/ywg/ - Yo-kai Watch General #70

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Pump-a-rump Edition.


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The Yo-kai Watch 2 Demo is out on the e-shop! Tell your friends to give it a try!

Yo-kai Watch 3 is out in Japan! Details here!

Yo-kai Watch Wibble Wobble:
WibWob medal registration: yo-kai-wibblewobble.com/medal/index.nhn

>Is this actually good?
Yes it's good, just don't go in expecting the hyped up "Pokemon killer" aspect. Kotaku started the phrase for clickbait and it worked. They aren't the same game at all, just two games in the monster catching genre. If you want an explanation on the battle system, someone can fill you in, don't worry the demo for the first game was indeed shit and not a good representation of how you'll go through the game. The demo for 2 was slightly better.
It's heavily recommended to skip the first game and go straight for Yo-kai Watch 2.

>Is there a list of all the yokai?

>I'm too lazy to look for i-

Here's a resource document for all your Yo-kai Watch 1+2 FAQ needs:

Here's a Pastebin for all your Yo-kai Watch 2 FAQ needs:
We're working on an FAQ for Yo-kai Watch 2 now! This includes event passwords and QR codes, Poking tips, Door locations, and other good shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


First for best mascot.

Says all the unsold whisper merchandise

Customers walked past Whisper because they knew deep down they were unworthy, silly


Oh shit I think thats me.

I'm not sure, but I really like Noko too.
Nice gif, OP.

OP beware



Bringin' this over because damn

Anyone want a free 3DS theme? I can post the code here.

if you dont want it sure

I already have it.


gives me a error, or i'm doing it wrong oh well

You have to do it in the themes store, not the eshop.

bah by the time i figured it out it was used. oh well

You can get the points to get it yourself in literal minutes. Heck, I just got the Twilight Picross for free.


So apparently the Switch will have a touch screen, so a YW on it doesn't seem like it would be too different from the 3DS ones.

For those who've played the 3rd game, would you like a new battle system again and think they did all they could with it in 3? Or do you think it should be like YW2 where they sort of perfect the system with a few touch ups?

>USApyon but no Inaho
Where is she?

Fucking love this guy.

My guess is she'll show at the end for a joke or something.

Honestly the movie's plot seems really dumb. Something about a dancer and a demon whale? Also Enra is it for some reason? Not too hyped but maybe it'll have it's moments. Manjimutt is already a highlight.

I meant Enma. Fuck.

Wonder if other more humanoid Yokai will show up and be played by real actors. I think Venoct is gonna be in it.

Yeah but this time around theres only one screen to play on.

That's true. When using the tablet in battle mode maybe you have to flip it on it's side? There's also the problem of how it would play while plugged into the TV since I don't think you can use it and the tablet at the same time which I totally forgot about.

The Switch seems like it'll be hard for franchises that were born on the 3DS to transfer to, so I'm hoping they figure out something.

>EU's 400k on top of US' 600-ish k
Where were you when Yokai Watch broke a million in the west?


That's pretty nice to hear

What color pantsu does Fumi wear? I think pink.

>mfw i just spent a hour and a half entering in QR codes.

holy fuck kill me.

>YW tanks in the US, have to import EU copys of 3

just like my Yugioh games, well atleast there can be hope for english versions

I think we'll get them. With the sales of the games and toys combined I'm sure Level 5 doesn't really have much to lose bringing them here.

It sold like half a million in the US

Remember that a lot of those were in the 2DS bundle...

Then it's a system seller. Even better


Between this and the clown, they really upped the creepy factor with YW3, huh?


I've been avoiding YW3 footage, cause I like going in without seeing any new yokai.

How are the American-kai? Do they take from western supernatural lore and horror movies and stuff?

No, but they're great all the same. The western influence is pretty apparent through their really vibrant color-schemes and they're even more cartoon-y than usual. I love 'em.

>"Oh, bugger!"

That's one British Burger, I say what-what!


Why does he look so ready to tussle?

We all know who the real British Yokai here is.

Someone probably called him average. Kid's had enough.

>We all know who the real British Yokai here is.
Yep. Sebastian.

>German name


He can be British, too

Unless there's a German nanny stereotype I don't know of, she'll remain British until further notice.

Uh, Rottenmeier? From Heidi?

...Which is Swiss. Fuck me.

Swiss-German. Not really wrong.


Has anyone 100% YW1 medallium? I gave up. Couldn't get cruncha neither count cavity and panda noko

a few people have I think

I've done it 99%.
Fuck Pandanoko. The ones that took me the longest were Beetall, Frostail, and Rhinormous. Frostail was such a pain in the ass because I had to do the infinite coin exploit so many times to get him. I think it was a total of 70+ coins I used.