Ahri plays videogames!
>Important links
>Patch Notes
>Retarded pre-season and assassin's stuff
Old and Busted:
Ahri plays videogames!
>Important links
>Patch Notes
>Retarded pre-season and assassin's stuff
Old and Busted:
>go 14-2
>have 380 cs by 35 min
I don't think I'll ever get a champ to mastery 7 lads
So, ten bans are going to be a thing, what ADC is going to be popular seeing how jhin is gonna be permabanned?
fuck _me_
Yordles are for anal.
is that really her? looks chubby
am i the only one with a Veeky Forums gf here?
What do u mean senpai
i don't think you'll get an S if the enemy team just ran into you giving you kills
you have to help your team get kills too, or get them from helping your team
it counts player interaction
>tfw just got assfucked by a challenger jax smurf in my series up to P2
that was...unfun.
i've never seen anybody play jax like that
you're probably only one of the only people with a gf if you are on Veeky Forums mang
come on karu you're not that much of a lolg newfag
pretty easy. the solution is to literally autolock into normal matches. i did it with tristana. bretty ez
. this.
as well as.
when you constantly play a champ it becomes second nature to the point where you dont need to really think about what you need to do. you just do it
>Puck jungle wukong
Well that was fun I guess
Even though i forgot to do herald
tfw just got assfucked
felt good
she's pretty much dead in a week or so when the update goes live. wasn't even meta or anywhere near good and they still nerfed her..
I'm Veeky Forums myself but my gf is fat. I like fatties.
i just remember getting mastery 7 on mundo (my old account before perma banned xp) by about 35k points and im at 70k on jax tryn and talon and have yet to get a single shard for 7
i also only play norms
Who else [weebnoises] here?
>implying chubby is bad
end yourself
B-but why ;-;
its easy to forget herald when you are busy killing everything
I try to do it every time i can at around 10-15 min but its sometimes just not possible because I need to be elsewhere killing shit
I tend not to remember anyone who has made a name for themselves in the past year or two
mostly because people from that timeframe are really low tier
where have the actually cool people gone? rustle is never online anymore, zamp is doing god knows what and stoaga+jesse are MIA
start grinding ip and buying champ shards to disenchant. it'll happen eventually user. trust me
I main jax, what did he do? I want the secrets to gitting gud.
Xth for Katarina
best girl
guize, i need a new champ for top and jungle and it should be retardedly easy to play and of the male gender
rito made it so the easiest champs to play are all girls and it feels weird to have a roster all full of girls since i play only the easiest champs, so, can you suggest me a strong easy and male top/jungle. inb4 jax, jax isn't easy because it's a melee laner and csing as a melee is hard
>ywn watch marine absolutely destroy karu ever again
i was in that thread
i want to go back
>Laning with an Ezreal against mf
>He keeps losing all his hp with the Q bounce
I hate this game.
I never get fucking mid
idk that last game i was expecting at least an s-, pretty disheartening
just play soraka haha
kill me
Is that the image I've seen that starts with something like
>This is my last post on this topic because I have American shit to get back to
queue mid/top
have you tried improving your cs? maybe getting more assists?
>blonde Kata
uninstall pls
>le lolg namefag drama
shut the fuck up
Platinum III is so hard they're making my jinx look like a disgusting elobooster account
> liking soulless, demonic redheads
I want Diana to kill me!
i just need to keep playing, ill be truly sad at 100k mastery points
again its just cause i got mastery 7 on mundo at like 34k, and got two mastery 7 shards in a row
yes its the cringe amerishit one
the most forced reaction I have ever seen
but then again people bulk reply to lee sin so randumb xd shit like its some roll post, cant really expect anything not underage during amerishit hours
you got destroyed, ugly faggot
Name 10 champs you can personally permaban
For me it's Ashe, Caitlyn, Quinn, Kennen, Rumble, Irelia, Hecarim, Yasuo, Tryndamere, and Syndra
>he doesn't want his soul sucked out of his dick
None. Because I'm not a little bitch about what champions people want to play
if i do get a ban i use it for brand bc i can't guarantee that i'll get him myself and no one is allowed to access his power but me
> Ribbon, Vayne, Vlad, Jax, Yasuo, Zed, Lux, Tresh, Ekko and Raka
Only correct answer
>bandle draws lefthanded
worst hand confirmed
get out
I started playing LoL the vayne patch and quit right before gnar patch.
i want to start playing again, is there anyhtign i need to know?
i was like silver 4ish and normally played top or jungle
I'll usually ban Yasuo or Syndra, but anyone else I couldn't care less about.
It's not about what people wanna play, it's just what you find infuriating to play against and would rather not. Half those champs I named I don't see too often or always lose against them. They're just fucking annoying to have in my games.
nidalee, elise and lee sin. because am stuck in bronze and i'd rather not fight smurfs or get stuck with a team more autistic than it needs to be
Congrats, this general is so toxic, someone is playing on /gsg/ shitpost general because its better then here.
