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gimme da ficki ficki

That just looks weird

ajajajaajaj que onde weon

Offensive mech hero when?


Does Ana hold a grudge against her?

Play on NA servers then?

roight ere ya gobshite

If anything the new mech/omnic like hero will have a little one on command they can use to attack with not a full suit

I love Hana.

sdksdjkhjkadjskad weon la weĆ” fome ql xd sdajdhjjasdkasdjkdkhjsadhksjada

Would be funnier if it wasn't also trying to be far bait

what is the point of picking widow over hanzo now? what are your fucking excuses this time?

I play in LA and its full of BR. They're chimps.

Fap bait* fuck off autocorrect

>tfw Soundquake will be released next year around May


Why is genji the only hero who gets a reset CD when someone is eliminated?

Who is worst healer and why is it zenyatta?
You already know your team lost when someone picks him as your healer

Yeah I want my hook to reset whenever I kill someone too

Guys....how come Pharah isn't real?



Canonically, Ana is born in 2016, so keep your eyes peeled.

You have to know how to play him. He's an offensive support. He's not meant to be the only healer on the team unless the team is really good and the enemy team sucks.

He's a lot more fun to play than Mercy and frankly that's all I care about.

>It's a "your team just fucks around in front of the chokepoint until overtime" episode

Literally how

[reggaeton intensifies]

>play with a br child
>he sounds like a fucking dubbed anime character


How many sexual harassment complaints did this little fucker get during the Overwatch days?



don't be mean. it's not analie's fault she's attractive

When is winston getting a buff?


>picking zenyatta as a healer

q onda

>eichenwalde, we're on attack
>guy on enemy team starts bitching that this map is bullshit and 1st point is literally untakeable
>take the first point take payload through entire map
>we dont let them take the 1st point
Did we prove that guy wrong or right?

I said it was fap bait, not attractive. It's tasteless as fuck pandering to 12 year olds like the image you just posted too.

>It's a "your team keeps trickling in one by one with no coordination until they pull off a lucky ult just as the control point reaches 99% for the enemy team" episode

what is they are delaying sombra to make her look different from the leak

What would the mmr be if we convert Dota 2's mmr to Overwatch's mmr

Is Gold the 3k of Dota mmr?
Is Plat the 4k of Dota mmr?

I hope so.

He's being a salty shitter. I just mute people like that immediately, they're not worth dealing with

>the leak was real and thats the design they planned
>leak happens and they rework the design
>on release she's literally a formless hooded blob with a mask

They're looking to lower his sheildcooldown

Zero :3

only if they giver her a thong like Pharah and Laura

sorry, do you want homosexual stuff instead

average mmr in overwatch is 2.5k
average mmr in dota was around 2.3 last time they released the statistics
so basically the same

>nobody likes my tasteless waifu shit so they must be gay

He who should be able to do more damage, he gets out damaged by all the other tanks.


Cutest and best pairing

is competitive overwatch dead in the water?

absolutely awful viewership
honestly the game isn't very fit to be spectated

>tasteless as fuck pandering to 12 year olds
>posts literal /b/ shit for 12 year olds

>average mmr in overwatch is 2.5k
Average is probably 2.1k-2.2k

>defense fucked since release
>introduce Ana whose ult combos are the most powerful in the game
>her regular ability denies the defensive ult (Transcendence) which can be used to counter her ult (except in Reaper's case)

What the fuck Blizzard?


>fucking girlfriend
>she calls out McCree's name when she cums
wat do


Adding to this spot on response - perhaps one of you special snowflake DPS should switch maybe?

Can't count how many games I have on Zen, dealing with:

- Tank
- 3 DPS running in different directions
- A sniper who is at least easy to keep track of

Playing Eich Offense last night, moving payload under the walkway before the bridge. Rein and 3 DPS charge into the castle chasing after Genji, Bastion and Torb. Our non-retarded Hanzo and I are the only people actually trying to move the load.

Constant "I need Healing!" emotes from inside the castle - get fucked morons, you weren't supposed to go chasing them.

TL;DR - Zen is for keeping Harmony on tanks, spot healing, emergency transcendence. His real role is discording everything in sight for his team, bring an Ana or Lucio in addition.

