/mscg/ - My Summer Car General

Moose will fuck up your car edition

What is this game?
>Build a car, drink some peer, do some mundane work for good pay, and live like a Finn.
>In-Depth Guide
Where can I get it?

Other urls found in this thread:


you forgot to link the previous thread, boy

Since OP is a faggot. Ill link some essentials

Guide: my-summer-car.wikia.com/wiki/MY_SUMMER_CAR_GUIDE_2:_ELECTRIC_BOOGALOO

>reload game
>damage is gone
>meanwhile the coupe crumpling in when I walk next to it can't be undone

>thread keeps dying

Wheres the junkyard?

>4 shit jobs at once
>go to Loppe, do 2 of them, take a lot of time because I suck and one guy on the way had a shithole but it wasn't full and I didn't know you don't get payed unless it's full
>go to Perajarvi
>taking too long, truck almost out of fuel, fatigue almost full
>decide to fuel it up before I do more jobs
>shop is closed
>go to the pub, get some food and a beer
>fatigue in red
>I thought it's morning for some reason, because stuff lighted up, turns out it was evening
>2 am, pub is closed, fatigue in red, gotta sit here for 6 hours listening to fly buzzing before shop opens
>at least I have some beer in the truck so I won't die of thirst

10/10, r8 8/8, GOTY

How long can I go on red fatigue?

Can I only drop it at home?


Why does my radiator leak and how do i fix it?

How do I respawn the van after dying? And why is all my oil and sausages gone?

>order tires stereo and wheel skirts
>do a bunch of jobs while waiting for the call for pickup
>amass 8,000
>get call
>cod 7,001
wtf? it should only be like 4,000.

hey guys I lost a fan belt and now I can't buy another at the store or find it at the junkyard. What do?

You're fucked.

How do you get rid of the fly sound?

Fun fact: there are TWO sounds! Flies and mosquitos! Use the sauna/go swimming to decrease dirtiness to banish the flies for awhile. Spray yourself with bugspray to get rid of the rest.

How do fucking drive the septic truck? i get in turn it on and then press x and try to shift up and nothing happens

gonna go get some peer and try the van

check parking break, be sure youre shifting actually

Or you could embrace the madness. I still hear those flies when I'm not playing the game.

handbrake is disengaged but nothing will happen in terms of shifting

>paska-truck stuck in a ditch
>can't even pull/push/lift/move it with forklift
What do?

[Muffled Eurobeat in the distance]

Press J, run into it while crouching. Finnish drunken superstrength.

perkele the shit truck is making a buzzing noise and wont budge, how the fuck do you drive it

how do I attach my engine to the engine bay?

where are the mounts?

Two at the front of the bay, there are small brackets sticking out from the subframe. Third is at the back in the middle. You need to get the engine roughly close to the right spot and it'll snap into position when you tighten the bolts.


fuck the hoist

what the fuck do i do?

i thought this kyrvänsyylä only appears on the highway, what a twat

that guy goes up and down the dirt road

oh it's a different guy? alright

>put everything together
>breaks dont work
>engine cuts out if I change gear from neutral


are all the parts you need to assemble the car in the garage?

gotta buy fluids and the fan belt at the shop
which is fine cause the first thing you should be doing is getting groceries

when you get to the end of your dirt road is the right (1km) or left (3km) to get to a store?

>accidentally shift down
>piston blows up
fuck ME

how do I get my brakes to work
i've checked every fucking bolt
filled all the things with brake fluid
shit still won't work

i've had to rely on shifting down and the parking brake to get anywhere

I think we flipped in the same spot.

found it stuck under the seat of my septic truck.


Will the mechanic fix my car if ive not properly built it?

wew i flipped my van and smashed the windshield trying to navigate the "death and despair" route while drunk as a lord off that bottle of booze in the tractor shed

You're missing a bolt on the brake line somewhere. Tune your carb.


Today is a black day for freelance shit-pumpers.
That fucker won't budge no matter what, what should I do?

cheers brudda
will try it later

Where do you drop the drunk guy off you pick up from the pub. He doesn't say where his home is

How much firewood do you need to load up in the flatbed for it to be enough? Just keep on going till any firewood you throw at the pile bounces off?

Will the cops fine me if i drive past the checkpoint with peer in the passenger seat?

it's full when the surface stops rising

only if you're drunk

thanks, how does one use the radio in the van?

What could be causing my fan belt to pop off at the smallest provocation?

It really fucking sucks that damage is saved even if you quit without saving
>reload save after drunk shenaningans on the highway
>start car
>everything just falls apart
I sure love having to screw everything again

How do I put my own music into this game?

Holy fuck you can actually piss into the sauna and it'll turn into steam

one knob is for volume, other is the tuner ie you scroll it with your mouse wheel until you find a station.

convert music into .ogg files, name them track1 track2 etc and insert into game's music folder.

did you move the alternator with the screwdriver?

