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Do honor talents and the stat templates activate when you enter world pvp combat or do they only work in instanced pvp?

If they only work in instanced pvp then how do they plan on balancing world pvp combat if they are only planning on balancing the power of classes around the stat templates and honor talents?

>call the expansion Legion
>it's actually an old god expansion

Hey, /wowg/! How's things?

When I see T2 paladin, I wish to see an army of T2 paladins.


>Modern WoW storytelling
>les old gods did absolutely everything xD plot filler 9000

In other news, I've started playing again since quitting in Lich King and I'm having a lot of fun as a Prot Paladin

but Magni following the Old Gods after being a part of the earth for so long is actually one of the better "twists" Blizzard has done in a while.

Think I finally found a decent shaman transmog that isn't kor'kron set with a generic weapon.
What do you guys think?

Nothing special, just Zul set.

It's actually hard to find something fitting to hold in your hands. Most zul'gurub/zul'aman weapons look ridiculous. And that fucking mace from archimonde just HAD to have green shit emanating from it to ruin the whole idea.
Anyways, I'm just happy there's something that looks good on a troll shaman. It's a rare instance.
And the colors match pretty much perfectly!

How do Prot Paladins do in 5 man content & soloing old content?

Pretty good overall. Warriors and paladins do +5s, while almost every other tank is a no-no.

The gameplay is another talk though.

I'm levelling a Prot Pally right now and having fun

I feel too squishy sometimes in dungeons but that's probably me being a shitter

Can somebody invite me to a guild on Illidan? Arcane mage named Jimble.

Is it just me or are tanks consistently the worst players? They are never challenged to stop sucking by being called out for the DPS or HPS being low/dying to mechanics in mythics and they get to Emerald Nightmare being complete shitters and can' do simple mechanics properly.


>That abstract kind of feel when Blizzard says they didn't want to break specs or make people feel like they picked the wrong class/spec
>That feel when this expansion has time gates so you can't just reroll
>Shadow Priests, Arms Warriors, Havoc Demon Hunters

cute name

Fun wears off quickly. In the end, you're just a factory worker, playing Simon Says with your cooldowns.
"Oh no, Red level ability goes off, better press red level DR!"
Not fun at all, trust me.

Well, of course it fits but you're just an expy of Zanzil now. Why don't you pick Zulian Ward while you at it? Or Bloodspattered shield.

Is janny here or is it safe to post some tits?

They don't quite fit on the color scheme, and overall don't look good. Yeah, fits the theme, but something is off.

The only old God influence is through the naga

I thought he had been communing with the titan soul?

I've actually used loa-binder disc for troll transmog. Goes really well, aside from the fact that the damned thing covers 70% of the model and clips through the shoulders


BoE set worth million+

i want to _____ a female panda?

how do i make inverse weakauras for raids? i want to make it so that if lifebloom is not used on any target, my icon loads. however, currently, i can't inverse it for groups or "multi-target". i can on "specific units" is there a command for "everyone in my raid group" as a specific unit?

Fuck this area as a warlock

>void walker cannot hold group aggro
>more then 3 mobs on void walker will kill it very quickly and then rape you
>packs of literally 15+ mobs run through the zone from portal to portal and aggro onto you
>all I need to do is pick up a fucking book on this table
>200g repair cost just to do that

check out the Ahn Qiraj weapons and shields lad

How often do class hall missions appear?
I seem to get two a day, one of which is always tip the scales

>tfw still dont know what to boost between hunter or mage

"inflate the kneecaps of"

Instanced PvP activates the stat templated. Honor talents activate whenever you're in any PvP combat

They don't. Raid / Wait for arena gear to proc for world PvP or don't play in the world

Are any of the range classes even fun? Honestly, range doesn't feel like it has any impact whatsoever

Sharing mog.

True, it really feels like they don't have any impact compared to the better melee animations. Well until you look at the damage meters and see ranged fuccbois doing millions of damage

shit shoulders
head is kinda lame

what is arcturis the spirit bear spawn timer?
I herar 6 hours and 12 hours.

Blizzard is going to lose a ton of subs each time they nerf any spec.

Even more will quit the longer the expansion goes on and the more those players had played and invested AP into their artifact.

This kills the wow.

Well, doing huge damage doesn't necessarily mean you feel like what you're doing is impactful in that sense

Fuck this was removed? Why?

>over 200 stamina flasks
>still no rank 3 recipe
i've farmed roses so hard i made 100k just yesterday on the ah

but i cant rank up my fucking alchemy because the diceroll doesn't like me. why is this the system. even when i unlock the rank 3 recipe its STILL rng because the last 10 levels are all green so it could take hundreds to get those. this is awful.

Because Scarlet Monastery needed to be updated for some reason.

I just remembered that I've been to a virtual wedding.

Goddamn that game was weird

because MoP """"revamped"""" scarlet monastery

you can just buy the transmog set (for both mail AND plate now) from darkmoon faire anyways, as long as you have the scarlet tabard which still drops from armsmaster harlan
the ability to do this was added in 7.0

>i made 100k just yesterday on the ah
>proceeded by whining

Suck a dick, or suck a dick and then buy the mats you need to keep trying to get the recipe you want. Either way, imbibe a penis you whiny little scrotum.

>pale skin with freckles
>green eyes
>red hair

>pale skin
>blue eyes
>black hair

>tanned skin
>brown eyes
>blond hair

>everything else

What is the slowfall/glider toy called from highmountain? I need to get on that shit.

How do i find a non spam invite guild?

why is that frog attempting to fend off a tadpole

start one with your friends

you have friends don't you?

