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Literal Who @ Illidan (Horde)
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Neighbourhood @ Argent Dawn (Alliance, formerly MAGA)
Wrench @ Shattered Halls (Horde)

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Big Belfs!

>there are people that don't just make their own groups and only invite DPS above 835

what the fuck is wrong with you?

something something lewd something horse dick something sylvannas something ilvl

Thread claimed by the Banshee Queen.

from past thread

at what point of your artifact level/weapon do you just wait a bit and get more artifact research done?

i'm at i think 50% right now and each level costs 8k which is around 16 world quests, not exactly how i want to spend my free time playing this game

>mfw half the artifacts look like random dungeon drops

Don't forget to bully a healslut today!

>world quest rewards the exact same 835 storm relic 3 days in a row
REEEEE just give me a blood relic or at least a storm one with a good trait

Is it too late to reroll if I wanna get into some more serious raiding this time around?

I regret going holy instead of shadow

_ ___ __ ____ _ __________

Xth for /30%damage/


>world quest says it'll give me 830 boots
>gives me blood of sargeras instead

Neighbourhood @ Argent Dawn (Alliance) EU

Roles shifted a bit, open for whatever. 2 hours x2-3 times a week heroic. Starting strat stuff soon.

>be healer
>be 815 ilvl
>group in list
>835 and higher only
>queue anyways, just to see what happens
>get invited
>ask why invited
>they ve been queuing for 20 minutes already


these pettable dogs are the best thing since inscription!

>If 7 million people are perma-dazed when trying to traverse a zone and on average spent 10-15 minutes per day having to fight things, that is 10-15 minutes they are subscribed to the game

Blizzard never ceases to amaze me.

>ywn be seduced by a healslut after raid and fuck their tight bp

Big Guys @ Silvermoon (Alliance)

play a tank, they cant be dazed

>The whole of BG, in one image

if blood elf girls had bigger tits i would make one

That stickman has a huge dong


Will Thrall end up Warchief again?


who cares about the story at this point

That seems to be the solution to everything.

>Questing too slowly?
Play a tank, pull the entire zone and AoE them down while losing no HP

>Get shit on in Withered Army Training?
Play a tank, pull everything, put Withered on Berserk mode and clear the entire place in 5 minutes losing no Withered.

>Getting Dazed too much?
Play a tank, they can't be dazed.

>Dungeon queues too long?
Play a tank, make 2k gold per run and have instant queues.

World of Tankcraft.

Gnomes are shit and only look "cute" in fan art.

>that one blood elf with the eyepatch
>the fat goblin
>the confused tauren

literally who are these people and what do they do? No wonder sylvanas became warchief

Kill yourself, nobody is joining your reddit dead guild.

am i crazy or does disc do better damage than shadow leveling, except on big health enemies where they can go void form


TFR pls..

>lost his aspect power
>lost doomhammer
>gets beaten into a crawl by demon mobs
>da spirits pick a dead plague whore over him

how the fuck did metzens self insert lose so much relevancy

>Play a tank, make 2k gold per run and have instant queues.
How do you possibly make 2k gold a run?

Which world quest addon should I use?

i dunno
ive seen some cute gnomes in my days

nigga please, that only applies to tauren

arms warrior or rogue?

how bad is fury warrior atm

should I expect getting declines from all mythic groups even if I work on getting 840+ ilvl?

I don't know how he's making 2k but I pull in a bit over 1k because satchels give like 900 gold.


900 gold from the satchel + you get 4-5 runes that sell for 200 g each

the tank life is pretty nice


haha epic

We're talking about 1v1 encounters here.

Every other class can be killed 1v1 so why not healers? Why should healers be the PvP equivalent of raid bosses that require coordinated CC and burst to kill? It's fucking ridiculous.

You know something is wrong when it's impossible to score a kill in arena before 7 or 8 stacks of dampening. There's a reason why Blizzard is toning down healers this expansion.

pls respond

Why is Pandaria so comfy?

Shame it's ruined by pandas.

Are paladin tanks meant to have low health?

They also feel terrible to heal in mythics, am I running into shitters or are they bad?

not a rogue player but ive heard that ass is still pretty good

>that aspect ratio
>not even 3mb

ye it's pretty weird, i had that happen once

>My face when I wasted 2 fucking weeks for literally unplayable prot paladin
Now all that's left is hope that I can make it before EN

Did they do anything in wrath or cata or mop? They just seem to be there for filler, meanwhile the alliance has shit like greymane and velen playing a big part

>start playing my alt rogue
>get the weapon and go do like 5 quests and log off
>play my alt mage instead
>get the weapon and go do like 5 quests and log off
>now about to play my alt warrior
Lets hope this one lasts a bit longer.

