XCOM General - /xcg/

Keeping the Fight Edition

Previous Mission: News:
1)Console Release of XCOM 2

2) Long War Studios has released the Long War Alien Pack:

3) Julian Gollop is STILL working on his new game Phoenix Point. It's a turn-based tactical game with strategy elements, destructible terrain, geoscape and character progression. He was recently interviewed by Eurogamer about it.

The /xcg/ Mandatory Read:

/xcg/ XCOM 2 character pool

Image Library of /xcg/:

XCOM2 modlist, UPDATED!

MEGA Mod Repository, contains most of the mods in the modlist:

Modlist Steam Collection - Contains 99% of the mods in the modlist:

Assorted improvements (Skip intros, alleviate stuttering, multi monitor support, and resolutions past 1080p):

/xcg/'s Long War Library (New LW players read this shit or you will be ignored):
Piratez mod for OpenXCom:

Feeling 'Burnout' out of XCOM? Rewatch these:

Other urls found in this thread:



Yeah, previous thread slipped out before it could be stopped.

I blame EXALT

seems like a reasonable scapegoat

Hopefully updated versions of these soon.jpg

I noticed an achievement for winning without anyone dying
How? That should be statisticly impossible
T. user who burns through more rookies/squaddies then the USSR

you'll figure it out fits honestly not that bad if you can get past the early months

Not like this.

>That should be statistically impossible
not even close

Does anyone else feel disappointed in XCOM 2?

What ruined it for me was, I play legend and I just know I'm about to hit that point when I'm literally unstoppable, and at that stage what the fuck is the point in playing?

It's just so bad and it made me feel bad because the base concepts are so good

The worst thing though, are the fucking devs
They made 1 maybe 2 balance updates and dropped the game
That's it
It's so disappointing to see such a game with great potential die because the devs couldn't spend 2 weeks play testing it

Is the mod scene dead?
Are the long war devs done making mods for XCOM 2?
Is the game a corpse?

What the hell is this entire post.

Are you retarded you fuck?

I'm not disappointed but I will hold the final call till XCOM 2 version of EW comes out.

Pistols are Useful.

Wait they're doing an expansion like EW?

It riddled with bizarre passive aggressiveness (as if this post doesn't confirm it) and ignorance. But I guess I'll answer your questions anyway and talk about some of the assumptions you make anyway.

>What ruined it for me was, I play legend and I just know I'm about to hit that point when I'm literally unstoppable, and at that stage what the fuck is the point in playing?
An unfortunate problem that is present in every x-com/xcom to date

>The worst thing though, are the fucking devs

>They made 1 maybe 2 balance updates and dropped the game
3 dlc, an update for the release of each, X2 ported to consoles recently, patches, and expansion still to come.

>Is the mod scene dead?
Just go on the the steam workshop.

>Are the long war devs done making mods for XCOM 2?
Still one more is in the works

>Is the game a corpse?
As the rest of the stuff I addressed shows, no.

I shared my thoughts in that post and asked direct questions
When you replied acting dumb I called you out, there's nothing "passive aggressive" about any of it
Your first reply was tho, now thank you for collecting yourself to make a worthy reply
By the way all the dlc so far was such garbage I forgot it existed
They learned nobody wanted shit like that from EU and then made EW
Is an expansion of that sort confirmed for 2?

>expansion like EW
>rulers: new ayys/weapons/suit abilities
Hmm, nope, sorry, nothing comes to mind.

>3 dlc, an update for the release of each, X2 ported to consoles recently, patches, and expansion still to come.

they said that the 3 dlc wouldn't replace an expansion

That's not a conformation, I mean if a dev actually confirmed something like that, officially.
I couldn't find shit

"like EW" as in a huge expansion you moron
If I wanted to play EW I'd go play it

>"these dlc's will not be taking the place of an expansion"
>"We will make an expansion if there is interest and the game sells well enough"
>beyond earth got an expansion
>(after shen's final gift dropped) "There will be more free and paid content"
No is is not "officially" confirmed.

Shen's last gift came out like almost half a year ago though
That's a long time to at least announce some free or paid content

>(after shen's final gift dropped) "There will be more free and paid content"
Where are you getting this from?