Look on your respective server's forum

By having a reason you want a guild in the first place. Followed up with looking for a guild based on that criteria.

rocfeather skyhorn kite

it has a 1 min duration and a 15 min CD.
blizz nerfed it from 2 mins and also destroyed the brulfist idol which launched you in the air.

get the emerald winds as well

All Horde female races are only cute in fanart. Prove me wrong. Pandaren and Belves are shit and don't count.

Im in a guild named after a youtube meme

What am I in for?

the bracers, belt and gloves are all worth 400g each now, they drop from the salvage yard in wod

the boots are 60k on my server and the chest piece is 45k

you can get the entire mog ensemble from DMF for 20k


>open wowg
>shadowpriest balance whine
>however it's totally justified and i do it too
comfy feel

remove s2m and give shadowform 100% dmg wen

No actually.

I suppose thats a good start.

I just want friends, that use some sort of voice ip.



>tanking mythic+ dungeons with 2 friends
>literally have to explain every single mechanic, every single pull
>have to call out for almost every single one of their fucking abilities and when they need to use them
>one is death knight and is completely useless, still have to call for him to grip mobs even though he has like 2 buttons to press
>other is a demon hunter with insane utility
>demon hunter friend is literally borderline retarded
>remember he basically took legal speed as a kid and now that he's off of it he can't do anything
>call for aoe stun 12 times in voice coms
>after the fight ask him why he didnt aoe stun
>he says sorry and that it's hard for him to focus on multiple things at once
>death knight friend actually has a 3 digit IQ but is playing a completely fucking useless class that's been gutted out the ass
>get to last boss after an house
>dps and healer leave and we just wasted an hour of our time

I'm going to fucking kill myself man. I feel bad because they are friends but fuck me if I don't ever play with these retards ever again it will be too soon.

get better friends

>remember he basically took legal speed as a kid and now that he's off of it he can't do anything
>legal speed

ADD meds.

Im finally done with all the stable mounts and now Im almost done with the anglers rep for the water bug mount.

What are some other goods mounts that are earned through dailies or daily rep grind that are worth doing?

>get to last boss after an house

what the fuck is with alchemy right now

>3k+ for flasks that last an hour
>1k+ for potions that give a damage increase and need to be used up to two times per fight

what level do I have to be in alchemy to get the increased flask duration?

its gonan be worth it to dump a profession on raid nights just to get that buff and then switch back after raiding is over

>switch cost = 1k
>flask costs = 3k+
>flasks without alch buff 1 hour
>flasks with alch buff 2 hours

its a no brainer
what do 'I have to do to make this work?

If I dont Blackrock foundry on normal and beat then do it on Heroic in the same week will I get another set of boss drops or do normal and heroic share?

the other water strider from Draenor

i hope you like fishing, user

P-please don't bully ;_;

I'm doing Mythic+ with 2 friends. I'm tanking, one is healing, the other DPSing.

We've been grabbing whatever 2 shitters we can from LFG, and have done up to +5 this way, but we're looking to get 2 people to form a static weekly progression group, ONLY using our keys in our own group.

So anyway, I need two big dick AoE DPS. Preferably a fire mage and a WW monk or outlaw rogue. If anyone's interested in making the dream M+ team gimme your battletag

when is huns going to realise that nobody even finds him funny ironically anymore

>those spiders in the arcway that literally jump and cling onto your face

Normal, Heroic and Mythic raid's do not share a lockout.
It works the same way as dungeon difficulty.

That disc looks really nice
would steal/10

I'm at 680 and my flasks last two hours.
Collecting Starlight Rose one by one is cancer and I still don't have rank 3 after 150+ nodes.

I am not sure about WoD content but this is incorrect for anything older than that

all old raids that had multiple versions now all share the same lockout

if I do ICC 10 I cannot do ICC 25 that week
If I do Blackwing Decent on Normal I cannot do Blackwing Decent on Heroic

they may not have fixed WoD yet though

Which armor type ACTUALLY looks the best on gnomes?

do you know how the profession swapping works now?

if I drop enchanting at level 700 something for alchemy
level alch up to whatever level I need to be to get the 2 hour duration buff (lets say 680 for simplicity sake)
can I then drop alch and pick enchanting back up at around 700 skill?
or does it reset to 0 but I know my Legion patterns?

No armor at all, 100% nude with no underwear (via mods)

oh sorry you were talking about old raids

Is Fury better than Arms for M+?

trash is the biggest bitch in M+

bosses are pussy tier

nighthold LFR when?!

>another no legendary day

So i have just started playing and i am massively out leveling the zones im in, should i be moving out of the zone as soon as i hit the level for the next one or is it cool to finish off the zone completely

we have to sell flasks for stupid prices because farming roses is cancer and you can only make 1 flask at a time until you get rank 3 where sometimes you'll make multiple from one set of ingredients.

but getting rank 3 is rng. flasks SHOULD go down when people get their cauldrons, but getting above 780 alchemy relies on having level 3 flasks which is rng, then the levels themselves are all green so its rng.

basically flasks are expensive because alchemy and herbalism is a diceroll.

>hip plating

Mistweavers are fucking broken in Arena
Prove me wrong
Fucking passive heal bullshit


Is there any way to stop these fucking retarded shitstains from running into melee range where they die to splash aoe? I can't get more then 3 rooms in because they keep trying to fucking melee despite the fact that their only attack is a ranged rock throw

hello huns??
will you PLS be my gf?
i want to raise an army of slutty warrior gnomes to fight for us in battles to come
i love u so much

>UD warlock

so edgy

stop enabling his ebic 3 year old character he's fooled himself into thinking is funny

Who wants to help me catch this bear?
Ill give you 50k on alliance sargeras, or give you pets worth the value. Or you could make a throwaway character and buy a mount or something.

>fighting lapillia
why though