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Strongest mom

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Jamison Fawkes!

hana song

I love her!


How did Mercy go from a top meta pick to bad? Is it because everything destroys Pharah now?




>no female animal character yet

How the hell do I get coins?

Hana is a brat who needs a father figure

Who /climbin'/ here?

she stopped getting POTG every game and people realized a res bot isn't as useful as the other supports

Cutest and best pairing

I really hate you for posting that when all discussion in /mgg/ has died and you reminded me of it.

she's the only healer other than lucio that can't really do consistent damage and/or boost other heroes' damage, and lucio's healing is overpowered to the point that every team HAS to have one, so she's left in the dumpster

I wonder why a classic healer character fits so poorly into this game and how she could be fixed

But you don't even know who she is

Ana Amari!

Mercy is a slut

That's why she's so great

I love her, already!

Her spot when she got buffed was one person burst healing, but Anna does it better. Literally everything other than res someone else does better. Her only place is as the girlfriend character.


Why is junkrat so crazy ?

>with mics
>these people are all children
>have been playing with children for months
>grown adult
Why is this so uncomfortable?


The solution is obviously dual wielding.

Stream gets bound to RMB and E changes mode, or vice versa.

Just pretend they're girls

Junkrat has a boyfriend though

>When you stand on the edge of lijung tower as roadhog and hook enemies to their deaths.
Feels good man

The inability to defend herself doesn't help either. Ana has sleep dart, Zen can discord and attempt to kill, and Lucio can boop and speed boost away, but the best Mercy can do is fly to a teammate and if she's caught alone by a sneaky Reaper she's out of luck. Too high-maintenence for too littlr utility. A character that needs to be protected by her team at all costs to be useful had better be pretty damn useful.

>no "Angela Ziegler" option
>no "it's complicated" love triangle option
>not even a "somebody else who is already on the game's roster" option

Shit poll.

>always see a D.va main in comp
>main Zarya myself and always ran all over him
>we end up becoming friends and play in a stack together
>find out he's actually Rank 1 in the world for D.va
>and I had been destroying him beforehand like it was nothing special

5 cute facts about sombra:

- She's a girl!
- She's a hacker!
- I love her!!!!!
- Sombra!!!!!!!!!!!

>A level 35 in my game
>They choose symmetra

I just leave these games now

> a genji or a tracer with 75 perma shields and 75 armor

gg ez

>caring about team comp in quickplay
Fucking pussy

You realize people can be ranked high on websites but still lose a lot, right?

A harmony orb on a tracer or genji always ends up healing more than 75 total, so.

Her dash should probably be the same as Pharah's if there's no ally to fly to.

I also love her!

Even though concing people off edges never gets old, my favourite thing to do is stop peoples retreat with it. Popping a zarya bubble then concing her into the middle of my team is a great feeling

you just KNOW that mei is fertile as fuck

Well he's got an 80% win ratio with D.va in nearly 200 games, so yeah.
I must have contributed to at least 50% of his losses lel, I was always put on the other team and rarely lost because Zarya is OP as fuck

Considering it requires two team slots to pull off, it's not really worth it.

is made for_______

protip: if you're the kind of cheeky roadhog to hook other roadhogs first, jump when you shoot them so they don't blow your head halfway off, hook you in return, then blow it all the way off


Ziegler isn't even gonna be in the comic user, because she's irrelevant not only in gameplay but also in lore

>mic is constantly on

Pharah is best girl.

Especially when a Genji or Tracer with constant Zarya shields and a harmony orb is just as bad and Zenyatta and Zarya are on every team anyway

Mercy is getting railed only by the warframe

I'm talking to my friend about how bad me and their McCree are. I don't open mic with randos

The feud between Morrison and Reyes is central to the story, and she has something to do with Gabriel's twisted revival. Sound's fairly relevant to me.

>yfw the reason Sombra is taking so long is because they are making her cute and blobby

she will never be cute and blobby.

>no qt egyptian goddess gf

Kissing all over.

Especially on his big gut.

Her mom is hotter, even as an older woman

Mercy won't be in the comic, she has no interaction with 76. It's not happening

>love triangle
Which implies that one loves the other and it's mutual. Meaning you can still choose you whinny dink.

>somebody else who is already on the game's roster

Literally the only 2 characters with any chance of possibly being romantic with 76 are Ana and Reaper and that's it.

>no qt Egyptian goddess gf who will keep the skies clear for you

Correct answer!

