/hsg/ hearthstone general

Too lazy to find an election-related image edition

>New Expansion cards

>Deck lists, news etc:

>Arena Help

>Don't read this one

>Open Tournaments:

>Deck Tracker:

>Upcoming Hard Mode Brawl:

>Hearthstone World Championship:

>Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Voting Page:



What the fuck is this shit

is boring

play Gwent

play hearthstone!

Got the play 75 Battlecry minion quest, so I made a dragon C'thun deck Reno list for fun. Ran into this fellow who played double Blade of C'thun. He Brann'd one, shadowstepped the other. Killed my C'thun with it. It was insane.

Meme magic, son.
The tourney got crashed with no survivors.

I didn't choose anyone

What? Look how cute she is on the coin.

It is a well known fact that Pandarians are absolute degenerates in the sack.


Well, dunno man, that face expression clearly says things are about to get way too cheeky for their own good. Like "I hope you like tight leather *wink*, cause you are about to get some". But thats probably just my twisted imagination.

This doesn't seem right.

what's wrong scrub??

Congratulation guys, you ruined the panda for me.

Not man enough to like a cute Panda just because she'll peg you in the sack? Faggot. That's what the Lotus is all about.

It is a bit worse than Kazakus.
>team 5 forgot to add HP and attack values


I would expect nothing less from those idiots

>all minions have a 50% chance to +1+1 a random card in a random deck in your collection

Pay2win brawl. Is there a way I can win today without legendaries?


Did they actually roll with "hard mode"
Do we still get our free pack?

It's an all minions cost 1 mana are have 1/1 stats brawl.

No. Every minion is 1/1 so legendaries win. This will be a pain I hope someone concedes out of mercy against me so I'll get my pack.

If I do van cleef
If I play buffed C'thun
If I play questing adventurers
If I buff a minion with spell?
Will they be always 1/1?

Don't ask me it's inconsistent as fuck but mostly 1/1s. If you have Alex/rag/maly you're good to go but I have none of those so gg for me.

I don't know how Vancleef works, but battlecries like the 5 mana 4/4 that gets +1/+1 for each other minion and questing adventure work as usual

Well, i will try to jew out a win with questing miracle rogue. Seems like Leeroy is trash in this mode tho.

>1/1 that summons two 1/1s for enemy
yes its shit

>druid innervates out nourish on turn 3
>he draws 3 cards

Literally kys, how can you be this bad

Auctioneer costing one mana sure does help

questing adventurer rogue can do it.

hot new meta

questing van cleef and faceless work well.

hello, gold nova 2

When the meme is so supreme you let out a scream.

>opponent at 16 life
>3 minions on board
>only feasible way to win is to drop the enemy to 8 life and play rag
>rag hits face

Feels so good to be rewarded for my superior play.

I feel like this could easily have been 2/2.

Ironforge Rifleman

So this deck is predicated on heavy cycling in hunter, who has to dedicate a lot of card slots in order to control the board, and sticking 7 mana worth of minions (5 if emperor hits board) to squeeze hero power maybe 3 times and then hoping they both stick for another turn to go off in class without conceal?

Sounds completely fun

This feels more like an election image than you know.

but muh potential 21-face-damage in one turn

name ONE card

decided to install this while i wait for my gwent key

seems fun

i dunno WHAT the fuck cards are good but i sure am having a good time

uhh jackie chan

would malcezaar be good if it put the legendaries at the bottom of your deck?


My favorite card
Make more please

Favorite legendary card?

At the moment I am loving Van Cleef.

From a design perspective he is so simple, but enables so much good stuff. He is versatile, plays effortlessly with the rogue class and mechanics, and feels so good even though he is essentially just a high-tempo beater.

His gold art is excellent, the voicework is fantastic, and the buff hitting him is so satisfying to see.

From a lore perspective, Van Cleef is 100% Our Guy.

Finally, the flavor of the card (in my guess) is amazing. Everything you do is like him preparing, setting up traps, getting henchmen, so that when you opponent reaches him he is at high power from all of his planning.

IMO 10/10, Blizzard needs to put out more legendary cards like this.


He's be less fun.

very very good

Really makes you think.

