/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #360

/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #360

No Shitposting Edition

Android: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.com2us.soccerspirits.normal2.freefull.google.global.android.common

iOS: itunes.apple.com/us/soccer-spirits/id808137814?mt=8

FAQ: pastebin.com/wNX2ME3E
Friend list: ofo.jp/j/OgjO

/ssg/ Rankings: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DXPfisMr4PO93itW9rDez5BK9PlK3iwbPBHALyLmKco/edit?usp=sharing

The following players will have a boosted rate during the following weekend(s):

Sep. 16th - Sep. 17th: Gaphyl, Hildegard, Ernesto, Mikael, Orses, Khirel, Duran
Sep. 23rd - Sep. 25th: Altair, Rudiel, Silla, Vitos, Beth, Vonchi + Lucius
Sep. 30th - Oct. 2nd: Roina, Luka, Vivid Fear, Anael, Niarose, Metatron, Serestia

Current events:
Soccer Spirits Raffle Ticket Event: 9/1 - 9/19
Irin Rival Match: 9/4 - 9/18
Rudy Rival Match: 9/11 - 9/25
Nute Boss Match: 9/16 - 9/18 and 9/23 - 9/25

More info can be found in-game

Previous Thread:

It means about 50 cost for each legend

>no shitposting edition
>not adding a "reminder to ignore and report shitposting"
Shit edition

They should really do something about the abundant cost you have lying around in the higher ranks

Fuck off, dont start thread wars.

>previous thread link is the same

>SS, a waifu collecting game, turns people gay

Literally, how high are you?

World Trade Center

I'm as high as you are gay.


An alternative is a penalty to cost

Like first legend +0
Second +15
Third +30 (total +45)
Fourth +45 (total +90)

So you're not penalized for having just one legend but if you have a lot it gets more difficult to fit them all

This might work, makes you use your head before you stick legends in your team instead of just spamming that shit to cut cookies

That sounds retarded, it just means high ranking people could still use many legends and lowbies can't

That seems very logical

Thats the point

High ranking people don't have 600~ cost lying around.
And if you're a lowbie you shouldn't be using 5+ legends anyway

I'm the 2nd or 3rd highest ranked here and I still think that's retarded. Only allowing high ranked players to use many legends is unfair.


No it's not. What else is the fucking point in playing a long time and getting a high rank?

To who exactly? Low level whales? If they really want to use their all legend team that much they can just spam st refills for exp matches

I think I know why they made Angela so strong.

So if they make a commonly available GK super strong, it makes it so, at first many will whale to get her. Then she becomes more common. So then she creates like a barrier of entry. If you can't break her, your striker is simply subpar and you won't be able to win, obviously. So it leads players to whale for Vonchi or William to be able to climb.

>i'm the 2nd or 3rd highest ranked
Sure thing senpai, everyone believes you
>it's unfair to use a bunch of the strongest players by only people with high level rankings that actually have played the game and earned that, like many other mobages that only allow certain number of overpowered units, because...?
>meanwhile allowing low level scrubs getting free wins by using brainless cookie cutter 8 legend teams is ok just because

neat, finally got esteban

It will also give incentive to rank up and to upgrade your xp gain club building. People will want to rank up 140-160 if it means being able to use six legends or something.

Right now cost loses any meaning at rank 100 somewhere because you can comfortable use any combination of players and it stops to matter


Cost is literally WORTHLESS after awhile.

This is the only goddamn mobage I've played where cost isn't taken into account.

They may aswell remove cost

Legendary Units should cost double what they cost now. It will allow people to build different fucking teams and make it worth while.

>TWO 5* in a 10+1
Wow fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Achievement rewards
Max BP increase

actually it's 3 and don't worry, i got two fiestas afterwards

>Bell slams into Duke
>he survives at 30-40%
>he attacks and kills her, overkilling her by something like 1500
Feels bad man. Bell is so bad now.

I only see Ernesto and Hildegard as 5*s there.

they actually removed cost in japan.
expect it to be gone soon

I don't like this

she has taken a beating, but duke is definitely much stronger now,

Cost removal would be fine because this is the only mobage where having a shit character is an active detriment that can lose you the game by losing the ball or getting a free shot against your goalkeeper.

If they want to limit legendaries then they should rework chains.

How times have changed. It used to be duke was a joke. And Bell was queen. Feels bad man.

>implying chains matter when you have the 11 strongest players in your team

Lucifer is there too.
Congrats, he was my 28 day 5*. hopefully he'll be good with an EE.

Is this true?

That is fucking RETARDED

Holy shit


please don't bully lucifer
he may be useless in most setups and is a male, but he's still a 5*

thanks! too early to tell what i can do with him since i don't plan on STing and superbing him yet


>dook has permanent 40% crit damage, 40% crit, 30% reflex and crit totem, 50 pen and 50 DR
>bell has 30% attack, reflex and crti totem, superplay, which is conditional, and 70% attack and dr ONLY with an attack and for a minute, with the possibility on getting it twice
It hurts to see how much better duke is. Only her totem is better, but the pen/dr from duke makes it look shit in comparison.

Sure her totem is better but the attack is inconsequential. It's nice to have but is not decisive at all. Duke's 50% DR/Pen passive is absolutely massive.

>invested in ernesto
>4 superbs now
>still shit
WW only has a decent backline, a couple midline players, and strikers. Hopefully Ernesto's and Evylin's EEs will make them great to use unironically.

That's exactly what I said.Only that skill makes him top 5 S1 legend, no other player has such an amount of those stats for free permanently, and it's worse considering he can work as an attacker and a wall perfectly with not only that, but more crit damage and a real strong attack. Only Khirel is better in terms of damage, but for utility, he's the ultimate legend wall along with meta.

