/utg/- Undertale General

So Cold Edition

Previous timeline: Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.

-The Game

-The Demo





-Steam Group




Other urls found in this thread:






Snowdrake > Mkid > Ice Cap

n for skeleton

Hey baby, it's cold out!
Warm up with your fav!

Best mom



for the challenge last thread

i tried

That's cute.

I love it
He's the 'Dogman

Since the thread earlier today was autosaged, /kspg/'s been deleted around 10 times for no reason at all

Hey guys, have a finished Grillby's. Also...

└ Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon ┐

That's pretty cute, user. I love it.

Have you done your daily rites, user?

Asrielfags > shitty botfags

Hey, at least we're not that bad

How often does /kspg/ go off-topic?

Are you gonna do the interior?

The spider a cute! CUTE!!!

fuck off

It happened again

Nah, no interiors.

Well, as of late /kspg/ hasn't even been given the chance to go off-topic
Just a few hours of mostly inactivity, at the most, followed by the thread being deleted and everyone in the thread being banned for spamming, no matter what it is they posted
But even in our heyday, we weren't any worse than /utg/

just report them ffs

thanks you!

looking good.

My what?

For some reason I still remember this moment last year when somebody tried to make "Kerbal Space Program and Undertale General" and linked both threads to it

It only existed for like 10 minutes before deleted but the confusion was hilarious



A while ago, the Overwatch General made a new thread but linked it here for some reason. I think we were near autosage too but it was kinda funny.


Yeah, I just happened to notice that both threads hit bump limit around the same time, and I had an idea

General exchange program when

Ooh, do we get pen pals?


No, but if you do it with /kspg/ you'll get our grudge-holding mod to torment you for years to come

God save whoever gets big daddy Sans poster or a namefag

this place could use a mad janni desu

Ah, nevermind then. Your art reminded me of someone else...

If you want to have the system assume you're ban evading whenever you try to make a /utg/ thread using the usual OP, be my guest

Well, I made one for this draw prompt. It's a bit curvier than what I was originally going for, but here it is.

That sounds kinky!

Chara burpfic?

Heya /utg/
How's everyone?

fuck off

Literally never ever


Stop taking pictures of me dude.

jesus fucking christ not now go away



So we all know Asrielfags are the best and botfags are shitty drama whores that like an ugly tranny but who is the second best characterfag and the second worst?


Skelefags second best Charafags second worst how is that even a question


I'm doing alright Act. How are you today?

Don't mind the other anons. We've had a rough day today. Don't ask. We have to talk about Undertale things, if you catch my drift.


i don't think i'm capable of drawing flowey dressed as doomguy so i just drew him trying to lift the BFG instead

I want mettatonposter to recap

Eat dick

Nothing much, you?

What's wrong uguu~

You will never be beach hunk Asriel

I'm good, thanks for asking

Oh my

I'm good

No. But I am a hunk.

You're welcome! Been doing anything interesting lately?

Second best is Sansfags and second worst is momfags and dadfags tied

Let's just leave it alone.
Yep. That bad. Who are your top three Undertales?

i leave for a week and suddenly we're second best? oh..

what the heck, is everyone a girl?

What kind of pizza would your favorite eat? WOuld you eat it? Would they eat yours?

But are you a beach hunk?

Nothing really, unable to draw right now. I was working on a small loop animation of asriel, I want to finish it soon.

I used to like Chara but they remind me of Tumblr now. I like in order, Frisk, Asgore, Muffet.

No, I'm just a faggot
Pure pepperoni

god i hope so

I like those characters. Very nice. What was your favorite and least favorite areas? What would you do to improve your least favorite area?

He'd make his own face out of the toppings. Any toppings. It'll be delicious regardless.
I'd probably eat it, the toppings I don't like probably won't be involved.

I hope he'd try mine. Maybe one bite to make me feel better.

snail pizza. I like plain cheese, so yhea, probably.

I thought you left! I was sad!

Probably snail pizza, and no. And I'm a plainfag who likes just cheese so probably.


Oh, that sounds like fun, making an animation like that. I can imagine it takes a lot of work.


i could never leave you baby

>Plain cheese
Why the fuck are momfags so boring?

Yep, fags and girls, the entire general

Probably some kind of dried snails if she could get away with it, if not probably anchovies
i'd try it
i can go from plain pepperoni to supreme, so i think she'd at least try the supreme and might even like the pepperoni

am i boring user?

I'd try anything if he asked me to. As far as my favorite, I think he might be picky, but he'd at least try supreme pizza.

Most probably aren't. I try and keep my calories down and allow only one cheat day in which its usually that. At least while I'm one a cut phase

i also tried

this is sick

Waterfall was really good. Hotland was fucking obnoxious, I would get rid of Alphys to improve it.

It's my first animation, it will probably suck. Just like everything I make


Aw, don't say that! I'm sure it will turn out great.

>chara wearing Majora's Mask
Now there's a kooky one, what would happen if an actual evil bastard put the thing on as opposed to a dumb birdkid

Got to agree, Hotland was annoying. I liked the music though.

Wow. This is very good.

Thanks anons, I didn't expect anyone to like it.
maybe I'll start taking requests from time to time, I've been in the mood to draw lately.


The universe and all timelines would probably collapse, leaving only them to wander a blank endless void. Either that, or everything throughout the multiverse turns to chocolate.

I mean...I sometimes get four cheese...