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Previous thread: >Crews for GTA:O
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socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/pc_gtag (PC only)
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socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/gta_general_vg (all)
Other crews: pastebin.com/GtsCr3VL (embed)
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>Older threads

>GTA:O Unlocks by Rank
>Helpful information for new players
>Lap time comparison for every fully upgraded GTA:O vehicle

>Graphics settings guides for GTA V

>Patch notes for 1.36

Other urls found in this thread:


>Social Club still won't process Snapmatic Selfies.
>This issue exists since forever.
>There are thousands of threads on their forums.
>Not a single response from Rockstar, no way to resolve it yourself.
>Rockstar still advertises this feature at Social Club's front page.
>Taking the link there, selecting your selfie and accepting does nothing.
>Get told to wait a few minutes for the changes to apply.
>Months later my avatar is still the same.
>I tried from different IP ranges, different operating systems, browsers, hardware configurations and devices.
>Didn't change one time. I can still change it to whatever fucking Rockstar pre-made avatar I want, not Snapmatic tho.

Help me sell my MC goods, ya gays.

Why is Nessi hanging around with the crew if he's not even a member. This bothers me.

>gtag can't hang out with non-gtag
If you don't like him, don't hang around him. I do the same thing if I don't like people.

>caring what other people do


Do I have to guess who you are, or will you reveal it dramatically?

I love my Emperor I don't care what people blowing me up think.

>talking about bullying in previous general reminds me of the greatest moment in GTAG bullying I ever bore witness to
I'd like to thank all the people that made that shitstorm of pure comedic gold possible, and Blater for recording it.

Year and a half, he still grumpy.

ooga booga

poor kid :(


>swapped CEO Office
>modified my yacht
>sold cars I never use
>bought and tuned the ones I wanted
>sorted everything out by theme / vehicle type
>sitting on 160 million


Also, are you slinger? Or someone else not seen in that clip?

Good times. Remember this fggt? youtube.com/watch?v=1EbKi1VJRJc

Why can't we customize bicycles? You can put your crew color on a bike in races but you can't take it inside the mod shop? Doesn't need to be anything extravagant, just changing the color of the frame & putting crew emblems on would suffice.


Man, I remember how proud I was when I nabbed a super expensive bike, never ridden it since

>new vehicle is something menyoo could have made in 5 minutes

Anyone hosting a TT lobby?

>tfw the first bike you purchased is your favourite PV


post SC and I'll invite


>that autistic buzzard vs hydra debate in the previous thread

I've said this before and I'll say it again: there is an optimal way to be a CEO-a meta, if you will-that involves the CEO being in a hydra at almost all times. It is clearly the optimal vehicle for both sightseer and headhunter, meaning that should be the major focus of every CEO to be in a jet and finish those missions for his associates while they use his organization buzzard to get crates so the CEO doesn't have to get out of the jet.

There's no reason to do SS in anything other than a hydra (did it in a laser desu they're easy to land but slower vehicles). if you git gud they land just as fast as a buzzard and you can't beat that speed for racing across the map towards packages. in a hydra you should finish SS in 4-6 minutes and Headhunter in 1-3 minutes,

I used to be more diverse in my vehicle selection for CEO:grabbing gunsurgents, valks, savages, etc. just to spice it up, but if you want to get your associates paid, do them a favor and stay in the jet. they'll appreciate being paid faster don't worry.

Yep I'm Gunslinger, I've been really busy with study (and My Summer Car) but will probably come back for some shenanigans in a week or so.
>my GTA2 style crew logo is hugely popular

The only counter I'll make is that the SS packages tend to be in narrow alleys and the Hydra does NOT like any sort of collisions while landing; you're pretty much guaranteed engine smoke and that's an inevitable death sentence for the jet.

