/dg/ - Destiny General

reach for the sky edition


>reach for the sky edition

first for new monarchy a best

First for Petra.

I don't actually have any pictures of Petra.


Which is better for pve?

A gunsmith eirene with triple tap and casket mag or the raid sniper?


It's twelve o'clock

Also, nightfall me, senpaitachi.

i prefer the voice actress for eris morn

everything in the raid up to aksis - the raid sniper
everything else in PvE - Eirene, as long as you've got sniper reload gloves

I prefer women that don't exist in the third dimension.

do you think her nipples are red too?

2/3 nightfall, leggo.

ded game
ded thread
ded orbit needs your help

No, they'd be reaaaaally pale.

only because i have ll the new monarchy shaders already

Only the peachiest cherry red little user... and when the cool breeze tickles them. They standup like gumdrop buttons.

You're being gay.

HM Raid please.

Im down bud, also have a Vosik Phase 2 checkpoint

>missing out on exotic chests

2/6 for HM raid.

Anyone want to do a fresh nm raid? I'm finally on the last part of the outbreak prime quest and after that I can do hardmode.

third person mode when
just spent 30 minutes fucking around in that one TTK mission where you steal crotas essence

Glad Im not the only person who felt that way

>You now remember when you could 't get the grimoire card for daughters in KF so autists spent an hour picking away at them with icebreaker in that story mission only for it to be fixed a week or two later

I'll join

Where are you Mongoose. I know you have those webms

would you want bungie to change up the classes in destiny 2 to make them more diverse feeling? Like smaller hitboxes and faster movement/lower max health for hunters and slower movement with bigger hitboxes and tankier health for titans with an average on both mobility/hitbox and somewhat lower survivability on the warlocks?

this is an fps not an mmo you dumb fuck

no, your ideas are bad.

>fps meaning all the 'classes' should feel exactly the same with a different ultimate ability and special jumps
you're the reason game design in general is atrophying

okay, i already had no shield. i feel less bad

Agreed, other than hitboxes. It'd wreck PvP balance even more

2/3 for nf

>talking about titties is now gay


Which is less shit?

>that sensitivity

what the fuck?

wounded has a better sight and stats

I only got the tail end of me hiding in the hole. but I got all of me hiding on the flag pole. thats to much work for me to webm right now. I have to sleep.

Wounded is better

what is this

I play with lowish sensitivity. I'm a slow thinking weapons expert

ytc wannabe,
We already got one avatar faggot. Don't need another.
Fuck off with your shit character whoever the fuck you are.

its someone trying to avatar-fag

Fair enough.

What's wrong with her tooth?

i mean sauce

ytc isn't the only avatarfag itt. Why so upset?

It's drool

We don't need anymore of your faggy kind here. He's already cancer enough alone.

Why is she drooling?

What are some good pve weapons? I feel like I'm not doing something right with Bad Juju and the Waltz

Ziggy, my house has a blackout. Find someone else to replace me


because virus lusts for futa cock

5/6 Vosik Checkpoint


stains is literally dead

Nvm Filled, Thanks Stains. F.

Was just giving advice about a weapon user, relax.

Because delicious meat.

Guys I've not do e the raid at all yet, haven't played since that faggot Crota. How do I not retard? Does anyone even do the regular raid anymore?

I see you like shitting on Mongoose. I happen to like shitting on Mongoose myself.

How about you both go fuck off to another general.

regular raid is obsolete desu, heroics drop up to 385 and can be completed without a fireteam

You're pretty fucked if you haven't done it yet. Barely anyone does NM, and nobody wants to teach you this late in the cycle.

A name and console would be nice you retarded fucking nigger.

>not recognizing blue hair plus shaped eyes anime gril poster

>thinking anyone cares enough to figure out who that fag is


The hell is wrong with her mouth?

>I represent all of /dg/

/dg/ is responsible for my current relationship
no regrets

The day of the rope can not come any closer.

5/6 for Aksis Phase 2 regular. Send me a message and I'll add and invite you

let it come, they can't find me

epz be there soon

Can't handle HM you shitter?

It's just what I got invited to, one of our guys left so I'm helping look for a 6th


>Cant sword the middle cannon captain anymore in HM unless hes right up against aksis' kill platform because right and left side dont kill their shanks
fuck this

probably because you're using fucking low impact pulse rifles in PvE you actual fucking retard

stop playing with shitters


What you up to boners

>almost done with crucible

Nevermind, we filled up. Tough luck famalams

>literal who posts on 4chin lfg
>5/6 need help now
>get normie friend in
>heh tough luck

>this late in the cycle
>implying there will be any new content in the next six months

3/6 for fresh HM WotM

back at aksis for parts 1 and 2. we need one more!

>playing in Clash
>finish match, browse Veeky Forums while starting another
>Cathedral of Dusk
>game hangs at the black screen with the map name for 15 seconds before the pan accross the map
>I'm holding the flag
>I'm the only person on my team
>Instantly win because there isn't anyone on the other team

What the fug

Normie would be an understatement. These guys can't kill captains to save their lives

Still need folks for raid.

Send help, pls

Do you mind a shitter?

Case study on NachoGuy5

1) He is a male
2) He enjoys nachos
3) When making his PSN the other 4 NachoGuy's were taken
4) Frequent visitor of TacoBell
5) Destiny player on PS4

1) His level of devotion to nachos
2) If he is indeed a cis male
3) Average monthly expense on nachos

Closing Statement:
NachoGuy5 is a Destiny player with a affinity for nachos.

If y'all are still looking by the time I finish I'll join

I would be willing to go if you still have room

Whatever you do, do not raid with Captain Tsoon!!

He'll shoulder charge you until you sperg out and quit Destiny forever.

Ah, I'm just kidding. I love ya, Tsoon.

You're not wrong