>go to police checkpoint
>roll too far
>police ram my van and kill me

Nope, alternator is in tight position and was screwed back down without moving it.

I build my car but when I turn the ignition it does a whining kind of sound and the oil lamp is lighted
I already changed the motor oil, radiator is filled with water from the store and the other 3 fluids are filled with break fluid
any idea what I am missing?

okay is this a glitch? i keep dying in a car crash at the police checkpoint

i bought the game

Where are these valves I'm supposed to be adjusting?

Alternator needs to be adjusted to keep the fan belt taut. Undo the screw and then adjust the position by looking at the alternator and scrolling. Make sure you don't loosen it again while doing up the screw!

How do you get a flap and a cap for the gas tank on the car? Mine has neither

Under the rocker cover. Remove the rocker cover, and start the engine. Loosen each screw until you hear the valves 'tapping' then tighten it back down to the first screw setting that doesn't cause ticking. Repeat for each valve.

Is there such thing as 'too tight' on the alternator? It seems like my fan belt isn't popping off, it's just evaporating out of existance.

Your engine is overheating, so your carburetor is probably set wrong. Take a screwdriver to the air mixture screw under the air filter.

>death and despair
t. people who drive on that road above 1st gear
stay at 40 kph and you should be largely fine
or you could cheat
oh and btw, on the "easy" route, you're gonna have to do a breathalyzer

ty sweetie :)

Could someone point out where the Landfill/Dump is?

>t. people who drive on that road above 1st gear
2nd gear in the van and 3rd in the car

git gud

I really just want to build my fucking car, but no.
Killer cops, ass driving, falling trough the map, and that bastard disabled commands.

Ran the battery dead searching with the headlights for this fan belt; even if I find it I won't be able to start the fucking thing.

Send help.

Battery recharges when you reload since there's no way to jump cars (yet???). Find the outhouse.

What about my lost fan belt? I think it's actually GONE, will it respawn at the junk yard?

Did you bolt the pedals to the master cylinders?

i've been murdered at the checkpoint 4 times

how do i get past? i drive under the limit to the cop with the flag and then something hits my van and kills me

>git gud
Sorry but I don't live on the edge
I live on the safe side

No idea.

Pull off the road to his right. Take the breathalyzer test through the window.

>mfw I forgot about the police checkpoint
>going 160
>brakes broken
>pull the parking brake to full
>just barely veer past the cop
>miss a tree and lightly tap the solid tree wall
holy FUCK that was spooky

try to pull off the side of the road and take a breathalyzer test

>Saturday morning in game
>Long hours spent assembling my baby
>Engine lowered, everything secured
>Fluids in, everything screwed back up
>So god damn excited as I climb into the seat and get ready to turn on my beauty for the first time
>Pitiful revving, no real ignition "Perkele" as the starter fails

Fucking. Any idea where I should check to fix this? I thought I was almost too careful when taking the last check on everything I could manage, but I guess not.

anyone know how to buff out dents in your car?
my car is jacked the fuck up because "xD bags of chips and you yourself make the car crumple like tin foil :DDD"

Why can't you drive at all without the alternator's fan belt? Doesn't that thing just recharge the battery on the go?

My car started just fine but wouldnt move at all and then it died and I think it's because of the alternator not having a belt, but is there any other reason before I go out to the store with a van just for the belt?

Bleed the brakes too.

Alt doesn't do shit without the belt, read up on it.

>go to store early morning
>still closed
>break the window, get in
>can't steal anything

>being a thief

I can't for the life of me figure out where to attach the shock absorbers. halp

Fuck my life storytime:

>after many crashes finally get the gist of driving the van, get groceries, belt, fluids
>work on car for a couple of IRL hours, pretty much all done, just a couple parts and bodywork
>4 poopjobs
>fuck it, let's do it, I can finish car later
happens, tl;dr, do two jobs at Loppa, almost out of fuel, red fatigue, stuck waiting for shop to open for 6 hours to refuel almost empty truck
>finally refuel, get my shopping done, finish one of the jobs
>get into the truck, close the door
>get scared as fuck that I'll crush and die
>land on the truck's top without any damage
>whew laddie, that would be a stupid way to die
>2 minutes later, doing the last job I accidentally fall into the septic tank hole and drown in shit

I want to hate this game, but I simply can't.

Do I need help?


>getting that perfect handbrake parking with your 90's shitbox
All the swearing, peer and hard work was worth it

did you figure out how?

It also runs the water pump, so you will overheat in short order without it.

Can you fire the engine up on the hoist for tuning purposes?

Posted it on /v/ but thought I'll bump this dead thread too.

You can't hate this game, user
it's enchanted with finnish perkele magic

I completely missed the choke. It fucking works! Thank god.

>going down the road 200kph

Feels good

A lot of bumping, pushing and swearing.

I fell in the fucking shit well, you can't be serious. That hole is so small how could I fit in there?

/r/ all vocalized finnish curses

what do the halfshafts connect to again?
I'm a fucking idiot