>replying to filthy /v/ posters

I was here till the game launched and played it day one
It's not my fault you're upset about words

>tfw you wake up and the general died

>Shen's last gift came out like almost half a year ago though
>June 30 2016
4 months ago isn't that bad
it took almost a year for them to just tease EW

Fair enough
How's the mod community?
Is it still people make joke mods or is there some more interesting stuff in the works?

Currently a bunch of Mass Effect mods are constantly being released, and some gameplay tweaks are publishing here and there.

Cheers for the info dump user

There are over 2 thousand mods in the workshop user, what do you think? And there are at least 2 complete overhauls, a better advent and spectrum.

there is a coop campaign mod in the works
a few months back the team behind it uploaded a video of what they have made so far
and the damn think works, its not ready yet but they have made a lot more progress than what i initially though they will get
if you are interested the team goes by the name dragonpunk

its time


I feel you.

Speaking of extra challenge... Tho I think they should have given him a Force Saber.

EXALT dindu nuffin


Does that mean we're gonna be seeing more ruler mods soon?

Honestly this is a sign, /xcg/. And we should stop, and listen, to what we are hearing. The thread died. Perhaps we were wrong. I mean, it takes effort to admit that, and even more strength to finally do what must be done. It has been an honor gentleman, but we must lay down our arms. I think.. perhaps the Elders knew all along that we would one day embrace them, and I think today, is finally that day.

i think the main issue with the last DLC that the class it added is useless without mods (hf gimping your team with a robot which can hit shit)

ive put in something like 600 hours into the game, never played xcom1 one UFO games
went from veteran to legend gradually and all i can say its fantastic and from time and time again i have the urge to play it again, only thing stopping me is the quite brutal start on legend, till you get mag weapons its really an uphill battle


Beagle playing Enforcer when?!

That or Doom but with a Enforcer skin is also acceptable.

Literally never


I knew I had seen that pistol before.

What're you guys's preferred things to munch on when playing some XCOM?

Pic related: The most XCOM snack of all.

>be me
>"Oh look, thread has died again"
>go to catalog page
>"Wow, STALKER general is still going, how does a game that old still have a general and yet we can't keep ours up?"
>it's pages of people telling other posters to kill themselves
Oh. Well, deletion would be a better fate than that.

Literally kill yourself

No u

I just started xenonauts and I have a couple questions:

Can I make a soldier turn in place without moving from his tile?

Do the ayys roll for reaction fire for each move independent of length? So a guy moving closer in two-three separate move orders is at more risk than a guy given a single big run command?

What's a safe-ish way to blow up a wall without killing the alien behind?

How to avoid those turns where an ayy opens a door 10m away from the squad and gibs someone? Level the entire city from a distance slowly with rockets?

Yes. Right click, I believe.

Ayys roll for reaction fire based on movement tiles and reaction actions, not movement orders. Suppress them to stop this.

Explosives suck so much that blowing up walls won't kill aliens almost definitely. Map destruction is really bad so you aren't even guaranteed cover destruction. Don't bother with rockets. Use shield/shotgun combos in early game.

>explosives suck
They do seem a lot weaker than xcom, I just blew up this wall with a thinman thingy behind it and it took almost no damage, had to finish it off with the machinegunner. But this is still very convenient, blowing up the walls one by one and then killing what's behind with no material loss, unless grenades are just as effective?

No, I mean that there's a lot of cover that just isn't destructible. It's usually better just to go to them or let them come to you.

Also UFOs aren't destructible at all. Good luck breaching them.

I'm playing UFO Defense

How in the hell am i supposed to beat these attacks on bases? The moment i step out of the skyranger the ayy lmaos start taking potshots at my troops from some bitchass tower

>throw flashbang in UFO
>everything explodes
xenonauts please

What... attacks... on bases...?

>tfw you've modded the game to such a level of difficulty that it's now nearly unwinnable, but you can't bear to remove any of the changes because it feels like cheating

>want to remove timed missions but don't want to feel like a cheater

Just do it you pussy. You'd never be able to beat the game otherwise so do it.

I've removed the timers with no shame, because the average gorilla op has 20-30 enemies in it. I tried to use True Concealment but even then it's just not doable.

Nevermind, mod content

On another note, buying a missile HWP was the best decision i ever made

I use true concealment with ABA, ABA Pods plus or whatever, and a million other difficulty mods and it's perfectly doable.

You need more Balaten.



smoke grenades are the answer to most questions of survivability.


