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D.Va is cute, CUTE! edition

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What rank did you get placed in?

Close to diamond so I only had to play 2 games to get into diamond


D.Va is kawaii! gelbooru.com//images/0f/ea/0fea76284ab2185cd04e968644361002.png?3339212

Remember that Jeff Cucklan will always go back on his word
>haha the hero stack meta is fine, just adapt
>haha season 1 was fine
>haha we like D.Va where she is

high gold, moved up to plat in a 3 game streak then called it a night havnt played since

2772, fuck my shit up senpai.

Didn't touch S2 ranked so far.

>posting niggershit
Trash yourself mate

>tfw you'll never play Overwatch without terrible lag
Fuck Blizzard and their terrible servers

Who cares beats having a stubborn game dev with bad ideas and won't change until its too late

How fucking dare you associate Tracer with shitposting

Only done 6 placement matches, not really feeling it today so not going to fuck up my rank today.

>get your threads deleted for posting gelbooru links in the OP
>make regular threads instead and post the links in the thread

I'm on to your game you faggot.

1970 followed by a loosing streak.

2700 shitty platinum.

>tfw playing on 11 ping and usually 28-32 RTT

Sucks to be an aussie.

rest in peace

>the BLACKED versions of all the SFM
what a cuck

The only reason they even made the changes when they did was because of Espots panic. Don't expect those McCree or Mercy nerfs any time soon

haha hiding behind walls and instant cast

I've never made an Overwatch thread in my life m8


tumblr please leave

please get your cuck taste out of the fucking thread

>An icicle that costs 25 ammo is no more powerful, accurate, or fast than one that cost 1 ammo

what is the average comp rank?

I was 55 in S1 and ~2500 S2

I live on the East Coast of the U.S. and have zero latency issues in every other multiplayer game I play. Blizzard just can't handle Legion + Overwatch.

user, please don't post thumbnails

>won a ton of games yesterday
>now being put into complete stomps today
And they said forced 50 was just a meme

Does any character in this game fuck up the balance more than McCree? And why is Blizzard's obviously favoritism towards him and Genji tolerated?

>playing comp before people actually calibrated with thier skill level instead of their possibly lucky placement


>Guess we know who's really on top, don't we?

Can someone please, please explain to me what the fuck this means other than that that he's a gay faggot? It's bothering me.

Believe that's true for any ammo weapon like that. Zarya's ball does the same if you have the full 25 ammo or not

>play, usually suck dick only get about 1 gold medal per match, win some, lose some

>play Genji, EASYMODE ACTIVATED, reflect high noons, kill mercies, get 3 golds and a silver, still lose because your teammates aren't doing anything

simply episch

t. genji main

guess we know whos really the best, dont we?

If you desperately want to cling to Junkrat's heterosexuality, you can choose to read it as him asserting his dominance, since Roadhog is the "bodyguard."
...nope still gay

>usually get 4 gold when I play other characters
>get like 1 bronze whenever I play Genji

I like it this way.

Junkrat hired Roadhog. He is the boss, simple as is.

More than 6 players on a team game modes when?


same with winstons right click

Long time probably, they'd need to rework a bunch of game mechanics.

2500. Gone up to 3300 now.

Junkrat hired Roadhog, Roadhog doesn't particularly like Junkrat either. He is his bodyguard for the loot.

>still lose because your teammates aren't doing anything
Funny way to say that you did nothing.

>want to invest in a Rein skin to show off the golden hammer
>Balderich and Lionhardt look like they're out of WoW
>Blackhardt covers his face
Blizzard, why?

not really. i fucking hate genji actually because the hero is still overpowered as balls even after the slap-on-the-wrist nerfs he got.
playing him myself is just to confirm its not "why dont you play it yourself it its so easy?" type bias

Who the fuck says "on top" in that context? It's an outright sexual comment at worst, and flirting at best.

>some lucky guy got to nut on this when no one was looking

get the camo one

very bad





very good


Please help

They can just release community servers and let them locally balance it out


I'm not talking balance, I'm talking game mechanics and shit. How moves work and all that jazz.

good got there is so much wrong with this picture

Leave your house sometime mate, you'll learn a thing or two about social interaction.

>Average 1913 healing
What are you doing?!

Stop playing healslut

Try picking up your monitor and rotating it 90 degrees. If that doesn't work, rotate it 180 degrees.

motherfucker its a dialect thing. you dont say HOOLY DOOLY! or g'day cobber! Why is it so hard to believe that he would say something along the lines of "I'm on top of the game"

>believing masterOW memes
>not realizing that 2500 is top 25% of players already
>not looking at overbuff

shiggy diggy user

Thoughts from last thread on bringing S76 up to par with McCree

Roadhog likes Junkrat. You can tell from the comic and also
>Junkrat: You won't believe the joke ol' pig face over that told me the other day. Roadhog?
>Roadhog: *sighs* / *sighs* Do you ever shut up? / *sighs* Shut. Up.