>oy its ready, lets lift the engine into the car
>wait whats this on the shelf
>"engine plate"
every fucking time

Some people shitposted against it calling it a pill. I don't know if they are underage, retarded, or shitposting.

literally just land in the closest spot near the package and walk. Do you really think the minor benefit of landing closer to the package overwhelms the advantage of moving like twice as fast across the map? you're not thinking straight.

Likely all three.

>studying engineering
>used to own a 1984 Mazda 323 with very similar engine design
>all the mundane simulator type stuff like pumping shit and making grocery runs suddenly appeals to me because it's kind of relaxing and enables the actual game of building and racing a jap banger, instead of being the game unto itself a-la Farm Simulator etc
This game is like potato chips for me, I just can't stop.

>closest spot
I should have emphasised that suitable landing sites are uncommon due in part to the Hydra's size and the aforementioned issue of collisions; even parking lots and rooftops have bullshit like fences and A/C units getting in your way. Most of the time you're stuck landing in the street which puts you at the mercy of fucktard NPC drivers. It's not so much "landing farther away" that's the issue, it's "much more likely to fuck up the engine during landing" that's the issue.

I don't have this problem because I'm actually good and can land the hydra practically anywhere. It helps if you're good enough to inch yourself under and around geometry instead of trying to land going directly down from the sky. Bet you also have trouble landing buzzards at warehouses, despite it being possible at literally every single warehouse and only bads can't do it. Likewise you can literally dive your smoking hydra into an airfield, go into your parachute, call pegasus, and have a new one by the time you touch the ground.

Face it, no reason to do SS in your organization buzzard. let your associates use it.

>it started again

Just send a constant stream of muggers, mercs, and biker hit squads after him. All he can do is be upset, if he tries to use a menu you report him.

It was easy to get him kicked out, now let's get the angry little manlet banned.

>calls a debate autistic
>believes he can end it by bringing it up again with one more obviously biased post

It's obvious that you don't into fun, user.
Also, where does solo'ing crates fall in with that?

Reminder that Nessi left by his own free will, and fighting him is okay because he is not in the crew.

I'm a capable pilot and excellent with helos, I just prefer not to risk fucking up trying to land the Hydra. Plus Pegasus has a habit of cucking me with spawning my jet at LSIA or somewhere else equally far away, so I just play it safe with the buzzard. Not even really arguing the Buzzard is better, just voicing a con of using the Hydra instead.

Then it's settled, it's mandatory for gtag to troll nessi into extinction. if nessi tries to retaliate on a gtag member, it's up to the rest of gtag to put him in his place.

That's the ground, by the way.

the FUCK


it's not biased though, the hydra is objectively faster and I almost want to race you in a buzzard with my hydra and time our finishes just to show you how much faster it is.

And obviously this discussion doesn't apply to solo players because they'd have to constantly get out and abandon their vehicle, which is a task obviously more suited towards a buzzard. Doesn't mean you can't switch occasionally when you're over an airfield to get to finish some VIP stuff if you want to. The buzz afterall can be summoned anywhere, and will always be there when you're done with the hydra.

>visible autism, the annotated manifesto

>Start a race with tractors locked
>Somehow one of the racers got a fucking Faggio
>The whole time he was doing circles around us flipping us off


>i was able to change mine
maybe you just suck

>And obviously this discussion doesn't apply to solo players because they'd have to constantly get out and abandon their vehicle
but it does, both solo CEOs and CEOs with associates need to get shit done in this scenario

no-one's outright denying that a military jet moves faster than a helicopter, but it does have its own set of drawbacks that people seem far too eager to overlook


Could you argue your way out of a mugging, though?

Then you missed the point entirely.

An optimal CEO doesn't touch his own crates with a 10 foot pole. The optimal CEO focuses entirely on VIP missions and only lands to start a crate mission or to pick up SS packages. Therefore in the optimal situation the CEO doesn't need the buzzard (but his associates do).

Solo is completely different because you're grabbing the crates so you have to get out constantly so you might as well use the buzzard since you'll just have to get out of the hydra to grab crates anyway.

