an ordinary hack

If you kill that froggit, Toby appears after the ending, starting a ridiculously hard fight against the annoying dog. If you'll fail, you'll have to get this ending again to try fighting it again.

This is the best one yet

>Toby changes the entire lore with a five word tweet about Sans' pet rock.

>yeah Gaster was the rock

wait a minute
>daddy sans
>papa rus
>pope rus
>russian pope
is papyrus the pope???


fucking cyrillic looks so weird to me
how did that alphabet even develop

i wish yummyincharastummyfags would come back

Blame us Greeks I guess.

i wonder what the next thing sans will transform into is

pay denbts


I wish Croc came back


ecto Wii U games

>realize that the most attractive character in the game is a celebrity that you will never ever fuck

Reminder to take care of your teeth /utg/.

you will never ever fuck anyone you dumb shit

Feels bad

but he is not a celebrity, user

>Most attractive is Mettaton

>implying bot is the most attractive character

I need to think before I post.



Yea! Cute, hott little spider!
Lock into her room with her (parents not home) and she sayin "mister, that feels weird!" and then she wet pants! Make sure knows to keep secret and she around finger!

undyne is the hottest t b h

I guess a king counts as a celebrity

Alphys pls

A shame, but it's pretty realistic.

Undyne has fucked up teeth

Never stop.

"A sex match? With me? That's fine, you (darling) would lose though"

Full pic was linked in utg before
Still my favorite bot34

Gonna need a sauce on that.

Night, guys, and have fun in the comfy hours.