/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General

Memeless op edition

>Patch 3.4 Preview

>Patch 3.38 notes

>The Rising (August 27th-September 12th)

>Youkai Watch x FFXIV Event. (July 26th-October 3rd)

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First for being pure

Why do lizards all look so sickly?

Males are allowed to post!

Au Ra girls are the worst.

lala bp

two friends in game or irl?

but then both sound pretty shit

holy shit
>3 ultra-psycho weblords in 1 fc
I can't stop laughing

what did Taylor ever do to you

He webbed my crush.


they are good

The first friend spent 1000$ on eroges during the first week of his trip to Japan, he had to borrow money from his parents to afford food..
The second friend is planning to move closer to this girl without her knowledge. It's super obvious that she's into another guy, but he just doesn't understand that she wants to be left alone
I will never know what it's like to have normal friends

do you have any friends in game?

So what you're saying is that you know Nysoph and Rheia IRL.

Are you saying it wasn't worth it?

{Thanks for the offer, but I'll have to pass}

mini bp

Okay guys post HENSHIN A GO-GO BABY

cross breed children conceived from rape, the fuck did you expect?

A couple, and while they're really great people it's just not really the same thing

I have no idea of who those people are
They're pretty fun to be around in small doses, but I'm scared their weirdness will rub off on me

>going to visit without zan knowing

She wanted him to fill 'er up!


Initials of crush? Or race/gender?

Excalibur. As long as this fucking ninja doesn't keep running off ahead we should be okay.



Someday when I have time and spare funds I'll make a VJ cosplay.

It's rare for someone to know the real way things went down... just who are you?

Is that adorable lala who just transferred to the 'mung around?

megumi megu post



ah, can't help you run potd sadly. best of luck.

Can we get a list of ebins who's faces are known to /xivg/? Any and all vintage ebins, ebins, neo ebins and even neo neo ebins allowed on the list. If you post a name please be ready to show proof.
Bad Nyanners (?)
Quentyn (?)
Rylai (?)


>Never had any letters from other servers worth keeping. Then again I mostly only use mog mail for item deliveries or orders.

None of those letters are worth keeping but I'm probably not going to delete them

you and your friend are the best, red.

the best bp

You idiot. they go by michirichichirio megu now. Or my personally favorite that I've seen on here "smegumi smegu"

That's okay, I appreciate the thought.

>Rylai (?)


Thats pretty fucking neato.

Post a picture and I'll remove the (?) Working on an imgur album.

>tfw you realize that you're literally almost beepy

The dude just says what's on his mind while I never could. I probably would've been called insane a lot sooner if I did that.

No one is going to spoonfeed your retard ass.

I love these so much,

Can't stop talking shit about your 'friends', huh Abe.

The fact that this fishing hole is called Dragonhead latrines makes me think that that guy has the wrong idea.

You're mentally ill for caring about people on the internet this much.

So, hows it look?


Dad those shorts look terrible, at least try to dress like a responsible adult.

Funny enough some of my alts have more significant mail communications worth saving. I guess since otherwise with my main most people who even remotely care to speak with me chat to me by other means.

Thanks for mowing the lawn dad

lf rare and exotic cats to cap to

one of the NPCs tells you that they just called it the latrines to get people to fuck off, and now it's one of the best fishing holes in coerthas as a result. think it's the sutler for the ixali quest.

It's terrible how people think "speaking your mind" by itself is insane. Like, yes, you can still be insane if you're speaking your mind, but it doesn't automatically mean you're insane. It seems more insane to deal with bullshit that you don't have to or want to deal with, rather than confronting your problems head-on and making sure they're no longer problems. Don'tcha know that? And here ya are, and it's a beautiful day. Well. I just don't understand it.

It's the friend that posted it but I'll deliver the message.

>tfw this will never be your irl dad

Why even fucking live?

Of course, pick us a good trail!

I've got these too but it felt kinda cheating using an actual set

Those pockets are dumb. Dad, you're so embarrassing, I'm going to my room.

When I 'speak my mind', everything comes out terribly wrong and not what I'm thinking at all and I just fuck everything up worse than it already is. There's a reason why people I used to talk to think I'm insane now and it sucks because I liked them.

Lonely mqiote looking for friends...


>finish a fap session and suddenly realize that I'm literally a sweaty, greasy grown man right now

Is there a word for below rock bottom

post male highlanders that dont use face 1

Alternatively Paks

Just do me a favor and don't steal dad's lip gloss this time please.

Nobody cares enough to talk to me anymore and I don't blame them...


Hit me up then, anonymous

It's too late for that.

I'll never get tired of this picture.


>wasting resources
>people will defend this

if i knew your name i'd be calling you the best more personally, too.

Maybe on my alt if you're still on after I'm done raiding, which is probably going to be in 2 hours.

I used to have that problem. Now I don't, and idk what changed. I wish I had some sage wisdom to pass onto you to help you out, but I don't. Sorry shortman.

>improving ui features
>waste of resources


>Not only will you be able to freeze your entire group, but you can also select a single target to freeze so that you can capture the perfect moment of an emote!
I have never been so excited for lewds.

People who like taking screenshots will enjoy these features. I just wish that SE goes back on heir stance on parsing and adds an in-game parser already.

>making the game more like instagram
>UI features

It's mostly a UI team job with a bit of coding thrown in.
The UI team probably had fuck all to do while the programmers were working on the last alex tier.

How in the fuck is this improving UI features?
I don't think it's a waste of resources per se but it's funny that SE keeps quietly acknowledging how many people flat out don't play the game for the game.

>the helmet close at the end

Pity they're spending time on stuff like this instead of fixing the game's problems.

Sure. I'll be around.

what the heck

this seems like the best thing ever

I'll be at the Mih Khetto Amphitheater

Are you on Balmung? I will actually go for a walk with you >.> we could go to the shroud or something.

a new era of shitposting is on the horizon

>not adding a wardrobe closet instead
s m h t b h f a m

cute boy

Why do you think WoW added the selfie thing?
Protip: it's not because the majority of their players are hardcore raiders

It's like you don't understand the modern mmo demographic.

can you stop with the avatar faggotry? thanks

just another day on balmung

How much do levekits usually go for and/or are they always for 1-50? are they still worthwhile if I have say 20 levels in something?

they vary, server, levels needed, market mat price, etc

That cat in the middle looks like she's seen some shit


its obvious why you want it, trash

