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Elder Thread:

First for me on the left.

Bretons are shit.


first for aquatic flightless birds


New lands!

No. You're confusing with orcs.


old... lands?
Fallout 3.5 Skyrim

Yeah that's a pretty easy mistake to make considering how ugly bretons are.

It's a 3 year old mod so technically it's old but for me it's new

I don't even know the mod! I was just saying your land is new and mine is old because mine is in Skyrim's base game lol

The thumbnail looked like you were wearing diapers and I got really worried that you went off the deep end.

oh no no no diapers here, I never understood that fetish

>fully clothed butt
Playing it safe eh?

yeah but come to think of it I shouldnt be I have surgery tomorrow and wont be online for a few days. Maybe I will go out with a bang

the janitor is a chump

I don't like surgery, even though I know it's statistically perfectly safe. In fact, it's not even the surgery that bothers me. It's the anesthesia scares the hell out of me.

I don't like knowing there is a slim possibility that I will wake up during surgery

Anesthesia is great. I wish falling asleep was that easy all the time.

Wew, you're right.

That is exactly what freaks me out too, recovery is fine it's being put out that freaks me out. First surgery I had I was panicking.
Its fast sure but Im afraid of not waking up.

I'd much rather wake up with my gut cut open than go into a coma, or worse just die because the anesthesiologist was having a bad day and wasn't paying attention.

That's the thing, though. You're not sleeping. You don't dream under anesthesia. It's not even restful. It's literally one step away from a medically induced coma. It's scary shit.

There's also the powerlessness that comes along with it. Complete loss of agency. Just aaaaaaaaaah

no bully Poupourri I like it

None of them look like they're happy.

Would you be happy if you had to follow around cumtears?

Would you be happy if you WERE cumtears?

It feels like one blink and its done. Time doesn't exist. Blink and its over.

Idk, I don't want to experience the mild panic even if I don't feel it, of seeing somebody cutting me up and working on important bits

At least if I died or went comatose proper I wouldn't even know it

I think the reason you worry is because you actually like living and doing things
Which I mean, I do too but I'd be alright if I died painlessly

.. and that's not really meant to sound as dumbass emo teenager nonsense as it looks

Can't see take off that awful hat for once?

Do not degradel the Mistel
Huh, I always thought it was pretty cozy. Maybe I'd think a coma is cozy too, I dunno.

is there even a version of that hairstyle that doesn't have the hat though? I've never looked long enough through SG Hairs lol

empirebois where u at

There is no conscious thought during total sedation. LAst thing I remembered when they did my hysterectomy was them wheeling me in the OR and the anesthesiologist putting some fluid in my iv. Next thing I knew I was in recovery.


I'm sorry for your loss

Let's look at what the Empire is:
>Is a nation that allowed a greedy corrupt tyrant, a dragon, and a Slaad necromancer who was actively and openly stealing souls of the citizenry keep power after the three aided in the conquest of Hammerfell.
>Is a place where National Security is so piss-poor, that a SINGLE Wizard was able to take control of the entire country. Where the Emperor was easily assassinated by cultists.
>The wizard who took over was an incompitant leader. This revealed that the Empire's government system is SO centralized that a SINGLE incompitant leader ruling for a mere DECADE almost caused the ENTIRE EMPIRE to collapse into smaller warring states. Valenwood was almost overrun by mere SPIDERS during this reign for Kynareth's sake!!
>Is a land that only recognized a race of people as PEOPLE after those people forcibly took over their own lands and a massive time-space crisis occurred.
>Is a land that tried to use a spy to impersonate an entire religion's messiah-figure for the express purpose of overthrowing the leadership of a province and assert more dominance over it.
>Illegally annexed land from Elswyr (most important to my Khajiit character).
>Is a land where the Counts are free to be as tyrannical as they like.
>Had a Countess who wasted her taxpayers money on priceless Akaviri artifacts, with the game Oblivion firmly establishing that excess tax and fines are levvied against the poor.
>Had a Count who absconded his responsibilities in order to be the ruler of a criminal organization.

I like time. I like experiencing. It's generally pretty great.

I have a really high tolerance for extreme pain, so idk.

I do fear death, though. In my eyes, it's a disease, and it's one we can cure. Not all animals age. Some are functionally immortal. The only reason we age is because telomeres a shit. I plan on taking out a cryonics life insurance plan once I get the chance. Best case, they can bring me back once we figure out how to do that. Worst case, I'm dead anyway so who gives a shit, right?

It's part of the hair style. No reason he can't try out a different style, though.

