/sthg/ - Sonic The Hedgehog General

Welcome to Sonic the Hedgehog General. Let's talk about Sonic games, old and new, and the entire franchise including animation and comics. Share art, music, talk about new developments, discuss ROM hacks, speedrunning, etc.

/sthg/ - #598 - Classic Concert Edition

>Link CompilationDrawfag/Writefag Idea WallsNews/Developments

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Slow down

>Slow down
>In a Sonic general

Fast sloth on deer action

How slow are we talking here? Big level slow? Werehog medal hunt slow? Chronicles story pace slow? Give us more guidance, O holy user!

06 Silver slow

>There will never be art of Nephthys bird blowjob
This is the worst timeline.

I want to cuddle Marine

Echo a cute!

Give it time, we got a Wave gif recently I didn't expect so anything's possible

>there will never be lewd/porn art of Wave
The worstest timeline

RazorxCoralxEcho when?


>Page 6

Bumping with Bat Pants

This image gets about five times sexier when you imagine the pants are just extremely large and not form-fitting.

sorry about the size anons, but here's the highlights.

So how long until we get art of Red Echo and Jelly-girl?

I need a Sonic game that can keep me awake.

Tomorrow, when I'm not exhausted.

gotta love that post timer.

>Mega Drive revolves around the Ancient Gears as macguffins
>Overdrive somehow has Super Sonic, which requires the Chaos Emeralds
>Generations has those giant gears that you put the Chaos Emeralds in to open the door to the Time Eater

Sonic Unleashed


>might have gotten a few more fags on /v/ into the comic

Hopefully soon.
Red Echo's face handles are there for a reason.

Think there's a chance Project 2017 could get delayed to 2018?

I know dolphins and sharks get mistaken a lot because they do look superficially similar, but I think Red there is a shark like Razor. Her eyes look orange like his, she also has piercings and black-finned sharks exist.

Is Red Echo a dolphin or a shark? If she's a shark, then she's Girl Razor

Rotor's a cutie

So we have sea otter, yeti crab (google if you're brave/curious), Hot Jelly, Red Echo/Girl Razor, and Gay Geoffrey along with Fish Princess. I hope this arc keeps its sense of fun. I'm (pleasantly) surprised Echo is involved still.

If she's a shark she'll have serrated teeth user.

Not long ;)

That's my fetish.

>Sonic Utopia
Did anyone notice pic related?

Psst....hey /sthg/. I got "The Next Level" Early.

Anyone want some Spoiler pics?



Post one, and I'll believe you,

good job user, but the big question is will they actually buy it or just read storytimes.

Okay if you say so.

> not long
But that's tooooooooo slow!

Did you get these from tumblr user?

I kinda like the idea that super far away details come across as lower bit graphically. Like way off in the distance is 8 bit but when you get there it looks 16 bit.


Now post it with timestamp

> Eggman is a Disney princess

Okay, bye...

Post the rest, Ian.

I'm not actually Ian but I do have more.

I met Aaron Webber at the sonic 25th anniversary party and we talked for a bit.

Let me tell you all hes super cool, but god damn was it soul crushing. Its kind of like meeting your hero and he is everything you wanted him to be. They say don't meet your hero but I did. We talked for a bit about him being in sega and everything, and I talked about how big of an inspiration he is. A fan to community pr manager, thats the dream.

I remember too when I shook his hand and i said I hope our paths cross again and he said im sure they will. In a genuine tone, mind you. I know he was probably saying that because I'm some autist, but for months after the party that stuck with me. I flew back home and contemplated my life, I wanted to be like Aaron and be involved in Sonic as a franchise through marketing. I messaged Aaron on Facebook, he never responded but he read it, and I basically said im going to pursue my dream of working in the sonic division. That was 2 months ago.

Since then ive lost hope, i cant compete with these college kids and shit. Its pure luck, even Aaron said he was just in the right place at the right time. I know you gotta believe in yourself, but it really is a pipedream. We all want to work for sega and sonic, but none of us probably will. Everyone around me told me I couldn't do it. My girlfriend said sega was dead, my brother made me realize ive got nothing to offer, and my friends said I was being stupid. Nothing hurt more than when I met the person i admired so greatly, gave me my drive back, only to realize my dream was unachievable.

Don't go too far down the rabbit hole guys, you won't like what you find.

