/hbg/ - Homebrew and Hacking General

Last thread: /hbg/ Wiki: homebrew-general.wikia.com

3DS: 9.2 (Downgrade: 10.7 - Entrypoints: smealum.github.io/3ds)
Wii U: 5.5.1
Vita: 3.60 (Kernel)
PS4: 1.76 (Kernel), 3.55 (Userland)

3DS: pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9 (embed)
Downgrade + a9lh: github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki
Wii U: pastebin.com/8u0WAyJC (embed)
Vita: pastebin.com/v3caHHnp (embed)
Games: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Bt-Yf8V591ENHraRwD8fUQhuzH-a2_mRi0UWSV4NvD0

-Nintendo released 11.2. Updating is safe for RedNAND/a9lh users. Several security flaws have been fixed, use ctr-httpwn instead of updating if you want to play online. NTR has been updated to work (astronautlevel2's build).
-You can downgrade from 11.2 with a hardmod or hacked system transfer. github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki/DSiWare-Downgrade
-SD card access in DS mode is now available. Playing commercial games isn't possible at the moment without a DS flashcard. gbatemp.net/threads/413015
-Installing a9lh without downgrading on the New 3DS (up to 9.2) is now possible.
-New Decrypt9 release allows to create dumps from installed games. github.com/d0k3/Decrypt9WIP/releases

>Wii U
-IOSU and CFW Booter released, no stable CFW yet. gbatemp.net/threads/445840
-You can run games from USB without IOSU. gbatemp.net/threads/445514
-Loadiine now supports DLC if you own a legit copy of SSB.

-Some .vpk files can brick your Vita. Be careful. wololo.net/2016/10/04/warning-ps-vita-brickers-in-the-wild/
-New Maidump release. github.com/LioMajor/MaiDumpToolEN/releases
-Henkaku r6 enables GPU overclocking, increasing performance in some games.
-ePSP exploit discovered, ARK might be ported to 3.60.
-Update 3.61 patches HENkaku.

-More details on the 4.01 jailbreak. wololo.net/2016/10/26/details-surface-ps4-4-01-jailbreak-potentially-enough-public-release-soon/

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Macross When?

Sun and Moon when?

Berserk (JP) when?

That took a while. Is /hbg/ reclining?


Epsp when?
Never, because flow.
I akso don't know why i care. I have a psp all cfw'd.


5th for im the best

Pirates already got their WoFF with voices and some Wii U shit.

Maybe this place can finally die down a bit so that people can actually play videos instead of shitpost on the internet all day. Or take a break from being tech support all day.

I post now

Vitagen said u guys were ded, this true?

delete this

I'm selling my O3DSXL to a friend. What would be the best way to scrub my personal profile shit, while still keeping a9lh installed? Will a regular System Format do it?






Which is better option /hbg/? PSTV or a vita 2000?

I'm going to hack one, but I don't know if ones is better than the other beyond the option to play on my tv.


>An error has occurred. The PS Vita system will be powered off. [**********]
I was just playing Digimon, is my vita fucked?


why do people make these shitty images

user with the 2.1 3ds that wouldn't update to 11.2 here. I tried with google dns and that worked. Thanks nintendo..

black twitter



Because beautiful OLED and second screen.
And because I don't own a PSP.

22 days until pokemon release date.

How many do you think it will be 'till .cia leaks? I want to say 14.

anywhere between 1 to 2 weeks before release


whenever the review copies get sent to press

4-5 days early, at the very most. A handful of people will get it a few days earlier than that and post all about it online but pussy out of dumping and sharing it.

The only good thing on the psp, was the psx emulator

I will be accepting requests and answer them to the best of my ability.

what is my next post number?


new here and just got my vita hacked
few questions

when i qmca a game over thats 1gb
as a vpk when i install does it take up double the space as in does 2gb get used up

when playing rc1 my game couldnt find my memory card for saving and loading and the homebrew apps wouldnt start i even closed the game and started it up again and it didnt load.
the problem went away whebn i installed henkaku again but lost the data. does this happen often?

i wanna play woff i heard i need 3.61 is this true? how do i play it without updating? do i need mai or can i install it with shell

Somewhere between 0-9, but my best bet is...7

yo answer this

If I replace all the content of my nnidsave.bin with 00 like it says in the ban bypass guide, can I make a new NNID on a device that has a non-functional NNID from a system transfer?