Cyclops mod when

Anyone know what Capnbubs are up to these days?
Is he still working with Long War?
I miss him releasing tacticool cosmetics.

As far as we know he's working with LW still.

That's great

What else do they have planed?

Well we know there's one more LW mod scheduled. Honestly though, I don't know anything more then anyone else.

I would think they wanted to bring him in to help with not just their X2 modding efforts, but the game they are trying to make as well. But that's just speculation.


>hack exalt terminal
>they all just run into the open and throw instant kill grenades
excellent memes mr lumpkin


Either keep your distance or hug Exalt. They won't use grenades on their own troops. Rocketeers will rocket anyone though.


>Want to git gud at Xcom 2
>Realize I might just be hopeless, since I keep fucking up a few months in on veteran

If not Ironman then how...

tell me about your strife my son

I don't like the tactical layer in xenonauts, it's somehow clunky, with ayys shooting from angles without being spotted in return. I understand when they're shooting from the second floor but it happens at ground level too.

The big flexibility in equipment is a plus but comes with its own problems, like being incentivized to overload a squad member or two with spare ammo and shields and dropping them on the landing zone, which is fussy work.

I guess I'm supposed to have a frontline of exclusively shields to tank the inevitable invisible ayy shooting from a window 5 tiles away..I don't like it.

stop rushing magnetic weapons until you get a few scientists

I just feel a little clueless about most things. And I wonder of I maybe overthink some things that might just be trivial. Like when to get certain GTS upgrades, which rewards on the globe are worth getting, when to buy weapon upgrades, research priorities, and most importantly, having a good amount of soldiers so that I can always switch one out in case one gets injured. And a few months in, often when Mutons start rolling out, it's often more than one per mission that's injured. I know the basics, always stay in high cover, if its not available, stick to low and hunker down.

Are you using battle scanners? They make a huge difference, especially against timed missions that force you to advance quickly

Archangel suit port when

More EU/EW ports when

Battlefield 1 ports when

I tried playing some xenonauts, but something about it just didn't strike me right, I couldn't put my finger on it.

Yes, I use scanners. They have proven to be incredibly useful, particularly in retaliation missions.

>>Still one more is in the works

Fleet to Fleet space battles please.

t. nicki minaj fan

disgusting gorilla-lover go back to africa

if only

Did they put any of the DLC music into the soundtrack downloads?

Not many tips come to mind for xcom 2 actually; just use your most powerful abilities to wipe pods before they can do much harm, inhibit any survivors with flashbangs/poison/etc. Run and gun rangers are great, but try and know what's around their destination before you send them off. You can survive accidental pulls with a well-placed mimic beacon, aid protocol on the vulnerable, and the aforementioned debuffs on the new pod

A friend just sent me this. One could say that he went too far

Been playing xcom ew on android and it's great, nothing cut just xcom in your pocket, getting xcom anxiety with this squad now, it's all going too well

He'll yeah user. That's how I first beat the game.

So, guy who just got a laptop that can run xcom-2. Where is a good list for builds in vanilla, not long war?

Second, are there any good naked bitches or other wise those types of mods? I have the lovers lab mods installed

Yeah I can't do this. Second mission on veteran, had to destroy some ayy shit in 8 turns. Kill it in a few turns no prob and get the first advent pod. Advent guy and a sectoid shows up. Can't kill the sec on first turn but can kill the advent. Another advent and sectoid show up on other side of road. Sectoids use their combined might to disorient, hit soldiers with laser guns and cause them to panic, mind control one and in my frustration, cause me to shoot one of my mind controlled soldiers instead of the sectoid, killing him. I seriously doubt there's any hope for me to git gud at this game.

Here's a good general tip: don't put your faith in RNG. Usually people who are shit at this game don't understand that you have to make circumstances favorable to you (by busting enemies out of cover with explosives, flanking, flashbanging/suppressing those you can't kill on your turn), instead of hoping that your What will I do if this shot misses or does do little damage?
>In which order should I take my moves?
>Which one of these enemies is the most dangerous?
>What kind of tools do I have to salvage this if the things do not go my way?
>Can I afford taking risks?

I don't know about lists, but if you asked here, I know anons would give you good builds.

>Second, are there any good naked bitches or other wise those types of mods?
Not sure exactly what you mean. The only mods I know about for that are all on the loverlab site:

What do you guys think is the next major port mod?

We got Mordin from Mass Effect last time.