>tilt ult

I love it

almost as good as rage bb

>Hook working as intended
People still don't believe it fucks over roadhog as much as it does the enemy

Master level play, everyone.

>guys we need a healer
>it's fine we have zen

>guys we need a tank
>it's ok we have mei

>Want to play overwatch
>don't want to play koth, eichwalde or hanamura

where the route 66 and dorado @

>Widowmaker asks for healing in spot unreachable without mobility
>doesn't stand on the ledge for LOS so you can fly to her/send her an orb/shoot her/aura her

>miss hook
>"wtf roadhog is FUCKED by hook as much as you are"

what are you on about

Why is illios the worst fucking map

Do you like her design?

I'm considering getting Mercy's goldens. Do I do it?

Cumming inside McCree without his permition.

>pick Zen
>people assume we don't need another healer

Stop that.

>harmony on tanks
>i fucking die
>death spectate and watch 3 more teammate die
>zenyatta is healing the fucking mei

More like BM ult, it's probably moonmoon in that webm

The first hook hit mei but threw her onto the table instead

>temple of anubis

>solo queue
>matched with 5 stack
>they pick 4 dps+ one tank
>don't join game chat


You should be forced into game chat if you're in a party. Dumb as fuck that that is not the default option.

>implying mccree, especially blackwatch mccree, would ever deny a mccreampie
he's a cumdumpster, he will take every last drop

I'm fine with it. What her voice sounds like is much more important to me.

What? That's retarded. I don't want my private group chat to automatically go towards others. You might want to automatically enable it for in the group, but even then they usually prefer some private solution.

No, thank you.

Looks like you have to heal.

In a competitive game you should be forced into game chat so you can communicate with the whole team. If 2 people are in a private party they can switch back into that chat if they're keen on fucking over the team by not communicating.

Then switch to group chat after you join the game.
I don't get why you're so nervous letting those 2-4 randoms hearing your epic inside jokes, no one will give a shit.
Stay in team chat so you can make callouts, use group chat when you're in quick play.

>people told me Winston and Mei counter Genji
>play QP yesterday to relax and have some fun after a few days of Comp
>5 Genjis + me as Zenyatta
>take the first point relatively easily
>car starts moving
>we win the game pretty handily even when the other team ran 3 Winstons, 2 Meis, and a Lucio

I know it's QP, but come on. If they were smart enough to run Genji's "counters" I have to assume they weren't so bad at the game.

>D.Va wakes an ulting genji to tickle him with BBs

when I'm in a 5 stack, we all switch to team chat for the 6th guy. don't be a cunt

It should be on team chat be default. Most of the time it's not even them who use the voice coms, it's a random in the team but the 2 faggots who wont switch into team chat wont hear him regardless

>muh comp game communication

what rank are you even

>seriously contemplating getting a 30euro virtual ticket just so I can buy the 20 dollar pachimari plush thing


Mei is objectively shit and is only a "counter" in that she can get through his deflect, which doesn't mean much if you can't aim. Her wall is completely useless against Genji, too.
I don't know how they managed to screw up playing as Winston, though. Having one healer to three tanks might've had something to do with it.

Mei doesn't really counter Genji, fucker always hayay away when I try to freeze him.

zen is dps, not a healer. the sooner u get out of silver/gold the sooner you will realize this.

now stop being a retard.

Every time I turn on the chat all I hear is either 1) a whiny kid 2) college frat guy speaking with whoever is in the room with him not game related 3) Someone saying hero voice lines in an obnoxious voice. It's just not worth listening to that shit. When I play with friends we use discord anyway so fuck the in game voice chat all together.

you can buy them on eBay. they're fluffier and cheaper

You saved my shitty first OC thank you

What will you guys like to see next in Pharahs story, will she team up with her mom and Jack or will she go her own way?

>looks like a baby
I like her hair, her outfit, her uzi. Her face is a deal breaker.


In what lineup is symmetra viable?

>Every time
>This happens to me once every ten games so I have a right to act like a victim and possibly make the games worse for everyone else during those other 9 games
I hope memestacks like you stay in quick play, I've only ever seen two since I managed to climb right under Masters, so I've been in the clear but man do i feel sorry for the people you're matched with.


The fanart looks far better.