Should I get a flash card for my n3ds
Or just wait for the Vita to have emulators

alright, let's fucking roll


best fucking tech support ever

I got an update notification on my 3DS that I hacked recently.
Can I just press OK on the update or should I be doing something else?

Yes, a9lh stays irregardless of system formats. Just make sure your card doesn't lose anything important as that will prevent your system from turning on, "losing" a9lh...unless you copy it all back on there

I'd say get yourself a 4in1 NDS Flashcart or TTDSi cart so the wait for Vita emulators won't be so long. A flashcart could possibly perform better than a Vita-DS emu.

Don't act surprised, I know all.

Assuming you have a9lh, I'd say sure. Make sure to get the new BootNTR and update any other exploits. If on emunand, update only on emunand...and consider a9lh

Thanks. If I feel Vita homebrew reaches the scale of 3DS/Wii U, I'll expand onto that.

/hbg/ I'm done joking around, this isn't stand up comedy anymore. It is time to get serious, hand over the leak, or someone will soon be crying.

How long until switch gets r4 cards?

Would it be possible for me to take a Pokemon Black 2 rom, convert it to VC, and play it over loadiine gx2?

I have hacked like a week ago with a9lh and all the new stuff that is in this guide: github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki

Do I need to follow the process here? github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki/Updating-A9LH

I have an app on my 3DS called "Updater for Luma3DS releases Hamcha". Is this unrelated?


That's not a word. Worst tech support desu

>Update your 3DS again by going to System Settings, then "Other Settings", then going all the way to the right and using "System Update"
>Yes this is safe, stop asking about it.

I don't care I'm asking, is it safe? Tried to do this a few months ago and they released a fucking update in the middle of me following the guides and ruined the whole thing.


If you've finished the guide, it's safe. If you haven't finished it, it's obviously not safe.

Yes it is as long as you followed the guide to the letter.

take your SD out of the 3DS, if it boots don't update, if it doesn't it's safe

It's best to ignore the popup and do it through System Settings. This way, you can ensure you're in A9LH SysNAND when you do it. Your system version in the bottom right of the top screen should say "Sys" in front of it instead of "Ver."

Nah, man. Straying off the guide is surely the safest option. Just close the guide right now and start installing random stuff everywhere even.




The mustard gas killed my little sister, don't.

Since Nintendo is naturally bad at security, I'd assume around...2-4 years, max.

Possibly, but it might not function as you'd expect. Search whether someone else has done similar to confirm that it works OR try converting an older game like Platinum to test it

Go into Luma Updater and update it to the latest STABLE build. And no, just update normally through system settings.

>-Nintendo released 11.2. Updating is safe for RedNAND/a9lh users

How about Rxtools faggots like me? i don't update since 10.7

You already updated once, so take a guess.

Thanks user, but what other NANDs could I be in?
On a slightly unrelated note what do I do if I lose my SD or it corrupts?
I have a backup of everything on it, is copying it to another SD a solution, would I have to format the new SD card in any specific way?
What if I didn't have a backup of my SD? Any way to revert the console so it could boot without an SD card?

I don't have NTR so that's why your post confused me.
Does it matter if I update one or the other first?

What was the single biggest game /hbg/ collectively begged for.

Not feature or homebrew tool. Just game.

I remember people begging for versions of Fire Emblem fates a lot early this year. The God Eater fags were also pretty loud. I expect the pokemon begging to shift into maximum overdrive in the coming weeks.

In the past year, it's probably a tie between
>Fire Emblem Fates
>Monster Hunter X/Gen
>Dragon Quest VIII
on 3DS, and
>World of Final Fantasy
>God Eater 2
on Vita

guaranteed brick like OP pic related. Update to a9lh

So exactly how hard would it be to hack a galaxy N3DS? Started following the guide for my OG blue one. If it's a giant pain I can buy a black one but would rather not.