>Maybe I'd think a coma is cozy too
Dude that's pretty fucking hardcore tbqhwu

Last time I had surgery was for a deviated septum. I remember the anesthesiologist putting the mask on me, and I remember saying, "So, how long until this knocks me--woooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" And then I woke up.

I'm not, children are awful.

I dont give one fuck about not having kids.

>Had (and still might have for all we know) a Count who was a Vampire, fed on his own subjects, and who had a secret room in his wine cellar where he DRAINED THE BLOOD OF HIS VICTIMS as his own personal supply of "wine".
>Had a racist Countess who was so vile she abducted Argonians and Khajiits off the streets to torture to death in her secret torture chamber.
>Is a nation that, when faced with the Oblivion Crisis, WITHDREW its military from ALL surrounding provinces, provinces that it dominates and taxes on a regular basis, in order to protect a single province. This royally screwed over Morrowind.
>Did nothing to aid the people of Morrowind after the Oblivion Crisis and the Red Year, events that were even worse for Morrowind.
>Is a nation currently controlled by such a spineless Emperor that he just ACCEPTS being assassinated by the Dark Brotherhood without a fight, PERFECTLY WILLING to throw his own PEOPLE into the chaos and discord of a succession crisis.
>Is a nation that sold out an entire people, the Redguards, merely to protect their favored province.
>Is a nation inept enough to accept a peace treaty CLEARLY designed to cause insurrection in the Empire in two of its four remaining provinces.
>Is a nation where segregation is allowed to the extent where cities are allowed to ban minorities from the insides of cities, even in extreme climates.
>Is a nation that will gladly put a corrupt, criminal-controlling politician in charge of Riften, if given the opportunity.
>Is a nation that allows known foreign spies the freedom to OPENLY and ACTIVELY operate within its borders, once again tying into the Empire is Useless when it comes to National Security theme.

more like loss of the body part not the kid ability lol

Hey man no more periods more like a win to me.

I suppose that's true. At lest I woke up feeling rested.
Hopefully I'll never find out.

>>Is a nation that will gladly put a corrupt, criminal-controlling politician in charge of Riften, if given the opportunity.
To be fair, Maven would/does make an excellent Jarl. No one is gonna fuck with Riften on her watch, and she knows how to work an economy.

Maybe but I think it fucks with estrogen levels or something

Oh you mean menopause? Yeah I went through it. It wasn't so bad desu ust some hot flashes and stuff likek that. I didn't even take hormones during it, I went full hardcore.

>Oh you mean menopause? Yeah I went through it.
You went through menopause early? I guess that makes sense.

Unless you're like a 60 year old woman. Do you know Mai? Do you guys hang out at the senior center and play backgammon?

humans are gross lol

I am in my 30s I went through it because my whole uterus was removed with my ovaries due to cancer.

well jeez, way to go and get cancer

>Freir will ever be released as a follower.
Never ever.
I'm retarded when it comes to CK.

Why do you need someone to make a follower of your own character when you can just use Familiar Faces and use her on another save with Natalia?

I know right? Im such a dumbass going out and getting dat cancer. Make sure you wear a coat in the winter dont be like me and have your ovaries removed!

at least when I got my cancer they just took it out of my throat, heart and lungs

Which is funny, because I was 5 so it wasn't even from smoking

>having congenital defects
They should have put you out of your misery, freak.

I know, right
goddamn drugs

Im with you cancerbro. Youre a tough cookie! You dont even wanna know how they removed my uterus its kinda barbaric.

>degenerate drug-abusing structureless society tribal slave race
>trying to shame an Empire that was deigned by the divines and is still around Thousands of Years later
The mere fact that its crest still flies across Tamriel rebukes your false claims.

Yeah, I really don't
Surgery is gross rofl

>familiar face
That shit is barely working.

>It's the anesthesia scares the hell out of me.
An aunt of mine was half awake during cataract surgery because they didn't give her the right dose, so her body was paralyzed but her brain was awake

that shit
that's the shit I'm afraid of happening when I say I'm afraid to wake up during surgery

Battle ready waifus.

Uh guys, this is not helping me as I will be having an organ ripped out come tomorrow.

Good Morning tesg, how are you doing today?

Don't worry. If you're lucky you will be dead before anything bad happens.

also, there is cancer talk, shitposts and some waifus in there some place

Thanks user fuck you too.

Anyone know why DoF would make hair transparent?

Someone sent me this picture. My first instinct was "hey that looks like a DoF problem." They said they were using Snapdragon, and they confirmed that DoF was the culprit, but that it only happens with Mistel. No one else.