Yeah, Vic-Meta-Duke in MW ace team is the best midline you can make in the game currently imo.

I wasn't disagreeing with you, I was just emphasizing that the small advantage in her totem doesn't mean anything.

>Elaine/milky/willy or vonchi
>victoria/meta/duke/choi or empty
>kevin/duran/DQ/ empty or Gaphyl
Is this the best team in the game?


Too many males.

He's talking about Alejandro there, the furry latino that no one cares about.

Ah, si si.

I think WW/Dark has a stronger backline. Jin might not be *quite* as sturdy, but the backline is otherwise stronger.

The problem with WW is that it only has a backline, a midline player and a striker.
Other midline players are shit but Linmay and Meiran, and as for frontline everyone can be easily replaced with off color players.

>meet up with cg irl
>tell him that silk is shit
>get pinned down by cg for saying silk is shit
>proceed to get hatefucked by cg
>moan pleasure and continue to say silk is shit
>cg continues to pounds my ass to shreds until i say silk is the best
>keep saying silk is shit as he is 12 inches deep in me
>be forever bonded with him through the stickiness of his love juice
>tfw this will never happen

why is life so cruel

his name is furry daddy


Genderbent skin when? It is the only buff he can get to be useful.

>this is allowed but avatarfagging isn't?


A lion man should be a giant, fierce warrior
not this regal bullshit

Remember to ignore shitpost.

B-but shitposts are what makes this general not shitty like leddit

Well, hello there! Today we are .. no, I am going to show you guys the strength list of Strikers by their respective base Star. Just a reminder: if a striker is placed in the same position nubmer as someone else it's because their strength level is alike and take in consideration this is implying they have a good team.

6* ( legendaries) strength:
1 - Vonchi
2 - William and Leventor
I don't think this is wrong at all, but let's move to the 5* that probably will infuriate a few here!

5* (ultra rare) strength:
1- Sharr and Shanti
2- Kirin,Ravian,Bora ( just a reminder that Bora gain crit dmg every active shoot ) and Uriel
3- Griffith,Beatrice, Lucid and Vitos
4- Vann
5- Hiro
6- Blade
7- Irru ( who the hell run this meme striker? )

I don't think I forgot anyone, but here it is.

Is Niarose a good CM?

Tell me this is a reddit post. Please.

It obviously is.
Don't reply to it.

she's bretty gud if you have no one else.
her reflex can get pretty massive.

Is isn't, why the hell would it be?

>listing 5* as ultra rare
>griffith and vitos being beatrice tier
Yes, it is.

Im using Sammy (with Milky ace) now but I see Niarose promising

>The chains system is reworked to include a larger number of players for each chain, mostly targetting 5-6* players of the same element.
>Now, you only need half of the cards to make a chain unlockable. Chains are far easier to unlock, and every player shouldn have effective chains.
>In addition, all chains are reduced in effectiveness, however, chains stack for each player you have, at about 15%-75% effectiveness depending on the chain and the player. Chains that are difficult to satisfy are more rewarding.
>In addition, each player has a Unique chain that is unlocked at Level 70, each rivalling a new ability on their own.

>Jin gets 1.25% critical resistance and max HP for every girl on his team (and Dochi), with double effectiveness if the player is WW.
>Lilith recovers 15% HP every 3 mins for every dark male player on either team.
>Elaine increases the pass effect of allied ardor players by 20%, increased to 30% for Underground players.
>Hiro gets 10% crit rate and crit damage for every legendary on the enemy team.
>Lucian gets +30% max HP and +20% damage resistance if Erica is on his team.
>If Kei has at least eight light players on his team, Never Die is active above 60% HP.

fuck off retard

If you really want to balance chains just give everyone one of each type.

It's stupid

Huh? You want to know what chains I have, /ssg/?
Hmm, I guess I can reveal it to you...

Nemesis chain: Premium Tickets, Free draw

Friendship chain: (You)

Affection chain: 10+1 draws

Uwah! That's reminds me, today is a GREAT day for draws!


Shanti and Sharr aren't top strikers, fuck off

I want to start a family with Uriel!

>Uwah! That's reminds me, today is a GREAT day for draws!
>10 draws

I just scouted Choi. How did RNGesus bless you today, /ssg/?

I got a swrily


Damn, that's a really nice scout roll. I'm sorry, user.

i'd get a shura superb for when I feel like maxing her.

My last spu

How stupid of an idea is running a Leventor/Choi/Elaine/Baltheon front?


Iggy/linmay/freya midline good or nah?
Currently running yuri/linmay/miho and I'm tired of getting reflexed on. This is just a temporary solution obviously because I'm on the hunt for victoria

New to this game, and I'm in the rerolling process. This is the first card that looks somewhat decent. Should I just start the game with this one, or keep rerolling?

Very good unit, but not the one to aim when rerolling.
Look for legends when rerolling

He's great, but you really want a legend when rerolling in this game - they're fairly hard to obtain through normal means.

Any card names in specific?
Not entirely sure who the legendary people are.

They have 6 stars, and they're fairly easy to tell apart.

Valk beth

They have an L icon and they come in 6*
Look for:

Any of these would be top kek

Nice! Thanks for the information guys. Really appreciate it.

They come in red balls when you draw.

Not a problem, friend. The game's a bit daunting to get into, so it's the least we can do.

It sems like iggy would be good for her active, since I'm running sharr but she also seems pretty shitty

Nari best assist
>How to fix Nari
>Change Artistic Soccer II to "Recover the HP and action bar of allies in the position by 15% and spirit by 25% when attacked or with a pass"
>change Provoke to "Increase Pass Effect and Action Speed by 30%"
>Change her LWF bonus to also give reflexes
>Change Shining Route III to give 45% crit at 5/5
every thread until Fred does it

Reminder to never listen to the turtle

But she is top assist.