Clearly Roadhog is nice to Junkrat in private but doesn't like showing any kind of softness in public.


>went to Overwatch meetup and drinking party at Dragon*Con
>expect bads
>meet some diamonds and a master
>fucking god-tier Blackhardt cosplayer and a crossdressing Ana
I've been wrong all along.

After 3200 you start seeing people with top 500 avatars in every game, I kinda disagree with that being the threshold for just "very good" right now. The placements are also fucking with some people's ranks, in plat games you can easily see people who were low 50s or high 40s picking bastions and junks in every game. The rank system is pretty messy to be honest, people should wait couple weeks before making lists like these.


No-one fucking says HOOLY DOOLY in real life though. Not even 'Strayans.

>Junkrat grenades blow up after 3 bounces
>Unless two of the bounces are close enough together, then those count as a single bounce
that annoys me because it honestly removes an element of his game

A friend was telling me something like 80% of the community is in gold/plat, is this why my games are either a complete stomp or a complete roll? I haven't had a "balanced" game in season 2 yet.

>that Smugberry
I want to love that smug.

yes and nobody says "i'm on top" in real life either by your logic.

and only about 10% of the south says Howdy. your point?


That's what I'm saying, user.

People don't say "I'm on top" to mean "I'm the best" but they do say it in a sexual context.

Why is 76's ult to shit


Yeah, 1900-2700 or so is the "average" range where all the ok to good players are sitting despite what people are shitposting here.

There's actually a lot of complaints because players from smaller regions can place ridiculously high there then switch regions during off-hours and keep their high rating.
This is why sometimes you see koreans in NA who are diamond ranked despite playing like people who should be gold at most.

it isn't, git gud.

No one is in bronze and the upper rankings are bloated.

Nowhere did I use words like "average" or "below-average". It is entirely possible for the vast majority of the playerbase to be bad at the game, just like the overwhelming majority of chess/poker players are terrible at their respective games. Same applies to games with a huge casual audience like OW. But whatever makes you feel better about your rank 2600 I guess.

For me elite would be someone like tviq, S4, etc. There's a noticeable difference between them and a random top 500. Of course we'll probably have to wait a few weeks for people to reach their true ranks.

you still have to aim, otherwise youre going to tickle reinhardt

Do it from a distance.

>Torbjorn on my team
>keep seeing him and his turret dying to Widowmaker in the feed
>some teammates tell him to switch
>he doesn't
>keeps being killed by Widowmaker

I really wonder what he was thinking, I didn't mind, it was QP, but I'm curious.

Just had the funnest match in my life
>Payload Gibraltar
>we're tied so far
>some random outside picks bastion
>we only have one minute left to push
>this fucking bastion
>destroyed the enemy team
>pushed the entire payload in Overtime
>Enemy team took 3 minutes to get to half way to the final point
>enemy team loses cause they thought their attack bastion was better than ours

God i love randoms sometimes


>Two man premade locks double tank
>Absolute shit
>Trickle in with no healer on them or the team, dead 85% of the game
>No way to communicate and tell them to switch because I know how to actually tank because console shitter

Was on a nice little winning streak too. Only a few wins away from Diamond. Now I'm back down to 2828. This game is what they should force people to play in hell.

I'm gonna fuck you're waifu in VR now. What'cha gonna do about it fgt?

How the fuck do I git gud? I remember starting with 76 and getting potgs against fellow lvl20 kids all the time. But at some point it was like hitting the curb, now I absolutely suck dick with him. It's not even an aiming issue, I can play Reaper and McCree. What do I do?

Does anyone else feel a little bad whenever they kill Torb. It's like killing a little baby.

PSA to all Plat and below players:

The enemy will make a really dramatic push at 30 to 60 seconds when the music changes.

Now you can all stop being surprised by it, choking and throwing the round.

Thank you.

Hope my semen tastes good.

Post best friends

Is potg little broken or are my games just that shitty. This week I've had metric fuck of of games where mercy gets potg when ressing 2 guys.

Because it essentially gives you less then better you are at aiming.
It's always OK against enemies at the extreme end of your range.

>3 Widow, 1 Ana, 1 Hanzo, 1 McCree
>win because enemy team ragequits constantly

I miss the days of dad76 abuse.