All it took was like 4 turns of set up and emperor hitting like 6 cards in a class with trash cycle and no healing.

Thought so.



I don't even like murlocs but for fuck's sake Blizzard.

was this nerf neccessary?

I mean, its actually pretty well within the power curve established for the game.

A 2 mana investment gets you 5 stat points, 1 damage targeted is worth about 2 stat points, and it has the Murloc tag.
Compare it to C'thun's Chosen.

2/3 would have been better.

Yeah, it was in every single Druid deck. Nowadays no one runs it because the theme of the deck has changed. It's still playable, but spells and Malygos and all that don't need him.

It's statted appropriately for the cost. Dwarf wasn't. It's perfectly fine as it is, just sort of lame. Arena is going to even more tempo-based with it in.


Look at how well druid does in this meta, I think that the nerf wasn't enough.

Yeah, that card was insane. It was in literally every druid deck because it gave you a decent body with a good battle cry and a second mode that gave druid ways to deal with good effect creatures.

I wonder how it would look at 2/3, but honestly, this card was insane and its still pretty good.

why do people have to bm man

can i just execute them

Yeah, fucking hated seeing that card


>Getting triggered by emotes.

Tried this game some time ago... it wasn't fun to play how is it now?

Squelch, bro.

I mean, I get it. The only BM that ever gives me pause is the RNG BM on like turn 4 followed by my loss. Its like they got a vision of how unfortunate the game was going to be for me and decided to make me feel bad.

On the other hand, the premature BM followed loss (the taunt-to-get-bodied is a true combo maneuver) is p satisfying.


I chortled aloud

it's dead jim

is there any ctrl warrior list that doesnt include
that is not c'thun?


Except its not good anymore, its complete shit. It dies to everything now. It was mostly played for its use against aggressive decks, but being a 2/2 against zoo is pointless.

>on a class that doesn't have cycling

When is someone going to lynch this insufferable faggot?

he has a wife....

Blood Manos.

Is it possible to make a malyrogue without malygos and thalnos?

The deck and meta are positioned differently.

It'll be an option again. Not every card needs to be functional for every metagame. That is why this card got nerfed, because it was good in every meta, in every druid deck, and always had a function.


yes, the Control Warrior list focusing on removal and Elise.

Look for one, and if you see Geddon in it, replace the fire dude with some more removal.


Post good Brawl dicks before it starts on EU.

Obviously. It's just called Malyrogue as a joke. No implications there.

Lots of game are decided by coinflips and the meta is stagnant as fuck, every game feel the same and its not enjoyable whatsoever

Make it with C'thun.

Add some activators, Brann, Thaurissan, and shadow steps.

Cycle with auctioneer, blow people up with multiple C'thun drops

yeah if you play warrior XD


this expansion is looking to be more of the same trash. every other card has random in the fucking text. curve stone getting even more curvestone with buffs to cards in hand.

Last time this brawl was on I wrecked faces with Paladin. Mostly stuff your deck with minions that summon other minions (wobbling runts is nice, since you get 3 2/2s from a 111), buffs, card draw and frostwolf warlord for the finisher.

I guess I should uninstall then.

its bizarre.I think blizzard tried to make decks less curve based by making grimy goons so you keep some cards in your hand for buffs but it feels like it'll help curve decks even more
also no warlock cards yet,what the fuck?

Oh, also Brann. And the stronger the battlecry/deathrattle-summoned minions are, the better, try not to bother with stuff that summons 1/1s unless you are having trouble filling your side of the board. I'd often end up with 13/13 warlord and then buff it with kings or blessed champion once or twice for the kill.


runts are all 1/1. deathrattle minions dont spawn full stat shit. its all 1/1s, even shredder babies, spiders from eggs, sludge belcher taunts, bane, etc.

When will it be back? His "deal 2 damage" isnt good, because you dont want a shitty 2/2 against aggro decks and if you want the silence spellbreaker is better. The ability to chose which mode you want isn't strong enough to remedy the shitty stats, because you rarely need both modes in a matchup.

Its for the best user

how does evolve work in the brawl?

Literally every card is boring, except the "make your own spell" legendary. We really shouldn't expect creativity from the team that recycles tavern brawls 7 times though...

damn kibler is a sad boy today

we get it