Why would you use pushrods in this day and age? The fastest lap times are held by OHC engines

Why would you use pushrods in this day and age? The fastest lap times are held by OHC engines.

Why would you use cam driven engines in this day and age? Everyone know that cam less will be the wave of the future.

I upgraded from a coyote to an LT1. Torque down low is glorious

Camless tech isn't exactly avaliable for mass production yet.

Why would you use internal combustion engines in this day and age? Its way more efficient faster, environmentally friendly to be using electric motors.

Why would you use ICE in this day and age? No one has a 300 mile commute

Why would you use gas powered engines in this day and age? The cars with the fastest 0-60 times use electricity

I'm mocking OP for asking an asinine question.

>literally spamming the thread because pushrods are objectively inferior


yes it is


But the rotary motor is literally just an engine that has a rotating cam instead of a piston.

You're mum is rotating cam instead of piston.

My dick has a cam lift of 8 inches and hours of duration.
And your mom is an interference motor with no piston to valve clearance.


well my dick is 20 inches

>literally no reference to anything car related

Drink methanol and go blind loser.

Its better to make torque at high rpms so you can gear it lower.

Torque down low is literally only good for casual driving as you should always rev as high as you can otherwise.

And your mom is fat

Thank you captain obvious, but I'm fairly sure every single auto engineer in the world already knows this.
So what exactly is the point of your post?

The poster said "Torque down low is glorious".

Just pointing out that this stat is useless in most situations except commuting in traffic.

Reading comprehension.

It was his opinion of the motor having experienced it you aspie fuck. Learn to read. Properly, I mean.

Im the opinion police, it is my duty to correct people when they have wrong opinions.

Have a nice day!

one gets to the point in the lower rpm range and one needs to be winded out. theres no fucking difference irl besides subjective views as a damn vette with a 6k redline kills a 458 on track