/msg/ - Maplestory General


Patch Notes:

Discord: Ask in the thread for an invite link.

8x/4x/6x v176+ (Updates alongside GMS).
Miss me with that gay shit.
Apply to Spooky or whisper Secret

4x/4x/2x v62 Pre-bb nostalgia server.
Leave your IGN or whisper illumin8 for an invite to Touhou.

Pay2Win/LOVE on Reboot.
Waifus/Casuals on Windia
Whisper ObtainBooty/Tonu on KHROA
Whisper Chow/Gaby on Bera


Previous thread:

Daily Reminder That She Is The Best.





would u a new 2016 platformer mmo? with cool special effects, same chilled out vibe, not buggy shit engine

Egg2 wen


I never played egg, what made it so special and why was it named egg?

no, nothing can top maple

fuck off

Because the servers were often fried and the community went rotten quickly

yes it could fadget

Thanks pepe poster i hope i don't have to run errands so I can enjoy x2. Good luck!

Friendly reminder that today is the LAST day to spend your MMF coins presuming that the event schedule isn't wrong. I'd recommend using any loose ones on either the cubes available or the honor medals, which give a whole 1000 honor exp per 1 coin.

Is the Dream back yet?

>got 35 coins because fuck this event

I think I'll just g-get a random chair box

It was too ahead of its time. While all other servers wanted to implement the newest "content" and stay up to date, Extalia went it's own way and predicted that the new gameplay changes introduced with newer versions of MapleStory didn't do anything but turn the game into single player MMO piece of shit.

While the dream's servers were up to date with the newest content and everyone hitting level 250 and 2m2m in less then a week, Egg preserved the essence of MapleStory by staying focused on long-term MMO experience without any pay2win and overall lower power levels.

What people thought was Hidden being lazy, was mistaken at the time as a work of a true genius. By not adding in b-pots, nebs, enhancing, or other OP features of neo-Maple, Extalia kept the grinding essence of both old-school and neo-MapleStory by instead focusing the servers aim to provide the best core features of an MMO without any pay2win that GMS faced - large population, years of uptime, focus on grinding, merching, PQing and Bossing.

What made it the #1 server on GTOP100 for 4 years straight was its ability to preserve the core essence of MapleStory, before it was ruined by the terrible content patches that killed the game and this general completely.

>mmf coins
are they really called that

where do I use them? The campground only has 130-equips and useless pots

I can't tell if this is bait or if you're actually serious. I honestly wish Dream didn't cave in to crybabies crying about how hard mid-game content was within the first two weeks of the server.

It's the truth, it was way comfier playing on Egg, taking a break, coming back to your account and character or making something new then getting caught up in the whole rat-race before imminent wipe/server closing of dream.

egg was literally bad gms you dumb nigger
shit server for losers


nothing even came close

does anyone unironically play on aries?

>Play WH
>Boring as fuck
>switch to Evan
>10 times more fun

Like 2 epic memesters who circlejerk with each other

Coming back to this shithole again.

Gonna play a lumeme, hows it going everyone?

damn you're ugly bruh.

Ik, I can't wait to spend tons of money on NX to become cute!

Thank you nexon! ;3

>No good private servers
>All the oldbois are dead
>GMS is dead
Why even play at this point?

i'm not dead tho

Literally who are you?

Oldboi = Newboi

No idea why this general ever thought Oldbois are even a thing. If you call yourself an oldfag, you're a newfag.

you first

oldboi =/= oldfag, dumb newboi

i'm shy >//<

t. newboi

Nexon fucked this game up too much, to the point of I'm not even interested in coming back for 5th job

>It's the same concept with more cancer wording
>not the same thing


t. neo-oldboi


Did Maplestory 2 ever end up coming out?

I remember them hyping up the beta a long while back but then silence.

it wasn't very well received

KMS version came out a while ago, didn't it?

No ones heard a peep about GMS2 though. I think they might have canned it.

Will the patch that introduces the events that start on 11/2 be the same patch that fixes The Afterlands?
Multi-equip extracting when?

>normal dildo

I dunno why but normal dildos are strange and uncomfortable to me. Dragon dildos are fun and magical.

happy sppok day /msg/


>hitting the monthly reward point limit on the 31st

>9 elite pumpkings away from the chair
I can do this!

