/wtc/ - Witcher, Cyberpunk, Forced Memes and Gwent General - (/krw/, /cpg/, /fm/, /gwt/)

What could have been Edition

Standalone Gwent is announced!
>Join the BETA
>Gameplay demo (E3)
>Gameplay Demo (Gamescom)

Patch 1.30 is out!

>Latest patch, free DLCs, The Witcher books(first 5 are official, the remaining fan translations are of varying quality) and short stories
>Experimental first-person perspective mod for TW3

>Pastebin containing Witcher gear locations, TW1+2 and books info
>Debug Console Commands
>Where do I find Gwent cards?
>Witcher lore series for newfriends
>All vanilla Gwent cards ready to be printed out
>Gwent Standalone cards
>Redirect to the current thread

Cyberpunk 2077
>First trailer
>Creator about Cyberpunk 2077's world

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Geralt and Triss OTP.

im only back in this general because of gwent.

I have probably spend more time in The Witcher 3 playing Gwent than doing other side quests.

The Gwent test day was great for me.

The monster deck was a little op and extremely luck based, but great nonetheless.

yeah, i had fun too. i have faith in CDPR to balance the game over the span of the closed beta.

is this CDPR's first multiplayer game?

There was a Witcher MOBA. But I don't think anyone speaks of that anymore.

>Witcher MOBA
haahahaha wow. i have to look that up.

Did they fuck?

Bought this game last week and I'm a little confused over one of the abilities. It's in the yellow tree and it replaces the 10% damage boost you get per adrenaline point with an 8% increase in crit chance.
Is there something fucky going on with crits that I'm not understanding? How is 8% crit meant to serve you better than 10% extra damage?

crits do double damage

>tfw gave myself T5 armor and high lvl relic weapons at the start of the game

I just can't be bothered ever upgrading my gear, the crafting and collection system is just so obnoxious.


I only played TW 3 for a week's time when l got it and now l'm burned out after sixty hours. Help?

How good are the DLC's? I haven't played any.

Just as good as the main game. Some might prefer them because they are shorter.

Excellent, HoS has a better story and B&W has a new area and a bunch of side content.

Avallac'h wouldn't allow it

>you'll never be Ciri in this picture

They're awesome. HoS has a very different overall style compared with most of the game and is very good. B&W is almost like getting another 50% added on to the main game with some cool new leveling mechanics tossed in.

you fine lads seen this?


not Triss, but hot anyway.

This may sound really gay but can you skip the sex scenes in the game? I really don't want to play with a boner

Why not just say you just don't like women? No reason to lie on the internet.

The game that will never come to be, the real ending to the series, the game that was focusing heavily on past games' events and not catering to newcomers ...

Fine I like dicks. Can you skip them then in Witcher 3?

HoS has the best story in the series, Blood and Wine is one of the worst in the series in terms of story but with damn good sidequests, basically if you loved the main game you will love the expansions as well.

An 8% chance to do double damage is just an 8% increase in damage though

>tfw no Keira Metz gf

You can skip them.

it;s been a while since i played but there is armor or swords that drastically increases your chance of crit. so that perk with crit gear was super good.

sounds good, i'll pick them up next time there is a sale. i assume they take place before the end game right? will i have to make a new save if i already finished the game?

I won't miss any story bits right?

B&W takes place after the main story but can still be played before. It's recommended you do the main story first though. HoS you can do whenever you find it appropriate.

HoS has some different dialogues and a hidden ending if you do it before the Uma part, but Blood and Wine always takes place after the main story even if you did not complete it.

Well, you'll miss on the romance content, unless you want to do that and just skip the sex scenes, in that case you won't miss any story, other then seeing Geralt getting it on with your waifu of choice.

really? so your endgame choices/outcomes matter? that's pretty cool.

Alright I'll just skip the sex scene when it comes, thanks.

*To be clear, it is only a dialogue with a certain character that Geralt talks to about events that happened to him while he was gone, I guess they forgot to edit that part if the player did not finish the main story yet.

But the tournament in Beauclair has the date 1275 on the announcement notice, but they also have a 1291 wine vintage so I guess the timeline people were really drunk while making the expansion.

Well, they do in a very minor way, B&W story is pretty self contained, but you do get a special surprise in the end depending on your choices from the main game.

Only the waifu choices, and it is after the expansion is finished, so don't get your hopes up, it is nothing as big as that damn Citadel DLC for ME3 that everyone was talking about.

How dare you question Marcin. I've posted a report on the official forums with your blatant attempt at smearing the game.

Fuck off, Sardukhar.

>Only the waifu choices
That's the most important thing. Getting a visit from Triss was the pinnacle of that expansion.

How can one waifu be so cute?