>normie friend wants to invite his new girlfriend
>expecting her to be a Mercy main
>she's a Lucio main
He got a good one

She has nothing to do with his revival. It's not suggested in the lore anywhere. It's literally something someone came up with early on and it stuck. It's not true in any sense, anywhere.

End the meme

Fat women create genetically inferior children due to epigenetic pollution.

ajpregu.physiology.org/content/299/3/R711.short "Maternal obesity and fetal metabolic programming: a fertile epigenetic soil"
>Infants born to obese, overweight, and diabetic mothers (even when normal weight) have increased adiposity and are at increased risk of later metabolic disease.

Without physically examining the eggs of each female member of the Overwatch cast, I would have to predict that the most fertile character is D.Va, due to her low age. As a woman's age progresses her eggs are genetically tainted by background radiation and the likelihood that their zygotic offspring will develop genetic illnesses gets progressively higher the older the mother gets. See:

>Downs syndrome incidence organized by maternal age
>At age 16, 1 in 2,843
>At age 20, 1 in 1,441
>At age 40, 1 in 84

In addition, D.Va is also Asian, so any offspring produced with her would likely develop a higher intelligence than if produced with another race of human. It's because of these two facts, her young age and favorable race, that D.Va is the ideal Overwatch character to impregnate.

I don't disagree

>asian intelligence is genetic
holy fuck you are stupid


Made a wallpaper even though I'm not good at it

>be Zarya main
>someone else picks her before me
>trying to use another hero
>absolutely no idea what I'm doing anymore
It's became natural that I pop bubbles on myself and people, and I sometimes forget how squishy other characters can be

Loli Pharah > Ana > Pharah

>Mercy: This is not what I intended for you, Reyes.
>Reaper: You knew exactly what you were doing.

What is this

Asian intelligence is genetic. Refer to the image included alongside my post.

It is speculated that asians developed heightened intelligence compared to other races because they evolved coastally, near sources of fish high in fatty acids crucially helpful to the function of the human brain.

>i'll never be this autistic

¿Porque no los dos?

Cool, saved

Post where that line is said in game and I will believe you. I honestly thought someone shoved that line into a comic and people started believing it.

And maybe on his nice pierced tiddies.

Do IQ tests include poor Asians, or just the upper classes and their descendants that live in civilisation?


If you read the image in instead of blindly and retardedly responding with nonsensical outrage at your current views being contradicted, you might find out.

>IQ Scores for Adopted Children of Various Races After Being Reared in White Middle-Class Homes (Average of Scores at Ages 7 and 17)

Is the cutest!


I think you'd get a different result if you raised someone from rural China in that home to if you raised a Hong Konger.

>completely ignores the fact that he can't even read

>[weeb name] locks in Genji
>he's bad

D.Va is scientifically confirmed as the ideal mother.

I mean, just look at her. Isn't this mother material?

And someone gave birth to them, but we don't say that their mothers are relevant to the story. She has no agenda, and no character aside from the pathetic 'well, she's a good person i guess, so that's why she's a doctor'. She's was literally a face they slapped on the 'they're dead, lol not really' cop-out, but that face is not even needed. Since it can be comfortably occupied by Overwatch in general. Or talon. Or any other faceless doctor that no one cares about. She's a fucking plot device and not even a good one at that.

And don't even get me started on how bad of a character she is from the gameplay design perspective.

Is this one of the missing 86 new lines? what did he mean by this?

Junkrat's butt!

I don't think you get it. The kids in those studies were adopted a few weeks after birth, not at like 10 years old or something. It doesn't matter where they were born. It had no way to affect them.


Is also the cutest! I want to squeeze it!

Post 'em


>people actually instalock tanks and supports
>tfw I barely even remember how to DPS after filling as tanks and supports for so long

>Fat women create genetically inferior children due to epigenetic pollution.
How the fuck does that even work

>implying QP

Probably a map with smoke on it?
Do any of the missing lines give anything else interesting? Lore wise? Any tidbits? If not I won't bothering looking into them.

Not that user, but i think it's a start of the map interraction. Can be on any map. You've probably never heard it because nobody plays mercy but the absolute sub-gold shitters these days

Idk how you guys managed to break 3500 I steam roll teams until i reach 3400 and then i start getting matched up against top 500 players on the other team and i get knocked down 100 sr and then I rape everybody back up to 3400

>doesn't isolate adopted vs non-adopted
super retardo