Nessi doesn't menu any more, though. At least not yet.
And he was one of our top freeroam DMers and thrives on combat.
If you want him to leave, you'll need to hit him where it hurts: his pride.

>doesn't account for solo-runs in any of his posts when the original post was just one person asking about the way an individual benefits from CEO mode
>ignores crates apart from when others mention them
>dismisses others as "missing the point" as he goes on a rant about how jets are the superior vehicle

Yeah, alright. Why don't you go do some MC work instead so more people can benefit from your skillful flying? Better yet, drop both systems and just spend all day strafing players.

Also, effectiveness =/= fun.

>ever having to get out of buzzard for separate crates
get good

he doesn't get it, user. he keeps telling people to get good with the hydra/lazer when he won't even give the buzzard a chance.

>doesn't account for solo-runs in any of his posts

Except, you know, the last 3 posts where that was clearly defined, and the first post, which obviously outlined the meta involving 3 associates, so dont pretend like it was some oversight on my part when it's an oversight on yours.

>ignores crates apart from when others mention them

Crates were the subject of my original post, when I wrote:

>. It is clearly the optimal vehicle for both sightseer and headhunter, meaning that should be the major focus of every CEO to be in a jet and finish those missions for his associates while they use his organization buzzard to get crates so the CEO doesn't have to get out of the jet.

Literally my first fucking post retard.

>>dismisses others as "missing the point" as he goes on a rant about how jets are the superior vehicle

My point was my own, you're the one that missed the point multiple times you fucking retarded frogposter.

>Why don't you go do some MC work instead so more people can benefit from your skillful flying?

Less money/longer missions/rarely have more than 3 people that want to help? Sounds like a perfect recipe for your average CEO. Now you want to talk about groups but I guess only you get to bring that up.

>effectiveness =/= fun.

I fly everything and I use the optimal vehicle for the job. With associates, that's the hydra. Without, that's the buzzard. Literally nothing beyond that was ever implied by me.

I was obviously referring to when the crates are in a van/RV/truck etc.

As it so happens I pick up crates from the water all the time in my hydra, so the hydra is still better for that situation. In fact it's the best vehicle for soloing the "off the coast" crate missions as well as virtually every 3-crate mission unless it's literally right next to your warehouse.

would at least one of you shut up

>being able to come closer than a meter above the water in a hydra

It's cute that you think you're better than me in a buzzard. You're not.

unless your name is Horris/Kazz/Greenie, we're all pretty similar skill-wise in the buzzard


He literally talks about sucking in a buzzard every time he gets into one. He's a ground sniper shitter.

I do it all the fucking time, ask my associates.

t. Jrv2005

He's better than he lets on, I've seen him. He's got good accuracy with the rockets. Most people in our crew play on the ground and in the air.

I would back you up on this one, but you just soo faast ;)

In all fairness it's self-depreciating people, not the braggarts, who you have to watch out forbeing genuinely pretty good.

>the first post, which obviously outlined the meta involving 3 associates
nigger, the first post was some guy asking about the benefits of having CEO mode (presumably as an individual too). assume you have to account for solo players as well when you start lording about how the jet is so much better.

>Literally my first fucking post retard.
again, not addressing the original poster who asked about CEO mode in the first place

My point was my own, you're the one that missed the point multiple times you fucking retarded frogposter.
oh no another jet enthusiast, i should be so honored. stop incorporating your shitter activities into everything as though people don't know about the hydra.

>Sounds like a perfect recipe for your average CEO.
you talk about this like there's always players around to help you do the shit, so i would assume that you have more people that want to get paid. do you even need the money anyway?

