/gbfg/ - Granblue Fantasy General #760

>Schedule for November:

11/1 - 11/9 - A Peace of the Pie
??? - New Fujo knights event
11/9 - Rest of November - Unknown

10/31 - 11/3 - Legfest Part 2 (New Characters Rateup)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning
granblue.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ (RIP old EN wiki)
alternate: pastebin.com/XAw8bBCf

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

>Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


first for

+6 this girl right now!!


nee-chan is cute




What's the best way to do Akasa? The guide got deleted. Even with Sarasa I can barely get to 50%.

What the fuck is wrong with her face

now do her retarded beast fucking sister

Holy fuck, the damn bird's party switch is a pain in the ass.

Worst mechanic Cygames ever came up with.


Akasha? Take bishop. Dispel every ailment the second form gives you, because that shit will fuck you up.

So after two legfests, this is what I got.

What element should i stick with?

When are they going to let you share costumes between rarities? Daenetta's R is far better than her stupid SR.

Don't forget to cast your vote for the 2nd /gbfg/ character poll.


want to buy>automated way of logging into a list of accounts


KMR will bring Colo-chan-senpai

After you give me a good image𛲠

Click buttons more, retard

can I have an izmir account?
[email protected]

>posting in all threads
you must be pretty desperate huh



I can't wait to get sarasa and unleash ground zero on everything I see. Then leech.

>get SR lily
>draw Erin
>draw Joel

the fuck is with these fire def moves this is useless on literally 5/6 of the game's content

user, do you know what a fox is?

I'll also take a izmir
[email protected]

I was too lazy and didn't want to type 3 Cats and One Fox tehepero

Focus on earth if you roll altair next legfest switch to water or jeanne/ferry SSR switch to light


Erin turns any attack into fire attacks, so she's useful everywhere.

Sent :^)

Wait, for real?

How does one get the Ashen Remnant for this current event? Do I have to spam those 10ap extra quests at the bottom?


I... damn.
Okay. Thats a neat move.

>posting an email twice is desperate

your statement still does not detract from what I said
which is funny, y'know


When you get 4 of a kind does it auto make you lose on the first draw. Geez.

It's her fire switch thing on her third skill. Expect Lily to get that for her 5*.

Help. When Cog goes from her fake cutesy bishoujo voice to her true haughty dominant voice I get a huge erection.

Holy shit fuck this bird.

Killed it without the rebound bonus.

Fuck you bird.

15ap quest is better I think.

Damn I don't think I can even get enough points for the 2nd gauntlet with my stash of pots.

>kmr will try to fix his last big mistake before he left.
that's usually not how nips operate. he'll try to avoid it for months instead.

>just want to obtain horns to upgrade my dagger
>all twitter Baha HLs I join fail at around the 15% mark
>people say that you're basically guaranteed a horn drop in Baha HL
>3 victories later
>still not a single horn


when lum is gonna get poached to death

Honestly, they should make so that you can use characters that you aren't using do something else.

Should I level skills on my SR wep grid?

Welcome to the main reason she has almost as many doujins as Naru.

You want an old man to dominate you.

Like FFXIV retainers? Could be cool.

Send them off to gather your LB4 materials. Can't use them for a week but they're guaranteed to bring back 15-30 Hallowed Souls? I'd use it.

it's funny seeing 101 scrubs that join in every raidfinder baha and nips getting salty and retreating if it goes slow

They get salty because those 101 shitters come in and paralyze the boss in phase 1.

>hit once with wand
>already done
Too easy, so I took it upon myself to do a bad edit.

Captcha: Stop Burnley𛲠

Every girl looks erotic.

Except Sochie and her dumb hair.

are you implying that naru is an old man?
das disgusting desu

That's what I was thinking too.

I also have Petra SSR, what are your thoughts on Hallessena/Petra/Melleau or Galadar if more defense is required.
Or just go with Melleau/Airi/Hallessena or Galadar.

No, they get salty because some fresh off the tutorial fuckers bring song and press depravity triggering a paralyze during phase one

No, Naru gets doujins because >cows.

Cog gets doujins because people secretly love old men.

nips leave fast if it takes 15 minutes to get to water phase from the time we actually start doing damage
>multiple 101 at the bottom as dark fencers
every fucking time

there was ambiguity in your previous statement
thanks for clearing that up senpai

But cog a girl.


I wouldn't, rather wait for the SSRs

>Varunafag racing you on your Athena
This will never be not scary

you wat

>Paralyze and Fear used in Phase One Baha HL
>Break Lock used after the first break
>One nip posts the Gotta Run! sticker and retreats


Thank you based user

does anyone remember the page that you were able to pick the chars and summon you have and make like a list of it?

>hallowed soul
Pretty sure that's me after farming them during magfest instead of using my berries.

Did they start giving the lottery rewards?



Is there somewhere with the exact values of certain weapon skills?

For instance on the magnas it will say something like "medium increase to X Damage"

What exactly is a medium increase? The value? Is it flat or a percentage? Etc...

Read the pastebin and wikia

>Retreating a raid means that slot is used up and can't ever be filled in again


it's on the guide
It's the modifier part

If you could do that then you could have people come in, do damage, die, retreat, then have fresh people come in. It'd be impossible to fail a raid.

Then put a timer on when a person can join after someone retreats. Being completely fucked from someone coming into a raid because some cunt muffin dispels the raid and peaces out is fucked up.


Which one for baha HL?


Did anyone here win something from that october giveaway?

Anything important on current event?

If someone did, do you really think they wouldn't jump on the oppurtunity to gloat?

No, it was all a ruse.

The elves? Nah, there's a mediocre Fire summon if you want that but otherwise it's just to protect Lily's smile. Or take her to the propagation room.

The poll rate up? No, it's bait.

the sad part is it probably went to some guy's reroll or alt account

Reminder to keep your Grueler summon, as it will be required to obtain SR Grueler when this event comes back.

Lily's relationship with Lyria is the cutest darn thing
Unknown fire fist if that's your jam

Today is Japan's dayoff so chicken for you all

>tfw made 300 reroll account last year and still have them
>too lazy to hoard 3k crystals to get Anira when she comes

Unknown outside of collab? What is this sorcery?

What's the occasion?

>Character has a gun
>Punches, shoulder charges or kicks the enemy instead

>Character has a gun
>Mainly uses their sword instead

Silva's gun isn't exactly a mid-range easy to fire weapon
Barawa and Kumuyu are for comedy