But I want to play the Disgaea 1 and 2 ports, Dracula X, and them Mega Man games.

In recent memory, Taiko and WoFF. And then there's the Cruzman asking for everything.

You better switch to A9LH and Luma3DS first.

Don't forget about Taiko and MAHVEL.

Zero Time Dilemma .cia leak in june.
And it was bad

NTR is a cheat + clock speed "micro" CFW app, its' nothing important if you don't have it. Update Luma then update the system.

Severed is very fun puzzle-adventure game that plays similarly to the Keep except more action involving slashing quickly via touchscreen. I hope you have a bottom-screen protector

Yeah I have an old 3DS and it looks to do close to nothing useful for me so I never bothered. Thank you user.

I don't get it. Bernie is the one who fits the begging meme better.

It does let you take in-game screenshots without posting to Miiverse, so there's that.

I dont remember WoFF begging being all that high. Hell we even got it early and most of the begging was just for voices.

Wasn't nearly as bad as God Eater fags waiting on chinks to get it working.

Cyber Sluts when the Vitamin Leak happened.


Pokemon leaks are a riot. B/W's week before launch was the only good time on /vp/. So many Cory In the House roms were downloaded.

Why did people even care about early leaks of BW? That was back when Pokemon didn't get simultaneous world releases, so there were English patches of the Jap version months before we got it.

I remember those days. Those were good days.

>Not wanting Disgaea 1 through 4 in a single system.
>Not wanting to enjoy the remake of the best Mega Man game on comfy Vita controls.

>best Mega Man game
You mean X4?

Think people just wanted to play/datamine the Jap version early.
Also the Anti-piracy was great as well. HG/SS would randomly not load routes and B/W gave you Hard Mode as standard where no EXP is earned.

Has anyone tried EasyRPG to play RPG maker on the 3DS?

None of the X sequels were as good as X1 and quality kept going gradually down with hitting rock bottom with X7. By the time they made X8, the damage was done.

Guys, i can't install mario maker on my wii u with USB.

I use WUPinstaller mod and everytime i lauch it, it give me "error 0xfffcffea, not correct folder...etc", but i've put it in the right place!

I was able to install the other games except this one, i've redownloaded it a lot of time from other source like utikdownloader, JunstoolGUImod...etc, still give me the same error.

What can i do?

Have way too many games to play already with all this piracy.
Plus I played D1 + D2 way way way back and still own them.
And I have a freshly hacked ps3 with D4 that I might get around to in a year or so.
However they take to long to play through...
Megameme didn't know they remade it. Downloading it now, though I'll probably never play it. Again played the fuck out of it on my snes 20 years ago.

However, I would like to continue my game of Tactics Ogre on the go with a shinier screen.

>3DS piracy at it's most prevalent
>Sun/Moon confirmed the most pre-ordered games in Nintendo history
Vitagen was right.

But really, Pokemon Go is a fucking force of nature.

Oh, I wonder why...


Can't wait for the surpirse Cubic Ninja Switch reveal in January.

Is it alright to leave your 3DS installing games on FreeShop all night as long as the charger is plugged in? Waiting for some of them to install takes the piss sometimes.

Yes, that's fine. The screen will dim, but it's still running.

fuck off stop asking

I read somewhere that I can install Oothacks without a powersave.
I already have a homebrewed 3ds and I'm trying to move it over to my new3ds.
Can I or can I not install the hack to OoT3d without a powersave.
I also have a friend letting me borrow his copy of Sticker Star, do I need powersaves for that too or can I for sure install the homebrew without it?

You can. The Homebrew Starter Pack includes oot3dhax-installer or whatever it's called. Same goes for stickerhax.

Thanks, user.

>tfw just installed redNAND and system config tools

Will a black or red N3DS XL have older firmware or does it matter? Buying a new one

Delivered what?
His dissertation on how he did shit that he hasn't released?