>In fact it's the best vehicle for soloing the "off the coast" crate missions as well as virtually every 3-crate mission unless it's literally right next to your warehouse.
not with its dimensions, it isn't
most collections like that don't spawn very far out either so speed becomes less important as well

Do we have a teamspeak/discord or do you guys just use in-game text/voice chat? Didn't see anything in the OP

how about you present some conclusive evidence instead of referring to "witnesses"

>Unlock chrome paint
>Now crew emblems are locked

Dear god, I don't ask for much but I ask you please strike down on Rockstar games with a meteor that kills every single person in those offices.

theres one around, but is absolute garbage
only circlejerk losers who only play this game use it to shitpost like in reddit


>bragging about skill in an otherwise casual game
I'm not the guy you replied to, but what are you doing here? You sound like the kind of person that wants to play ARMA or Battlefield but never bothers to.

>"it's just a casual game guys" meme

>mfw I feel like I suck at PvP but people keep telling me I'm really good at it

Figured I'd intervene to say I was the guy in the previous thread asking about the benefits of becoming a CEO vs VIP. I am a solo player and don't have a buzzard or hydra. I woke up today to see that long debate. I'm leaning towards the buzzard

Is anybody here a first person purist?

I like first person a lot, even the driving. The hardest things for me are piloting planes in tight places or doing drive-by's

It's not really a meme. Getting good at GTA is literally just a matter of time. It includes a little bit of everything just so developers and critics can say that it includes everything.

Ironically, flying in first person is easier for me.

Hmmm that's what I thought. In-game communication it is then

>nigger, the first post was some guy asking about the benefits of having CEO mode (presumably as an individual too).

Look at that, a presumption in the first sentence. What a great post this is going to be. If you actually read that argument like I did, you'd know that it was entirely about comparing the buzzard and hydra as a CEO, and my post addressed the best way to be a CEO with associates and likewise that it was not the best way to be a CEO if you're doing crates solo. There was absolutely nothing wrong with my post, nor was it in any way off topic, nor did it contain any oversight you seem to believe it did.

>again, not addressing the original poster who asked about CEO mode in the first place

I literally never claimed to be focusing on one specific post, I was giving my thoughts on an entire discussion after-the-fact which delved into various subtopics that are relevant to my post. Do you realize how autistic it is to nitpick and have this meta-discussion because you're too much of a bitch to admit that there's nothing wrong with my posts?

>you talk about this like there's always players around to help you do the shit, so i would assume that you have more people that want to get paid. do you even need the money anyway?

This sentence isn't even logically coherent in itself, let alone presented as a retort to me. You first suggest the situation where there's no associates, and then immediately move to the idea that you'd suddenly have a problem of too many associates. Make up your mind and at least create a sentence that is internally consistent. You then finish with the statement that the money is pointless, why even argue then?

>not with its dimensions, it isn't

What did he mean by this? It's objectively the fastest vehicle for those missions and you're legitimately bad if you can't take advantage of this.

Stop posting.

bad detected

because he tried to imply he was better than me in a buzzard.

Damn that was a bit hard to watch, thinking it's going to crash anytime

Guy arguing that the hydra is better here, you should definitely by the buzzard first. The Hydra is end-game meta shit but the buzzard is clearly the best choice for a new player.

>get asked about evidence
>"lol ur bad"
I thought you were better than this jrv

>arguing on 4chin
>arguing on Veeky Forums

Well when you know you're right because you've done it yourself, it's actually more funny to let people dig themselves deeper into the hole before they inevitably realize it's possible. PROTIP: engage the landing gear and your hitbox for picking up crates gets bigger.

forgot how comfy first person flying was
especially in the besra

what's your GTAV poison?
pic related: it's mine


hi i play gta

Will do, thanks


lol fuck off loser

hello fellow gta player. now shut the fuck up


Gold or chrome?

they're both ass but you already have gold applied so stick with it.

gold make it look unique


thumbs up
keep shining u crazy diamond

when is rockstar adding this as a $250000 modification: youtube.com/watch?v=850ZgmDO61U

too much fun

Did anyone's glitched outfits survive the outfit holocaust? This one did, goes full retard in contact missions & heists but it's normal in freeroam & races.

Could be useful in the tuners vs laws update