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I think he meant "kill on sight"

>Do not post outside of /b/ [...] uncalled for catch phrases
fuck off

>kos= Kill On Sight

Im not referencing the nightmare but I shouldve firgured that someone would make that assumption

>hornet pivot strafecancel backstabs you


Obobobo just started his own covenant, the Crusaders. A group of holy knight who oppose the Bloodshades.
is he our guy now ?

>implying Vicars aren't Kosm fags


>faith builds to counter bloodshades
Sounds familiar. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I think I've heard this idea before.

Disgusting copycats. We need to hunt them down as well and purge them just as hard as we purged badshades on pc.

I wish you were my firekeeper, user, i love you.

No. Crusaders and Vicars are different sects and fuck obobo to start with. Im voting that crusaders are to be treated the same as bitchshades

i sowwi

keep your reddir PCuck cancer shit out of MY THREAD, fuck off to reddit and discord with your gank squad circlejerk shit
kill yourselves

I know some of the lore but I never actually played bb. Why would this be a rational connection?

No, usurpers must be purged
when badshades go extinct, we're gonna kill these fags

i've been on every general since this redditshade shit started and i've never seen that picture, did you edit that? good job

The only way we can settle this is by official clanwar tournaments live on stream

>people own threads
>has to take out "Ree no pcucks on my thread" to keep mods from hiding it
You've been memed boyo


It's not, unless you went through sone loops.
It's just part of some great dialogue in the game

*excommunicates in balls*
repent the fuck off?


>dlc incoming and player run covenant shenanigans
>highest community interest in the game since launch
>f-fuck off with y-your reddit shit!


you're almost as mentally ill as mentally ill user

He didn't make this

>tfw cancer hits terminal

No they didn't.

They don't even have the rights to make a new one and the last one tied up everything.

Everything in armored core is all just a new cycle of technology and ruins.

I miss it.

They explicity said so in an interview

How? You both you wait around for invaders

>he can't even come up with something so basic as a covenant on his own without copycatting people

Although, one has to give Obobo some credit for having absolutely zero shame. Being a sociopath must be real nice.

>try to make any playthrough without it or santier's
>give up because boredom

Why are they so amazing?

Source now

What I read was they wanted to but the publisher or whoever owns it isn't letting them because it's not profitable enough

As a vicar, is it acceptable for me to use poison?
I mean, heretics deserve writhe in agony, no? Besides, it's quite sub-optimal, which again makes it a counterpart of bleed.

>Liu Kang kicking hosts off the edge
Never forget

When the dlc hits, are we going to have another gladiator event?

I want to do my kung fu witch build again so bad.

At least give me a fist weapon with quickstep.

fuck off with your heretical horse shit. Poison is the weapon of women and cowards

How exactly do I make sure siegward rescues greirat?

wasnt this like two days ago?

What is the best shield for parry + good stability? Silver Knight?


>spoonfeed me pls
go check gamespot retard

Why would you wanna use poison anyway? Its so bad.

From pls fix.

Did this set of pics ever get finished?

>make sure siegward is in irithyll after you send greirat
>DO NOT speak to siegward before either beating pontiff sillyman or proceeding into irithyll dungeon

Save seig from the well

Send greirat to iceland

Kill a boss before moving seigward to the dungeons

I heard that the spore staff is better than clouds/ordinary poison and it's easier to set up when someone is distracted, like in a 3v2/3v2 scenario.

Does the handmaiden seriously not sell more than 1 Slab? Surely the wiki is wrong here pls

>stability and good parry

pick one but if you're going with a medium shield with parry Id go lothric

They can outeal it with SPR I think

the CE maiden does :^)

Lothric got 66
Silver got 63
all at +10/+5, take your pick

8 slabs per playthrough champ. Not sure why they decided to do this but unless you've got collectors edition you're stuck with it

which shield has the highest stability when upgraded? havel's/artorias/yhorm? i wanna make a wall for my fellow vicars

When are they going to make magic useful again by reintroducing dark bead?

Would I be gimping my damage to much if infused my Astora GS with lightning?

50 faith btw

I love how they kept all the worst aspects of BB (at least, for a DaS game- they were ok in BB itself) and ignored the best aspects of DaS2.

fucking Miyahacki

Greatshield of glory. Slap magic shield on it and you're unstoppable.

I've tried it, its still pretty bad.
But its already good though. I've killed 3 people at once with one chaos orb recently and that isn't even the best pyro.

they were just bad

You can farm rocks in BB.
In my opinion the least punishing way to farm too

>Decreased stamina regeneration
will chloranthy +2 offset this? or am i better off using the second-highest stability shield?

I think havels and GSoG are the highest stability

At 50 faith a yorshka Lb buffed astoras would be the better route

If you want to be inefficient on purpose.
Trying to proc poison will just get you killed while achieving nothing in-game. Using Fire would be better.


>another useless "covenant" for pvp in shitty area
Meanwhile no one help you to fight 4vs1 ganks in Catacombs, Dungeon, Lothric, Archive etc

Atleast Crusader Vincent will have the deepest lore with this new covenant

Just make a bow build and hang out by the jailers.

So talking to Seig moves him out of the estus soup room into the dungeon?

Once he's in there I just don't talk to him and then go kill some other boss in a different area that isn't the dungeon and then greirat lives?

But what other boss could I kill without going into the dungeon?


Maybe you're just bad?

What's a good name for cleric who uses both holy and dark miracles

Now, I'm not good at this whole unlocked casting thing, but I know once you learn to do that - even Sorceries become far more viable. Supposedly if you place a shader dot, or an actual dot on your screen, you can aim pretty much pixel perfect every time.

I haven't done the whole Pyromancy thing since this webm was made though, so I don't know if shit got nerfed. I know that Sorceries got buffed though.

Mace Dindu


Cool last time I read anything from him he said he wanted to make one but couldn't

Because I don't get hit by chaos orb? you casters

.>dark miracles

Chloranthy gives plus 9 stamina regen while gsog reduces it by 20. It might be better to go with havels or moaning. But if you have magic shield on the gsog stamina regen doesn't even matter because you won't even lose stamina.

Unfaithable patches

Should i make a lautrec build?

Pontiff or ODK.

You're able to send greirat there before even getting the doll, so the deacons work too as long as you save onionman before sending greirat

"Viable", but not dark bead viable.

RIP Vincent, it was nice knowing you

God's hand

So? Just run away from them. Use a light roll.

>Because I don't get hit by chaos orb?
Because they're bad
I'm mlg_pro and never miss. My hit rate with chaos orb is 98% against other mlg_pro.

>2 bosses while OH had 4 new ones
>4 armor sets when OH had 9 new ones
>15 new weapons, most which will most likely not be as interesting as the stuff introduced in OH or even DaS2 like whip sword or bone fist
>14 whole bucks while OH was 19 for at least double the content
Oh man, i think this is it, this will be the 1st disappointing DLC for this series, unless Miyazaki was straight up lying i dont think there is anything that can save this one.

I have the doll now but I can't send him. I haven't done watchers yet though. Once I do watchers I won't be going back to fire link until I get cr8s axe

Genius , thanks you

goddamn you win this one

I'm sorry I won't come around your turf ever again.

Well, that's like saying hornet ring builds are "viable", but not as viable as DS2's Mundane Dagger build. The only reason Dark Bead was considered viable was because if you even got remotely touched by it, you blew the fuck up regardless of your health.

>It's theorycrafting autist with 99% solo winrate against ganks
just stop