Who /gas shortage/ here?

Who /gas shortage/ here?

>check gasbuddy
>1.99 45 minutes ago
>go there

>drive with wife to go eat
>75% of gas stations are closed
>the ones open all have gas over 2.75
>2 days ago gas was like 2.09

Where is this happening? Haven't ran in to it here

Mst be some arabs country that tries to get attention
Now that a big prt lf the industries wants to not use the only decent source of money they have

Someone can go and google it but there was some damage done to a pipeline somewhere.

I'm in NC and it's happening here.

What is going on?

I was filling up a few days ago and noticed the midgrade & premium octane was not available.

Location: Southern California.

Any other anons to report in?

the gas truck is probably just running late

happenin in North Georgia too, 3 nearest gas stations are out

Looks like east coasters getting cucked

Haven't noticed anything different here in Kansas

>tfw you have two delivery jobs

Just fucking kill me if this doesn't get fixed on Monday.

I live in metro Atlanta btw

A few stations here have.

I should have enough between all my vehicles to make it through the week.

It's still $1.95 in Chattanooga. What city are you in?

Pipeline that broke is only effecting certain southeastern states.

No its a major pipeline that burst.

wow 2.75 must be hard
>live in sf, gas is always 3.00+
Filled up for 3.55 today


God, learn your fucking grammar.



Gas pipe line broke in Alabama. 250k gallons of oil or fuel spilled. Oil line goes from Houston to NJ. Company says to expect shortages. Going double time with trucks and boats to not disrupt a lot of things. Georgia and another state are now in a state of emergency. No timetable on repair. Company classifies it as equivalent to a natural disaster.

Shits gonna get sticky.

Gas Apocalypse of 2008 anyone?

Bullcrap, ARCO on Fell is at $2.57.

No it went out to go get cigs

>he doesn't store 55gal drums of gas in his basement for a rainy day

> gas doesn't degrade over time

Shit, rip low gas prices. God fucking damnit, I was going to buy a thirsty car too. Oh well

I live in Lindale so it's only small business ones rn but gas prices here and in Rome have spiked from $2 to $2.75 already

North Georgia here all stations still have gas but prices are rising

Correct when it's properly stored.

>replacing 55 gallons of gasoline every month or so
No thanks

damn, I hate living in SC, but I must admit they handle the odd crisis extremely well. governor already signed a bill allowing double the fuel trucks to come into the state like a few days ago when this news broke.

Governor Bill HamSlam told everyone not to panic.

He's very angry with us right now.

I use 60+ gallons a week

>drill into the earth and extract resources
>pipe bursts and releases all sorts of shit into the rivers
>"natural" disaster

And they're still arresting protesters, baka.


Delivery driver here, but I deliver in this.
Pls send help.

I'll have to go look and laugh when I visit my parents in Resaca

just filled up on premium for $2.29 / gallon. Got the shitboxes filled with regular at $1.89 / gallon recently.

feels good nigga

Don't you at least get somewhat reimbursed for gas at delivery places?

Also Cali reporting in, it was like 2.20 something where I live, hasn't changed from that in a while.