Oldschool Runescape General - /rs07g/

remember to vote no in reddit poll -edition

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2 champs in 1 pic nice

nth for Hook is cute.

4th for stronk

6th for Dhargash!

this shit general is still a thing? Lmao

Why is dinh's bulwark failing? It's the best raid reward they've offered. It's actually unique instead of powercreep shit.

Because straight damage percentage reduction will fuck with a lot of content and not just pvp

you have no offensive stats and cant swap to another weapong for 5 seconds . it has very limited use at any of the current bosses. if you tank a gwd boss for example its much better to output dps at the same time
will probably have a raids boss use

why do you think that?

because it will force le tank content


Mr Glowing please explain yourself


13th for Mod Reach dying for your sins

his reactions the whole time were priceless hes a new player

claws are actually passing lmao

>just use phoenix bro
>just pray melee bro

Korasi sword when

At least there will almost definitely be backlash from casual players who don't know better over them adding a literal one shotting weapon into the game.

I could very easily see a nerf poll happening. Not to say that it would pass but there's going to be heartache over this crap.

what's wrong with korasi other than being a little more accurate than it should have been?

it had pretty high reqs too

Nothing, as long as you pray magic in every melee fight.
tbf though i quit before that garbage came out so i wasn't really affected by it

is kyou thick?


she's underweight

So if you have a pet out and get another pet with a full inventory you lose the pet right? The fuck kind of implementation is that.

thank goodness

What else would it do? Follow you around along with your other pet? Go straight to bank?


Go straight to bank would probably be best. Problem is I never want to bring my beaver out in case I get a different pet.

If you get a pet with a full inventory, it drops the last item in your inventory

No, you don't. If you have an empty inventory space, it will go into your inventory though.

doings / listenings / watchings

im still gunna post these edition



Yes you do


>tfw can't run a single copy of osbuddy at 50 fps in adjustable let alone 3.

>try to go on a scenic walk around the wildy with my basket of yummy chocolate eggs
>basket can't cut web so ask nice 124 in mystics to cut web
>he freezes me and pks me for my basket
pkers are cancer and you should all vote no to claws

thats a funny way of spelling iwtciKm

big strong legs

woah dont all post at once you faggots

does this general have a group of pkers?

like 4-5 people around level 120 that pk in multi area?

i pk singles but im only 100 cmb

>i pk singles
>only 100 cmb

why even respond to my post at this point>?


He wants people to know he's a bad ass pker

>want to hunt black chins
>faggot pkers camp it for 0 profit

they typically fight other pkers when they run into them

chin hunters are just easy targets

>all degradeable armour is failing poll
>all OP non degradeable gear isn't
Lol nice game, at least claws will pass.

should have gave the gear higher stats and level 80 def req

We don't need powercreep.

doesn't come at any surprise

Quit if you don't like it.

>le powercreep buzzword

literally noose yourself if your post wasn't ironic

That'd have been wiser.
>the game where you can buy the BIS gear for all styles for a couple mill aka irl sheks because rwt is a legal thing now
Lol. Nice. Game.
>implying I still play
>implying anyone should quit just because of something they don't agree with
You must be one of those kg kiddies.

They should really not poll whether or not armor should degrade to players. It's a necessary balance that everyone hates and will never accept.

One could say he bullied you.


whats that account for glowing?


slayer is mind-numbingly boring

i'm about to fall asleep at my computer doing hellhounds

There are some pkers here but most of them are in actual clans or teams.

kill cerberus

M 0 D M 3 R C H 4 N 7

>the game where you can buy the BIS gear for all styles for a couple mill
You can't buy fire cape or rfd gloves.


uh yes you can lol

cheers lads

>that feel when your dog dies but you still playin Runescape

its aight
that dudes gf of 3 years died and he was fletchin away with 0 fucks given so you're fine

>dog is very old
>probably in pain
>gonna have to put it down soon
>some loser in cc starts bullying me about my dead dog
>wtf I have a smiley this is supposed to be my safe space
>get triggered as fuck
>ask him what is wrong with him
>surely everybody in the cc will defend me
>only like two people stand up for me
>he laughs at my dying dog some more

Fuck you /osg/ I'm never coming back, I'm probably gonna kill myself now

rip doggo

Is it worth buying a bond as a new player or should i just do the f2p quests and enjoy the experience of discovering a game i know nothing about? I dont mind spending rl monies, but i want to be able to pay for it with ingame gold after the first one.

Don't spend money on members until you've completed every single free quest

Then you're good to go

wtf, just got 4 nests in one inv of logs


gz budy

Rip little doggo

hey when is the new deadman season starting?
and is everything getting reset?

cant wait for boaty to start streaming it

Do western provinces elite cloney you gay nigger

I mean hard, shut up

>voting no

fuck off you're the reddit here


Who's he voting for lads?


dammmit 3h9urs serber releadr i iist wwnna soeep


Are you having a stroke cunt?

cool now I have 5 fucking sets at 3/4 and no ahrims

Cry more ironbitch

I thought she would give it back..

?? I'm fugging stoked lad. ahrims sux lmoa

y-you too!

saw this general was struggling, here's a free bump lol

i want to lie in bed cuddling Sayob under warm blankets for a?

>try lms because muh claws
>realize how fucking awful it is two games in again

never again

why would anyone play this bullshit unironically unless you autistically tick flick everything

Who are the real girls from this general?

Close! it was
>I want to lie in bed cuddling Sayob until we both fall asleep

hate this
caravan hq
dalek cookie

is this red pilled?



no it's fucking autism kys


hate this and kyouran arent confirmed.