>M7 on shen at like 40k
>M7 on taric at 35k
>M7 on leona at 50k
>M6 janna at 90k and still need one last S token
I am desperate now
Yasuo, Zed, Darius, Malphite
the rest whatever meta cancer which I imagine will be the post rework assassins
Wait until preseason hits in like three days before you go into jungling again. They're revamping it AGAIN.
Seriously they will never be sated with changes to the role.
And nothing of value was lost.
Play her top, build her like teemo, play for kda, S guaranteed
Katrina, because she gets picked 4-5 and then I look back and realize we have no CC.
>the borders are staying the same for next season as this season
lol fuck riot, lazy assholes
Luck was on our side and granted the enemy a Yasuo.
Lee camped the shit out of me mid, Riven went afk to take a shit for like 10 mins after going 2/7, then the 4 of us grouped and just crushed bot repeatedly till she got back.
Also mpen runes on Katarina are hilarious.
this isn't high school spanish class friend
threadly reminder that ranked borders are still the same from last year
>those builds
what retarded elo is this?
Watching Peanut's stream makes me want to pound that boi pussy so fucking hard.
then you do it.
makes me wish lee sin poster would show up again
I bet if we raised awareness on reddit that they'll redesign it
Gold 3
Are the halloween skins going away in 6 hours on NA servers?
Literal bronze. The only one actually worth banning that you listed is Yasuo, and that's just to avoid shitters in your team that "main" him.
>thinking about playing league again
>check champion.gg to get an idea of the meta
>guess ill play dota or hots instead
>queue up as top/adc since I always get mid when its top/mid
>get adc
>complain in chat
>jung says he queued as top/jung
>top says he queued as jung/top
>they swap
>tell the team that I dont have adc runes so Im gonna have to dodge
>mid trades with me
>dc during load screen since my computer is shit
>get in game only down 10 cs and 1 lvl
>enemy invades my nid so I yellow card for first blood and an assist
>stomp my lane and ult any time my jungler is ganking or invading
>top laner plays mono split push
>keeps pinging his tp but never uses it
>still manage to shit on the adc and support while my team takes care of a yasuo and zac
>end game 12/4/16
god I wish I could play tf more but he feels so useless when your team is shit
It's lazy yeah but who cares?
Sucks that the Plat border is still going to look like shit but only like 7% of all players are in Plat at all and the status associated with it (being in Plat) still makes it better than the Gold border.
>Number one jungler has sub 50% winrate
What the fuck.
>adc does something stupid
>blames support
hots is shit, but dota is pretty balanced at the moment, even by its standards.
Also dota's competitive scene is miles better than league's.
t. dotard and league player who watched most of worlds.
>M7 on taric at 35k
you are like little baby
i'm just posting this to find someone who has more than i do
need 2 more for garen
waiting for the stuff theyre gonna do to azir for that one since he feels like shit to play
>support has no lane presence
>doesn't ward
>doesn't feed me kills
>doesn't suck my dick
>gets mad when I bully him
>His loyalties are to Demacia more than glorious Shurima.
Bro do you even.
champs with a learning curve get their win rate dragged down by bads. azir is the worst.
Lucian had similar pick and win percents at the start of the season I think.
Was obnoxious as fuck though.
i have 120k but i stopped playing him after rework
I love Lissandra!
Girls don't have dicks
>I was a top lane player when I began playing
>My friends encourage me to try other roles
>Play support but have no idea what to do
>Same with ADC
>Jungle is fun though, Vi and Xin Zhao are awesome
>Lastly, start playing mid lane with Lux and Annie
>I like them, but I don't really feel like they click with me
>One day I decide to try TF in a normal game when he is free
>Everything feels natural when playing the guy
>End up becoming a mid main
And the rest is history. Literally learned everything that I was lacking with the guy, and he became my pocket pick in ranked.
What are your criteria when choosing either yes or no in surrender voting?
i got to level 5 before the rework dropped
it's only now at the end that i've been spamming him again
results have been promising since i got back to silver I
>tfw Vi didn't make it
>do i still feel like playing?
>Do I want to leave the game?
That's the only question I take into account.
I prefer Azir to TF even, but its just not fun to play him when everyone does SO much more than you
plus garens ult is still the most satisfying ult in the game
his first main item gives you a WORTHLESS passive that doesnt even effect turrets, theyre talking about fucking REMOVING his second core item
and they fucked his abilities so bad he builds fucking berserkers over sorcs
shit sucks
I picked my mains based on how they looked in the splash arts, first TFs old jack of hearts skin made me pick him and azirs base skin made me pick him
after getting shat on since I didnt know what the fuck I was doing I picked up garen and shit stomped bronzees since he was a lane bully back then
now garens underpowered as fuck too
vi should be second as a big cut two toner with apple sized nuts and a huge sag
>Girls don't have dicks
I recognize that bulge!
Nah. Caitlyn is cut, Vi has all that darkened foreskin to play with