I have no idea, CDPR outdid themselves. Trissfu is just perfect.

i miss gwent ;_;


I'd pay good money for geralt sherlock point and click game.

could be in one of the worlds ciri visited

could be on a train.

Keira best girl

HoS is the best thing CDPR has ever done. B&W is mediocre and Bioware tier.

wait, did they go full SJW for B&W or something?

Who sent Ciri to the Aen Elle here?
No reason for her to waste her potential with silly mortals

It's all fanservice and memes. No hard choices.

>fanservice for loyal fans is a bad thing


Loyal fans don't want them sacrificing plot and characterization for shallow pandering. It's an insult.

More Triss dialogue > Less Triss dialogue

>loyal fans
>triss fags
pick 1. Most of you guys have only played TW3, almost none of you played TW1, and don't even get me started on the books.

Bookautists are the worst. These are the sort of people who think you have to read the books to enjoy the witcher saga at all.

>Knows all this is true
>Has to attack a strawman to void acknowledging it

There's also the Witcher adventure game (sort of an online tabletop game), but noone speaks of that anymore either.
Server stress test went about as well as the Gwent one - namely half of the people had frequent crashes, insta-wins, endless matchmaking loop, that sort of thing.
What I did see of the game was nice, but I'd have liked it to be a bit more stable.

>There's also the Witcher adventure game (sort of an online tabletop game), but noone speaks of that anymore either.

>tfw no updates ever
This will be the fate of Gwent in a year.


I hope not. I would really enjoy a balanced card game set in the Witcher universe. I kinda missed the boat with HS and I don't really care about WoW lore at all so I'm hoping Gwent really takes off.

There's your problem

wtf gwents not even out you faggots

Where The Fuck is my Ciri and Avallac'h game adventure dlc including the extra romance content : "A king and his mistress" to watch Ciri get pounded by hot elf sage DICK????

Do elves have smaller dicks than humans, and thus they procreate more slowly?

they had a stress test today, it was fun.
they are not incompetent though.

>manlets on the offense
Humanlets have the smaller penises
Superior elf dick is saved for the best ladies

>want to play blood and wine
>don't want to play Hearts of stone

>Implying Ciri is dead
>implying lady of time and space can't easily just walk out
>I go wherever I please she ever I please
>waah waah she's dead
She's enjoying the unicorns and steampunk cities 2bh
Wouldn't be surprised if she tped to tir na lia and went back to Avallac'h

triss is complete and utter shit

Get the fuck out and never return.

triss is really shit, i'm amazed at how trashy she is lmao

Triss is perfection.

i was cooking bacon earlier and it reminded me of the time triss was burned to a crisp (lmao). really makes you wonder how one character can be so irreversibly shit

Crispy Triss sounds delicious tbqh, I would totally taste her. I love her so much.

i'm not surprised triss attracts cannibals, utterly shitty characters always have the worst kind of fans

>they are not incompetent though.
They're incompetent at balance. They have never released a remotely balanced game. Closest would probably be TW2 but even then...

I appreciate Triss for all she is, her perfection makes me want to enjoy her in any way imaginable. Love her, eat her, smell her, bathe her....I don't care, I just want more of her.

But HoS is better than B&W.



mistakes were made

That interview with the CDPR writer is depressing

>Triss is very strong
>Triss and yennefer ar great friends no matter what
>"We took special care to provide both Triss and Yennefer with equal amounts of "screen time"

Not_Important was right.

>inb4 "you think you know better than the CDPR writers?!" from the Triss autists
Yes. Yes I do.

This game story is real fucking beautiful.

I just wish the combat mechanics were better.

>Yes. Yes I do.
Looking forward to playing the version of the game you wrote...oh wait...

I completely agree with you, user.

You don't have to be a chef to tell your steak is underdone, user.

Reminder that Twilight is a literary masterpiece that you cannot criticize unless you've written and published a book yourself. Bella x Edward OTP!

Bella and Edward's horrible abusive relationship is put forward as wonderful by an author totally lacking in self awareness pandering to her own sexual desires and those of an immature segment of fantasy fans.

Just like Geralt and Triss.

I love how the writer said the strength of Triss' character comes from her personality. I couldn't agree more. Triss has an amazing personality.

Kek, so true.

TW2 got Triss write. It's hard to imagine that the same writers that did the characters in that game, as well as nuanced stuff like the Bloody Baron plotline, could deliver such a generic waifu character in TW3. I really just don't understand it.

Triss vs Geralt is realistic and more properly reflects actual love rather than the "I HATE THAT I LOVE YOU" Vampire Diaries tier Yennefer-Geralt romance. Geralt and Yennefer simply aren't compatible and the whole relationship felt like some forced B-Flick vampire romance novel rather than something real. It was far too sappy and outright childish for my liking.

>got Triss write.


The Twilight comparison stung, huh?

>I have never had a girlfriend