Fastest dailys

What's the fastest reliable daily driver for a couple different budgets.

>Under $12k

>Under $20k

>Under $30k

Auto or manual, any drive, any size.

Fast? What kind of environment, straight line? Touge?

Either or.

Straight line, highway monsters, touge, etc

Nothing is going to be reliable if you are driving it like a loon.

>under $12k
turbo ls foxbody
>under $20k
faster turbo ls foxbody
>under $30k

Pick one. The fastest car in a straight line will not be the fastest in the canyons.

Its more of 2 different cars.

Example would be
>Straight line
Amg something (not really reliable)
>touge fun
Frz or gti

Kinda like that

E60 M5s can be had for around 20-25k

Old AMG mercs from the early 2000s are all highway missles. Around the same price

Terminator mustangs are also an option

>Under $30k
Probably Camaro LT

Why is this board so obsessed with anime shit that they use terms that no one else uses like touge. Never seen it used anywhere except here.

Me neither. I need to check out initial d. I don't normally watch anime but I'll make an exception for cars.

>goes to anime imageboard website
>complians when people like anime

I came here to ecoboost shit post

>under 5k, even 10k

LS1 fbody. Most performance for the dollar

Straight line or not

this for straight line speed period

touge would depend on region

Why does it have to be a meme fox

The car the engine in originally is only slightly heavier ((and with vastly superior suspension geometry)) . 3400lb vs 3200lb

Pretty much nowhere is your weeb mobile outrunning horsepower

The cornering speed thing is vastly overrated by weebs.

I drive an ef civic and a muscle car. Guess which is faster on everything but the tightest radiuses

I was going to say Evo 5 but realized something
>JZX100 Mark II(Chasers are rice taxed by dumb niggers)
>Mustang SVT/Terminator Cobra
>Some recent year 5.0 mustang GT, Corvette, V8 Camaro, supercharged S2K or Z4M, 2Jay-Z Poopra
I hear it at the stupid meets here in Hongcouver

fucking this, you can get an 01 camaro for like $4000 right now and they're quick

Are you that retard in the other thread who was going "muh understeer is better than oversteer"

At the budgets listed, the ls has the most hp/dollar AND it's lighter. Personally I would build the windsor, but the fastest most reliable engine is the ls.



FC user?



but if you just build the original ls car with the money you save by not swapping the engine it might be faster