Where do I get a 1h weapon and a shield to do the artifact quest with? Just use some heirloom shit?

Holy fuck I healed one like an hour ago, literally had to check if he's wearing cloth or something.

healer ilvl 840 get invited to mythic black rookhold 835+ even while in a party with my 805 friend being carried

Healers should almost never be able to be killed by 1 single dps unless its an extremely long fight.

2 dps should always be able to out damage a healer solo healing themselves.

Here's the issue though, this is WoW. If healers in pvp feel ineffective(read not-god mode) they simply don't play pvp.
>Blizzard toning down healers
Ha, something that has been cried for every single expansion since forever but never happens. They scale too well and are a whiney as fuck bunch.

Im playing a Orc Sham on Alonsus, which is a low pop server. There are usually five people online in my guild at one time. Is it worth getting a server move to Draenor, which is 88% Horde? I really just want to be social again

>all these whisps I've gotten from ganking faggots fishing in the underbelly
Nigga if you're gonna come to a free for all zone to fish don't be a cheap bitch and buy a bodyguard

I want to be her personal cunnilingus slave.

I fucking can't stand your types, find it yourself.


> lvling as prot

Holy shit. After playing prot paladin and vengeance dh and lvling those from 100 to 110, prot warrior is absolute shit. I can survive forever, sure, but I deal next to no damage to everything. God forbid I dare pulling a rare mob.

Google them faggot

wow, hurt feelings..

whats the point of that season 1 gear that drops from WQ when gear gets scaled up to pvp level?

Swapping from Horde to Alliance, because all my friends are faggots and left me on a dead server by myself. Whats a good/decent NA ally server?

And what are the best skin mods? Tserack’s seems to be decent, if only because they don't ignore races like almost every other modder does

probably around 21-23.

Need 30600 for level 20., takes a while at 200-300 AP per item

>world quest says it will give me an 830 cape
>gives me artifact power instead
>world quest says it will give an 835 chest
>gives 2 blood of sargeras instead
>world quest says it will give 835 shoulders
>gives 835 bracers instead
what the fuck is going on

Paladins are the only tanks i have problems healing

>tfw I don't like nipple piercings, but apart from that they're godlike.

What the fuck was the brain trust at Blizzard even thinking when they designed this Stelleris Shakedown world quest in Suramar? Does these fuckfaces even do QoL-testing on their shit? What the fuck was the alpha and beta even for?

What are runes?

>Have to literally equip 4/4 HFC set so healer doesn't shit himself out of mana just be healing me
>Even with all the gcd spent on Avengers Shield I still have to stand in place and just autoattack because everything in on cooldown

you're supposed to beat them into submission, not kill them, so use less hard hitting moves

> tfw rogue at lvl 78
> monk at lvl 85
> either way, will need to go through WoD content again
> cant stomach playing my paladin or warlock this xpac

It's an abstract kind of suffering.


a father and his son lived alone in this house, who was cross dressing a french maid?

fuck my world quest rewards keep fucking changing but the quests dont
anyone else getting this?

>want to play a nelf rogue
>can't imagine a single nelf character even remotely shady/criminal in the entirety of fucking warcraft

I have made a huge mistake

what reasons outside of gameplay purposes does the horde even have for remaining together

orcs were killing everyone not long ago

undead want to kill everyone

goblins might as well go back to neutral

tauren are a noble race unlike the others

blood elves are faggots

dat tail buttplug too


>too nervous to even do dungeons with randoms

How do I get over this? I just died and had to altf4 out of shame


I've totally unequipped my weapon and my trinkets and I still kill them too fast.

One of the most poorly designed quests I've ever seen in this fucking game.



just go through with it honestly
those people dont care who you are
wipes happen
people die
just get resurrected and keep on going famalam

Blood elves are superior to the rest of the mudhut living horde

why they need to be criminals?

lmao, busted!


I've got like 10 of them from the time back in WotLK when you could buy them for like 50g on AH. Are they really that expensive now? You can't even do anything with it.

Should I sacrifice my berserkers on the first door during the scenario? They always seem to die.

Anyone close to exalted with nightfallen?