/tsg/ The Sims General

The Sims 4 Multiplayer Edition

>Official News:

>Patch Notes for The Sims 4:

>General Sims Information:

>Expansion Evaluation:
The Sims 3: a.pomf.cat/dhgjdd.pdf

>Game Cracks:


>Gallery Tag:
#ts4vg (Enable Custom Content in left pane)

>Mods and Custom Content:
- Maxis Match for Sims 4: pastebin.com/wS3a2En9
- Sims 4 and 3: pastebin.com/TBqj7S7b
- Sims 2: pastebin.com/eYZvWXYs
- Adult CC: pastebin.com/Qr7a989F


>/tsg/ Creations:


Other urls found in this thread:


Did anyone know that if you go to your Sims 3 profile on the old website there is a redeem free simpoints option that gives away 1,000 free simpoints?

Apparently, you can click it three times before the button disappears. I got 2,000 points last night and a few hundred from grinding the advertisements. Then today I got another 1,000 which allowed me to buy the Lucky Palms standard edition world finally!

And I still have 2,000+ points left from clicking the link a few times afterward.

These threads died. ;_;

>release new expansion pack
>Veeky Forums doesn't give a fuck

Dead Game General.

It's not that they don't give a fuck. It's more like faggots complaining about people posting "stories" which is more or less playing the fucking game. If you see them then please remind them to take their Domestos.

I'd give a fuck if there was a crack.

Just buy the game.

Holy shit, somebody is actually working on a multiplayer mod for The Sims 4.


>buying anything

But that would require some sort of income.

It's seems too amatuery, the Skyrim Online mod is being worked on with several people who don't seem to be amateurs and they've been taking years and years.

This probably won't be finished even after Sims 5 is released.


>tfw you wanna play sims 1 but it's old as fook
>tfw you wanna play sims 2 but you remember the sims look terrible
>tfw you wanna play sims 3 but it runs like shite
>tfw you wanna play sims 4 but it has no content
>tfw you wanna play a spinoff like busting out but it was never released on PC so you gotta use a shitty ass emulator

Will we ever get a perfect Sims game?

To have a perfect sims game we'd need Sims 2 but with Sims 4 graphics.

Let's all get together and retexture/remodel Sims 2 with Sims 4 sims.

>Game forces you to use Origin
>Game is half assed and barely even worth the pirate

No thanks.

Why did Betty leave the discord server again? I'm just curious.


What made 2 better?

>load up sims 2 for first time in a while
>create QT family
>son gets A+ report card, goes to show parents
>they're fucking

It looks likes he's cheering them on m8
>"Go Dad go! Give her a good tumble!"












>as he gazed upon the bloated corpse that was once his own daughter, he thought that today couldn't get any worse
>and then here comes Betty trying to peddle her shitty pancakes

Why are you against Origin, Anonymous?


Needs more circlejerk.

Hi. Not a big Sims fan but found the following and wanted to share with people who are:

This is an experiment in playing a homeless family in The Sims 3. I created two Sims, moved them in to a place made to look like an abandoned park, removed all of their remaining money, and then attempted to help them survive without taking any of the game’s unrealistically easy cash routes. It was inspired by the old ‘poverty challenge’ idea from players of The Sims 2, but it turned out to be a lot more interesting with The Sims 3’s new living neighborhood features.

I have attempted to tell my experiences with the minimum of embellishment. Everything I describe in here is something that happened in the game. What’s more, a surprising amount of the interesting things in this story were generated by just letting go and watching the Sims’ free will and personality traits take over.



Wow. Memories. I read this when it first came out. I seem to remember enjoying it! Thanks for the nostalgia trip.

What exactly is going on here?

a good time

I don't wanna

give you all my time

and I don't wanna

give you all of me

but I wanna

give you one more night. Woah oh oah oooh

Hold me in. I don't mind 'cause I'll push you away.

Baby, I don't know how you thought that I would stay with you 'till the morning.

Sorry but I can't say no to your body on my body.


But I'll let you hold me close but then I gotta go


oh my god this is horrifying
why does this have to exist?
also anyone working on a crack yet? it's been nearly a month

also just in case, do store bought expansion packs work with a cracked base game?




So I've never played the sims before, I've got it all working from games4theworld, was just wondering about the store updates. Do I really have to go through and download each month update one at a time? there's no complete zip?

Is this a custom painting for The Sims 4?

I noticed somebody used paintings for custom menus of a really well built Starbucks on the gallery.

How do they do this?

every fucking thread, I see this fucking disgusting looking sim. can u stop posting shit content like this autism and then maybe these threads would be better.

>can u stop posting shit content
you first, dumb frog poster

uh, no.

Starting a new family

I don't get it.

Please, any more salt and you'll give yourself sodium poisoning

They are African slaves in the Southern U.S. and the white man is a plantation owner.


i want to see cool houses/buildings

You have a rape mod installed for the female slave right?


Is a greenhouse-esque area like this functional?

Ignore the grown plants, they grew before I put the window walls up.



Dumb cunt same fags.

Why even bother posting if you're just going to cry?





Real talk, what's made the crack take so long? Is it lack of interest or have they actually make it more tricky?

probably lack of interest

How do we even continue?

There's no crack in site, no interest, a decent sized chunk of people that used to post here have the discord now and only a few people are left attempting to keep this zombie thread going

It's fucking over

Rasheesh has no time for bullshit.

Keep on keepin on, user


how you doing babe

my first post



its me betty lol

I want to fuck her

I want to fuck her

sims is gay




those eyebrows and hair




I'm alright. Strange times right now.

That's a fancy-ass establishment.