/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous:>[Knights of the Round Table bait gacha]
From 11/9 until 11/16

-New interludes for Gilgamesh(NP gain) and KoGil

>News and Reminders
- Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/news.php
- New vers - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones&androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game
- Mashu's voice actress has been replaced with Rie Takahashi as Risa Taneda remains on hiatus to recover from illness. Her other roles remain unchanged
>New bond CEs:
-Rare Prisms have been added to Da Vinci's Shop (Gained from using 4* or 5* servants as Reinforcement materials or burning, Welfare servants excluded)
-Rare Prisms are used to purchase previous event items
-Next stream 12/6
-Babylon coming in December
-Christmas Rerun and part 2 coming in December
-FGO Anime announced



>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>FL Spreadsheet
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA


>Alternate servant/CE DB

mediafire.com/download/960gn6g6w2p0l8q/FGO Material I.zip
mediafire.com/download/wj405jjjc9ly94e/FGO Material II.zip




Suck my dick /tmg/fag.

Sieg a cute!


Post teams you beat the fangs quest today.

Man the bread was early today.

Also Ozzy!

Best boy.

if they eventually make apocrypha anime, will maaya play jeanne?

will we get suzuken as sieg?

>Have to waste time doing fuyuki 3AP until some assassin with bond CE shows up on my supports
How fucking long until they implement that support shuffle thing?

teams you beat the fangs quest today.

>I messed up my ID when sending it to the friendlist

teams you beat the fangs quest today.

Five minutes


Is super or great success the singles meme? Super worked either way.

How about you git gud instead?

teams you beat the fangs quest today.

So how much money did you spend on those, Mr. Whale?

Finally got my Raikou's skills maxed out, i hope they add bond quest soon because im not looking forward to a few months worth of grinding for her Bond CE

teams you beat the fangs quest today.

teams you beat the fangs quest today.

notice me please misora


/dng/ pls.

Christmas will give me the QP I need to make her happy.

Cute angry illyaposter

Yeah I see you there's a number missing

>Doing the fang quest
We just had months of fangs as login rewards. Who possibly needs that many fangs?

The people doing the fang quest.

can you get around the crappy resolution in remixOS or are you stuck with the 800x600

the dragon is pretty good looking

>tfw changed supports but can't edit the list myself

Thanks, facebook.

teams you beat the fangs quest today.

Yes there's a 0 missing in front of the 5

I love M̡à҉nͮ͡a̴̯̬̻͕̩k̷͇̙͇̠͚̘̉͒̊̑́̊ͣ͢a̶̡̺͚̫͎̘̼̙̹̪̜͍͉̯̘͛͒̌̄̔̐̊̽̒͗͌̅͂ͮͩͩ̚̕ͅ!̱̺͎̥̰̼̤̿

I just want the pretty cookies fampai.

I do since almost all of my Sabers need them.

I hope they add in some cool looking beast Servants at some point. All these hunting quest enemies look rad as fuck.

I want to exalt this goddess!

like bones, I find that I can never have enough of them

Nobu a CUTE.

>Arthur went for the plain loli instead of this goddess

remember to treat your 3* servants kindly

>TFW you have too many 5*s to level up

I hand then over to Da Vinci oven with the utmost gentleness.

I've been putting my NP5 Stheno to work.
Feels good.

>TWF you have too many 5*

How can Stheno be so much better than her two sisters even though they all look alike?

>a guy with level 100 10/10/10 sanson adds me


Red Hare and Calamity Jane

>going for a cute and innocent little girl over a crazy bitch
A man after my own heart.

>red hare
>a bunny

fuck off

I want to hold pinkies with my waifu!

From Nasu's blog.

>not a bunny

fuck on

So if they make bond quests again

how many bond for a 40 AP? 5k? 10k? 100k?

what did the old one have?

>Red Hare
Bucephalus when?

>This is my loli. There are none like her, for she is mine and I am hers.
>My loli is my best friend. She is my life.
>Without me, my loli is useless. Without her, I am useless.

Innocent Monster - 'murican Edumication - EX

>not knowing specifically red hare is a fucking horse

amerifats everyone

>communist symbol

teams you beat the fangs quest today.

That's from San: Three Kingdoms Comic you fuck

literally who

>a hare is a horse
and you make fun of americans?

>tfw pic related ended up as a CE rather than a servant

>Prototype Arthur will never be added into the game
>Will forever be stuck with the shitty one as a 5*

>rotkfags this triggered about a couple of jokes

Maybe i should have posted this pic instead to make it even more clear i was bullshitting.

If this is what necrophilia looks like then I wouldn't mind dying right now.

Kaguya and some literally who american outlaw.

>leaving out the red

>that jew nose


>a red hare is a horse
there you go, why does it matter if the bunny is pink or red, it's a bunny not a horse

So if Attila is a Vespa, who made the Moon Cell?

after Incitatus

>red hare
>is a fucking a horse

Rotkfags will defend this.


Nice. I still need 3 more copies and about 200k more BP to unlock her CE.

I attribute it to the intricacy of her design, her gentle voice, and her sharp tongue. But, it's important to acknowledge that each of her sisters have their strong points as well!

>this mad that lu bu made it into extella instead of more waifu shit
>this mad that ROTK 5* is best 5* and best 3* zerker
>this mad red hare is on the leaklist while literal whos from third world country isn't

This guy

What a waste of grails.

are the dragons in the current quests male or is her NP useless as usual?

>things no one said


I want to fuck the smug out of Arturia!

Do they drop golden ones at a good rate? I only got one when I did lancer quest all day yesterday

Bless AKIRA he needs to do more servant arts

How many members of the Round Table gacha do you have?

Everybody except Lancer Alter and regular Saber

>every single knight looks more handsome than Lancelot

Guinevere confirmed for shit taste.

Mordred got on a stool to take that picture huh?

>Tituria doujins never

Where do you think Agravain is?

Agravain had to be useful for something.

Not at all. I've done everything I can to lend her Servant Vessel greater capacity!

Dragons and wyverns are always female, except for that one special kind of dragon. I just tested her NP and abilities, and it seems the current Hunting Quest targets are all female.

Is Lion King a better king than normal Arturia?

>When a Nip whale with NP 5 lvl 100 REGEND with 10/10/10 and bond CE adds you

What's the point? He's pretty much just a more easygoing Arturia who doesn't have the full benefit of all the extensive focus she's gotten from FSN and its spin-offs.