I find it fascinating, tbqh. I almost went to school for medicine, but decided at the last minute I didn't want to spend like 10 years in academia.

Sounds like sleep paralysis, without the hallucinations. I've always been interested in it. I've wanted to experience it once, just to see what it's like first-hand. Not during surgery, of course. That would be horrible.

(Un)fortunately, I'm not afflicted.

It's better to conquer your fears than to pretend they don't exist.

>bikini armor
>battle ready
If it makes you feel better my appendectomy went nicely and smoothly and there were no problems with general anesthesia

Once I am out, I dont have much choice either way and its okay to be afraid its not going to deter me.
Its okay this is my second go round with major surgery. Its just some jitters, I had em before only natural to fear what you cant control.

That's how DoF works? If the focus is on the face, the hair will be blurred inevitably.

It's more that it's entirely invisible. And again, it's apparently only affecting this character.

I mean, I'm sure there's a large chance this entire issue is PEBKAC. But I'd like to rule out anything else.


>tfw ballistic spells
>walk into an room, stand at the top and go full artillary, lobbing dualcasted fireballs that leave liquid fire on the ground

What's with all the new vampires waifus lately?
Did molag bal got into a rape berserk phase?

I think you might be the new one.

which to be honest, come pre-noon into midday barely happens on this general


I wish Ballistic Spells affected spells from mods
>I've wanted to experience it once, just to see what it's like first-hand.
Same. I became very interested in lucid dreaming a while ago and read a lot of horror stories involving sleep paralysis, but I still want to experience it. tfw only gone lucid two times and I always got so euphoric in the dream that I woke up after a few seconds


Are we going to have a problem?

I lucid dream a lot. Although, sometimes it's hard for me to really tell how lucid it is. A lot of the time, the stuff I'd do while lucid is just how things happen in my dreams anyway, if that makes sense.

I don't have cancer but grandfather and dad had it, not looking great for me.

Can she sit down without the use of a special pillow yet?

>the stuff I'd do while lucid is just how things happen in my dreams anyway
From what I've read most of the time you're just awake inside the dream but have little or no control over it. Having full control over dreams would be fucking amazing.
I did the dream journal and reality checks and all that stuff for a while but didn't get any results

I wish tesg was like this more often, and less full of shitposts and rage

Before i went on medication i used to dream a lot, to the point where the highlight of my day was to sleep so i could go someplace else. Last year i had some really lucid dreams and a few times i were in complete control. From what i VAGUELY remember one of the dreams everyone got super angry at me the moment i "gained control" of the dream and another time i kinda had that euphoric god-feeling and just dicked around flying and shit

Yeah, that's about right.

Most of the times I've gone lucid it just kind of happened. Hard to explain.

I've never done reality checks, but a few times I've noticed things that are off in the dream and "woke up". Like one time I was sitting a classroom from my high school. "Wait why does the clock say it's 2 AM? And how come my legs are weird? Wait, ooooooooooh"

I had sleep paralysis, it only lasted maybe 30 seconds or something but man it felt like eternity I couldn't even will my eyes open.

>the highlight of my day was to sleep so i could go someplace else
I felt like that when I was keeping the dream journal because my dreams felt much more vivid and I could remember them in great detail. I should start doing it again
My first time going lucid happened when I looked at my hands and counted 12 fingers

>I looked at my hands and counted 12 fingers
What's weird about that?

Wanna know whats confusing/terrifying? If you have one of those dreams where you wake up, but then wake up again, and again, with a continues cycle until you really do wake up but you're terrified as all hell

Most normal humans only have five per hand

Nothing's worse than when you dream that you're falling, and you do that whole-body twitch the instant you wake up.

Wrasslin' tomorrow? Has there been any matches announced yet?

Who's gonna be next on the Pringles Train?


nice haircut, NERD

I know it was a joke, hence "most normal humans"

mornin /tesg/

How is everyone today?

Those are weird.

I remember one dream I had, I woke up just after dawn. The light had that strange quality to it. It was unnaturally silent. No bird, no cars, just the vague white noise of the wind in the trees. I got up, went into my kitchen. I noticed something subtly off. Something moved, an appliance the wrong color. Then, I'd hear something outside the door to my apartment. Sometimes a creak, sometimes a knock, sometimes I would just sense it. I'd got to open the door, and as I turn the door knob, I'd black out. Then I'd wake up in my bed again. Except this time, something different would be wrong with things.

It was such a vivid dream, I was intensely fucking paranoid when I woke up.

Hypnagogic jerk. They're horrible.

most of the kids are in school so it's super tame and enjoyable at the moment