Can someone explain this retarded shit to me?

Can someone explain this retarded shit to me?

I don't see how you can brag about your car scraping when there are people on it to make it scrape.

If your car doesn't scrape very much just lower it more to get more scrape... Don't get your mates to sit on the bonnet and shit..

That's just retarded.

>Can someone explain this retarded shit to me?

Not even the people doing it can.

This, you can't get a straight answer from anyone because they're unwilling to give one due to the answer conflicting with other beliefs they have.

Also it's probably because if they did actually have a think about what they're doing they'd realize how fucking stupid it is.

Denial is a superpower my friend.

But your car wouldn't drag with an elephant on it, so it's an accomplishment even if it's not a pure no juice perfectly pitched game.

Now can you explain why you're so buttburnt about people liking what you don't like?

>Implying my car doesn't scrape.

>h-how dare you mock my stupid scraping fad for being stupid!

Some people find it fun.
Some people like driving lowered cars.
Some people do it for attention, and some people just like the look.
Thres really not much else to it.

In this shithole however, everything is reduced to its lowest common denominator for optimum shitposting and not much else. You ask for questions to receive answers that you dont care about, and whenever someone inevitably does show up to explain their personal taste or preference, the true colors of the echochamber mentality show up.
In that reguard, this place is basically the anti reddit. Its the other side of the exact same coin, doing the same type of shit.
And the quality/simplicity of replies to this post will likely highlight my point.

Heres another contest for you

Car scrapping, because thats where all those shitboxes are going.

Denial and peer pressure.

>just slam ur car, bruh.

at least they got used well instead of garaged their whole lives...

An honourable death imo

That's an amazing victim complex you've got there. Give answers then spend a paragraph bitching like a pussy about how Veeky Forums hurts your feelings, so that when someone has a differing opinion or a counter argument you can screech "see? echo chamber! echo chamber!" at them. Classy.

These threads always turn into the same things. Its typically a bunch of bus riders meming and grumbling to themselves about stance culture and stretched tires. Then when someone shows up to say "I think its fine", people like yourself go off the rails.
Thanks for proving my point btw

kek, that looks kinda fun to go and watch

Thats because bullshit like this appeals to the lowest common denominator. All of what you said is just an excuse to turn something that was once functional into something barely function, if that. Stop rationalizing and finding excuses for stupid shit others do just because you think they are the underdog, you bleeding heart faggot and get your own shit straight instead.



>another stance hate thread
>op is a tryhard
>tryhard hugbox posts follow


just another day at the office

>all this denial
is the shitposting starting already

>mfw stancefag butthurt any time someone doesn't praise them for being cool and special

Whos talking about praise?
These threads are literally a bunch of redditors in their safe space talking about how mad the outside world makes them.
Please explain to me whats different here

>garaged car thats barely driven and possibly well taken care of


>car used and abused by some dumb teenager who knows nothing about basic maintenance, but has enough intelligence to know how to cut coils and slap on an aftermarket intake

Oh gee, I wonder which I should choose.

>These threads are literally a bunch of redditors in their safe space talking about how mad the outside world makes them.

stance haters confirmed for reddit?

Stancefags are the biggest conformists tho.

gb2 r/stance

>thanks for proving my point

No, thank you for proving mine. You did exactly what I said you'd do. Now every rebuttal is met with your wall of claiming every response is a shit quality response from an echo chamber, because you can't handle an actual discussion. It's an incredibly pathetic tactic, and you should honestly be ashamed of yourself.

Is that why stancefags constantly bitch about speedbums, h8rs and cops impounding their unsafe cars?

>ugh another deflector crushed my oilpan, STO OPRESSING MEEEEE!!!

To be fair, most of the people who do that tend to only buy economy cars and shitboxes. People with sense take the necessary steps. Replace all the relevant components, bag the car, etc. The smart ones even install skid plates. Not that you would know it, but its possible to stance a car without ruining it. But again, echochambers etc etc

It can be really hard to make connections to peoples intelligence based just on what they drive. The other day some woman came into valvoline driving an sw20. When asked about the car, she said was running 300lbs of boost and was 100% serious. Some people just dont have a fucking clue

u ragin bro ?

You've done literally nothing to rebut my original point though, and you've already devolved into
>i kno u r but wat am i
so of what exactly should i be ashamed? Im ready to have a discussion about anything as soon as someone decides they want to have one instead of just memeing and shitposting, exactly like i said originally.

Definitely special

I've called your shit tactic of hiding behind "shit quality" and "muh echo chamber" out, that's it. I haven't given you an actual argument because all you'd do is hide behind the bullshit I already mention and deflect any actual arguments. There's no reason to debate with a shit person like you, because you'll just cry about Veeky Forums being full of meanies the first chance you get.

how do you handle the awkwardness of someone claiming something that clearly is not true? I never correct them because it's kinda funny to see people make an ass of themselves.

