/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Maining Shadowcraft is suffering edition

Shadowverse is a class-based collectible card game akin to Hearthstone /hsg/ . The Steam version launched on October 28th.

Platforms: iOS, Android, Steam (store.steampowered.com/app/453480/)

Official Website:

Card Database / Deck Editor:

Intro Guide/FAQ:
pastebin.com/xNmQuDzR (read this if you're new)

Take 2 Card Rankings:
Get your cheat sheets here: imgur.com/a/Dpbmh

Friend list:

Some user made an all-in-one Steam undub and uncensor for the lazy or mentally handicapped. Open wide and enjoy responsibly.


Decryption key: !tsu910nR6lT_xTQAx9QUNI_96DLJ0mvgIwwThp5lPS4

Come here if you want to search for card artworks:
Search by artists:


Nah, so far I've fought Storm Haven, Elana/Seraph, and Blood Bat. At this rate I'm never going to get this mission done, and I only need 1 victory

Second for THICC

I want to fuck ____

I want to impregnate Luna.

Do not sexualize Rowen

Why can't shadowverse have REAL women like this?

Except DShift is T1.

If anything, Elana is T2 now.

I want to fuck Erika while her hime-sama watches!

Great battlecry voice combined with great and suitable fanfare effect post em

(english and nippon accepted)


why is isabelle on a hs card?

Maybe Elana is, but the Seraph hybrid deck is still bullshit

Erika and Arisa at once.
Erika humiliated like dog and Arisa losing both her ass and regular virginity in a single night.

On my blade,
Victory and prosperity are yours!

How do I deal with people killing of my fairies?

play more fairies

Need a concede, Match ID 60997.

send help

>havencraft isn't broken



>There is no creation without destruction
>Blasts enemys face

Virtually every female in the game

>priest cleared my stuff from deck 3 times and evolved his followers 6 times
Holy shit, stop doing that. This fucking clear shouldt exist.


Even the orca?

Even Ghosts?

Not going to rule anything out

I want Vampy-chan to step on my dick!

>dshift is back in tier 1

doesn't dshift shit on haven

You can blame Elana Seraph faggots for that

hey post the full picture


I want to put my face on Vampy-chan's cute butt!



Because of increased amount of Seraph Haven nonsense in the meta.

>Arisa losing both her ass and regular virginity in a single night.
>A virgin
Mate she's an elf.

She probably raped at least a few orcs already.

I know Rune isn't broken, but fuck do I hate fighting it sometimes.

Thank you, but while that guide is helpful, it doesn't answer my question as to how you backup the rerolls like that fellow did Could anyone help me?

god bless rune bros for keeping the cancer haven at bay

That and the healing haven are the most boring to play against. 7-10min match turns into a fucking 20 - 25 min match.

fuck off

how does one get gud at cardgames where they don't blindly just copy meta decks? It feels so satisfying to win with a deathly tyrant.

If I wanted to sneak an Olivia into this to have something to resort to if I get dragged out late, what would be the best thing to replace for her?

>salty Butthurtstoner detected


>Only opponents are jap

Dead game?

You pray you draw the right synergies, combos,winning cards, and hope your opponent draws high ass cards in the beginning.

>keeping cancer heaven at bay by forcing everyone to play aggro or insta lose

That's like curing someones cancer by putting a bullet through their brain.

Fencer and Fervid are shits.

no, you jackass, thread invasion is retarded and doesn't accomplish anything. hearthstone's a blizzard game, you can't "kill it off."

uh when did this game come up i just saw this general for the first time today...also is this game any good trying to get away from hs...


Learn not only how to combo stuff, but think about the pace and curve of your deck. Those meta and net decks etc had to be created by someone to begin with. You need cards to satisfy certain roles like removal or pressure and most decks that are consistent are quite balanced in this respect. That's why some decks run out of steam so quickly, because they are only optimised in 1 way.

What do you take me for, some sort of lewdposter?

Fencer or Sage. Awilda or Alexander would probably be more helpful though.


I want to manhandle Erika so fucking bad, I swear. No idea why she drives the sadist in me crazy.

summon vangguard instead of quickblader

Why Fencer? I find her to be pretty useful

I want the princess to step on my dick

Oh shit son, i got memed on by roosted Genesis into Urd.

Please sir you must take responsibility for this disturbance in my pants.

flip your phone

>asking /svg/ for deck advice

I played HS for 1 year and always got at least to rank 4 or above each season, and I love Shadowverse. It helps that cygames is a lot less Jewish with gold, arena tickets, packs, dust, etc. For example a pack has 8 cards rather than 5, and you can get 3 quests per day rather than one. Tons of achievements and challenges are implemented as well, and doing all the AI Elites and story modes gives 7 free arena tickets and 1400gold right out the gate.

It's a horrible horrible game. It is loaded with bullshit RNG that would turn your lead into a loss at a moment's notice. The company also has some bullshit practices that overcharge you for the cards that you have to buy just to keep up with the meta.

Would not advise to pick up the game. Blizzard, for all its faults, are at least not as horrible as this company is. You might want to go back to Hearthstone or at least play some of the other Blizzard offerings, like Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch, or StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void, only on Battle.net.

>7 bronze 1 silver pack

I'm not using a phone.

>Create meme deck to fuck around while working towards daily mission
>Suddenly 5-0

Well OK then.
Is Bloodcraft generally good or did I accidentally build a deck that's not complete shit on my first try?

flip your display

But we have to kill off their general by demoralizing them so we can win the card game war.

My legos atm

Should I liquefy any?

You described hs...

Flipping back and forth is annoying as shit.

mythril golem bloody mary and pascale

How exactly does rune counter haven? There's really no amulet destruction and no way to deal with Seraph unless you get a DShift+Flame Destroyer super early

You're a fucking idiot.

>Dragon plays Phoenix Roost
>I completely walk all over him after

or you could just, y'know, shut up and play the game while posting about how much you want to fuck the cute girls in it. that's discussion everyone can enjoy.

heres your (you)

why would you break bloody mary

how much gold can you make off of quests?

I tend to keep leggos unless I get too many copies of them. Never know when you might wanna use em, and new decks pop up often.


Same reason you should liquefy Merlin. Played in trash deck.

aggrobats is the stronger blood deck


enough for 1-2 packs a day

>It is loaded with bullshit RNG
the only RNG i can remember in this game was evolved yuel the ancient, elf tracker and this two seems never seen competitive play

meanwhile in HS look at their new card almost everything filled with word effect do random x random y random z because its fun!

I don't understand why anyone would ever consider this a good card. It just makes games shorter and usually in favor of whoever didn't play it.

Fencer sucks when you have nothing on board, which can be pretty often.

>dumb cat

Hey, Ben. I appreciate cards like these representing real women, however, don't you think it's a bit insulting to the Muslim players?

once you play enough, you'll get bored of playing meta decks and want to try out some meme ones which all of these can be usable. I still need a fucking pascale for my earth rite deck.

Only Tia is the only "good" leggo in the meta but you can use Beelzebub in control decks.

Will Cygames ever stop nerfing Forest?
how many nerf waves have they hit it with again?

It's good if your deck is massive. Half cost Fafnir/Genesis/etc is no joke.

that's pretty much the same as hs...

No, I'm sure I just described Shadowverse, anons. Besides, you think I'd go on the internet and tell extravagant lies on an indonesian shadow puppet board like that, user? For shame! You wound me with your distrust!

Why, thank you, kind anons, I'll be sure to add these to my dust collection. :^)

Give it a shot, man. Game is pretty solid.