Do it!
Balls deep!
You've got this!

Which one do you like best, anons?

third but take off the dumb hat

they all look like you just clicked random on the clothes generator, no style at all

>spending nx
>not just getting perm nx
Third's pretty good, second has potential to be good if you'd get a weapon.
>playing either of the edge mages
>being gay

>posts jojo
>calls others gay

on reboot so, I can buy style boxes I guess, butt I'm not made of money, RNG will likely fuck me. Cant go to the FM and buy some stuff for a few 100m, though.

I think they look okay. The last one is mostly a joke, the second one is made from perm Halloween stuff. Maple nx stuff is hard to work with, imo. Hard to make something look good that's not on a million other characters.

Also, everyone post your outfits.

>doesn't post images
>thinks himself not gay
>playing reboot
For what purpose?

Private servers a shit, and so are normal servers.

Might get Umbral Earrings as soon as I know what they look like without hair covering them, nexon's previews don't help much.
Yeah, private servers are gayer than 40 niggers stacked ass to dick vertically, but reboot is a shit meme that panders to meso botters even more than the regular servers.

Meh. Reboot is the best version imo.

Reg servers have to much irl money tied in them.

And players that don't spend money have to pathetically scrounge every possible advantage they can muster, begging to suck nexons dick for just a little boost, anything.

Reboot is lax farming and stress free.

even KHROA is better than private server shitters and reboot babies

I want Dream to come back.

Private servers, Reboot, and regular GMS are all equally gay, because you're still playing Maplestory. Get over yourself, no one likes holier than thou types.

>holier than thou
>he's fallen for the "everything is subjective" lie
Stay cucked to literal, actual, philosophical death, my man.

>he thinks his opinions aren't opinions
>talks about philosophy


you're both fags

>implying opinions can't be more or less correct based on how rooted in truth they are

You've been browsing /r9k/ too long, please retype your response in a format that includes neither image macros nor meme arrows and people will take you a bit more seriously.

Are you replying to someone? Please use the format for replying and people won't think you're talking to yourself.

>wanting to be taken seriously
>on a korean moba talkshow discussion forum

I apologize, I now realize he's a fag.

>Giving out free (You)s
Nah. Also, if you are honestly so retarded that you cannot infer that my post is in response to the one above me, there's no hope for you. Maybe you should retake 3rd grade reading comprehension.

And now I take back my apology because you're just as big a fag as he is.

You rang?

Did you have fun______ this weekend, /msg/?
Did you make any good gains that you'd like to share with the class?

This general shouldn't exist.

You're right. It shouldn't but it does

fuck off /mmog/


>tfw you finally get your chair and spooky shadow costume

Who's that pokemon?

gz gaby


>leveling lumi
>gonna make a super gud farming character so i can fund an evan
>come across lebbit post saying that anyone not farming with kanna is worthless
>12 hours in 2x all weekend, just bought a pet a while ago

wat do

Even with the Reflection nerf Lumi is still a decent farmer, especially if you use FMA

Choux is fucking ugly_______________

>playing worst mage on worst server
Had it coming desu
The only correct course of action is to start over in an objectively better world like scania
And this time try not to fuck up at the character creation screen so hard

I have a 193 zero on scania, but regular servers are shit.

Post equips

>Playing on Scania

that's not how you spell KHROA

>not playing scania

Bossing is still shit even after the revamp, don't play it if you're looking for something good at bossing. Even the grinding is kind of a pain now with the teleport nerf and having to switch to apocalypse half the time if you can't OHKO without Reflect's FA.

Chart is a little updated, I have 8 star tyrant boots now and the reboot master medal, might have cubed a thing or two as well


Shit is old, I'm back in LOVE now. Doesn't really matter since my Lumi basically just carries my Jett on hellux and shit, but still.

>playing a class that can't hit close to 100% pdr without nebs
>using totems that expire
>playing re-shit

>Pie ending

Neat. I don't need a pet anymore, though.

>when the commerci bosses start dropping neb boxes instead of cubes
Enjoy those blackhearted earrings that you can't drop.

at least you can get rid of them through the clothes collector npc