I saw a customer at autozone two weeks ago arguing with an employee. He had ordered a coil pack and when the employee pulled it out of the box, the guy goes

>"nah man, that's a fuel injector"
>zonefag says "well, it says right here on the box, 'coil pack'"
>"nah, that's definitely a fuel injector"

top kek

You've called it out but done nothing to rebut it or prove me wrong, even still.
Now do you actually want to discuss something or have some retarded meta discussion about your angry shitposting? Because im not interested in the latter.

Honestly, ive been told to just smile and laugh. Just go along with it, so to speak. I shit my pants every time I see an sw20 because of how cool they are, and how rare they are in the northeast, so seeing an sw20 turbo for the first time, in person, being driven by an utterly oblivious woman just irked me.

Why would I debate with someone who can't handle counter arguments without resulting to crying about echo chambers and shitposting? It would be foolish. Even now, you can't handle responding to my posts without calling me a shitposter. It is very sad. I hope you learn to deal with criticism in a healthy manner someday.

Yet you are ok with stancefags grinding the subframe to dust?


You need to provide arguments in order for me to counter anything. Again, if you want to discuss something im all for it.
All you did was strawman my position, tell ME what i would have said in response to a hypothetical reply, and think that in itself is a counter argument.
Ill ask you for like the 5th time, and ill resist my urge to call you a shitposter. Do you want to talk about something or continue this retarded meta discussion about nothing?
To a degree, yes and no.
Im all for anyone doing what they want to their car because its their car, but if I see someone scraping frame on a viper or nsx, i will definitely cringe.
However if someone took the time to roll their fenders without fucking them up, invest in a proper suspension (or put it on bags) and just drive carefully, its not so bad.
It depends on context. Sometimes they're just show cars. Sometimes they're slammed just for the show season. Sometimes they're trailered to shows.
If someone wants to slam their EF civic and scape the shit out of it, i couldnt care less, but generally people with high end cars take steps to make sure they dont ruin them. Thats not always the case, and when its not, i do have a problem with it.

People waste their times on stupid shit all the time (like having a jerb and making a living). Just because someone wasted their time and money to slam/rice their car does not automatically make it good, or even decent. Just because they have their own little circle jerks online, or elsewhere does not change this.

Remember those showcars from the early 00s with large subwoofers and custom paintjobs and bodykits? Those were shit too.

Thats my main thing. They like it, cool whatever. I truly do not understand it, or see the appeal but they're passionate about something so let them be. You don't go kick sand in all the downies playing together at a park, but you can watch and have a good chuckle.

cringe af

glad I came back to this thread

They were shit, yeah, and maybe when tastes change everyone will think stance is shit too.

The stance thing came about as the antithesis to the ricer culture. At its core its a 'less is more' mentality. Clean cars, mostly unmodified, but lowered, with really filled out wells. And it looks good, i think, to a certain degree of execution. Its fundamentally a different style, though. Its (mostly) not about flamboyant colors or ugly, disgusting bomex body kits anymore. Its about subtle modifications on the outside, and hardcore mods on the inside.
Its OEM+ with a better fitment.
Now the high end show car scene is all about bolt-on flares, vinyl wraps, big wings and deep dishes. Thats fine too. I respect the work people are willing to put into their cars even if its not my taste.

Well this is what i mean. If people are cool actually talking about shit and criticizing instead of shitposting, ill talk about it, but all anyone wants to do is shitpost and stroke themselves in the stance crowds direction. Its basically the automotive equivalent to virtue signaling.

>Now the high end show car scene is all about bolt-on flares, vinyl wraps, big wings and deep dishes.

the custom show car scene has always been over the top

"ricers" have been around since day 1

Now dont get me wrong, just like ugly body kits in the ricer culture of the 00s, stance is big with ricers because its accessible, but not all stancefags are ricers. I think most of what Veeky Forums criticizes are the kids that buy cheap chinese coilovers and slam their car, or worse yet, cut springs, then throw on an ebay exhaust and intake and call it a day, and i agree, thats deserving of criticism.
i feel like an idiot using the #notall argument, but sweeping generalizations just as bad.

Stance fags dont care about oil pans you dumb shit.

They litteraly hang up their broken oil pans and display them like trophies.

Veeky Forums hates anything too low or with camber no matter what tho

but yeah Pablos Civic on $40 coilovers and used Rotas isnt that impressive

Thats cheating

People find the god-awful sensation of scraping fun?

I don't think you know what shitposting means. It isn't criticism.

Believe it or not yeah.
I think its more
"im scraping because of how low my car is".
Driving a lowered car can be a pain in the ass, but on good roads its fun, so long as you arent rubbing. Not gonna lie, the first time i scraped after I lowered my car I laughed.
I made a distinction between criticism and shitposting so i dont really now what you mean
Whenever I intend on lowering a car long term I make sure to keep a spare oil pan/gasket +5qts of oil in my car. I refuse to be that fool who has to call a flatbad because i lost an argument with a speedbump.

>having to change an oil pan on a lowered car on the side of the road

Totally worth it, brah...