I do like Sonic 1 GG's map - the idea that Robotnik/Eggman hid his base way up at the top of a mountain, and that Sonic would have to climb through increasingly difficult areas to access it.

Labyrinth and Jungle kicked my ass as a kid.


These fucking faces man...


It's not pasta. I just posted in the other thread, this is me with him.

Please don't bully my appearance.

I'm going to buy a switch and play Sonic 2017 on it and no one will stop me!
You will just get mad and post about your anger on an Anime imageboard.


Why does Mega Drive look so much better than the main comics?

A. Hesse is really just that good
B. The inks on this book aren't complete fucking garbage that ruin otherwise good to great pencils
C. The colorist here is so much better

1. Mega Drive isn't monthly
2. Archie puts their better artists on Universe

Okay, one last spoiler before I head to bed.

Because you're an autist for Loony Toons classic designs.
So am I, but I don't pretend my taste is an objective statement of fact

>OC Donut Steel
>Strange, Isn't it
Son of a bitch

>Pajama Eggman
>No way, I can't believe this!

I don't get Metal Bean though.

The legs and shoes.

Ian uses memes.
Aleah writes an offpanel making fun of memes.

It's more of a pop culture reference, which early Archie had a shitload of.

Thanks mate.

Man, Next Level looks amazing.


Also, I love the OC Donut Steelbot, next to the Scourgebot.

Especially since Scourge has always looked like an OC.

Well yeah, he's literally a Sonic recolor.

Scourge has "OC" written on his tank.

Archie is officially cucking Penders.



Did not notice that at first. Top kek.

poor Scourge

Does Scourge deserve this?

Scourge was a mistake.


>tfw you're one of the few who liked Scourge


You can like him but still know that he was bad for you.
No homo

work on what you want to. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If it makes you happy, go for it.

Even if to get your foot in the door is do QA or be the fucking janitor. Just do and learn everything you can to achieve your dream. The main key being, is to build relationships and get to know the people that can and will help you achieve that dream.

Don't give up user, I'm fucking serious. DON'T FUCKING GIVE UP!


I've been away /sthg/ for awhile can anyone tell what the latest storytime was about.

Chaotix doing actual detective work and cute dolphin girls named after nightmare-inducing Sega Genesis games

> the few
A lot of people liked him, user.

Scourge was pretty popular among-st Archie fans.

Granted, I don't get why, but he was.

>playing Sonic Utopia
>discovered this area by complete accident
The more I play this game the more new things I discover. I love it.

It's too late user

Dreams are just that.


A qt hires the Chaotix to help find and rescue Princess Fishsticks from some pirates. They get in a car and drive down the continental shelf where they somehow run over Razor and get captured by previously mentioned pirates.

> game about cute dolphins jumping and doing tricks
> oh, this'll be suitable for women and children, lol

>Letting your dreams me memes

How do I get there?

Just so you know, I'm slapping the air right now.

Dude, if your dream is to work in the Sonic department. Just do anything and everythingto get to that point. Get away from the negative influences in your life, they're pulling you do.

Look at fucking DiGi Valentine and TRiPPY, worked with the NiGHTS community for over 10 FUCKING YEARS and only then after they were able to help FUCKING SAVE NiGHTS through fan campaigns and worked super hard, again for 10 FUCKING YEARS, did they finally get a job at Sega of Europe doing art designs, QA, and other work. It was their LITERAL DREAM in NiGHTS that they eventually achieved it through long and hard work.

If you want this bad enough, you'll fucking do it.

Speaking of boxerhockey, had him sign this for me at the party

>The fucking background music
Ecco wouldn't even be so fucking terrifying if not for the fucking music

I just don't know what to do user

All I can think of is marketing. My brother pointed out that I don't want to do anything specific working for Sanic, I just want to work for Sanic.

After the party my depression got worse and I'm in a awful state now. I want to go back.

You realize how many people who work on the comics alone grew up as fans, right?

Don't give up.

Y'know, thinking about it, I'm a little surprised there aren't any aquatic mobians in the games. Especially the Rush series, which is all about adventures on the high seas. Weird.

>My brother pointed out that I don't want to do anything specific working for Sanic, I just want to work for Sanic.

He's got a point. Choose what fits you then build up from there.

Just go look at the previous thread, it's a good one.