/@/ - The iDOLM@STER General

Previous iM@S Thread: Archive of materials: yukipo.com
Japanese news: imasnews765.com
Official upcoming events schedule: idolmaster.jp/schedule/index.php
Streaming music: shijou.moe/imas-radio

OG material translation: pastebin.com/7HAMC7bN
OG discography: pastebin.com/Ey7uyqDL
CG material translation: pastebin.com/jf7CiTya
CG discography: pastebin.com/fX7fpxrU
ML material translation: pastebin.com/3yynKCtQ
ML discography: pastebin.com/jtCYhgrA
SM material translation: pastebin.com/tiVgamsu
SM discography: pastebin.com/mXYV0TY3
Character birthdays: pastebin.com/j3MGjNCK
FAQ and Resource Links: pastebin.com/icRtaLvv

Ongoing Broadcasts:
Mondays: Dereraji Star
Wednesdays: DerePa and IM@STATION
Thursdays: Million Radio
Fridays: 315Pro Night

November 24th: Mirai Kasuga ~Million Spark!~ scale
November 26th: Puchimasu manga volume 9
November 30th: Million Live 3rd Live BD @Sendai
November 30th: THE IDOLM@STER STATION!!! Summer Night Party!!! BD+CD
November ???: Ranko Kanzaki ~rosenburg Engel~ scale
December 7th: LIVE THE@TER FORWARD 01 Sunshine Rhythm
December 7th: STARLIGHT MASTER 07 Summer Carnival!!
December 9th: Million Live manga volume 5 (+CD)
December 21st: Million Live 3rd Live BD @Osaka
December 21st: SideM ORIGIN@L PIECES 02
December 27th: Mana manga volume 6
December ???: Ami/Mami Futami Phat scale
December ???: Nana Abe ~Meruhen Change!~ scale
December ???: Mio Honda ~Crystal Night Party~ scale
December ???: Million Live Megumi/Nao/Julia T-Shirts
January 11th: LIVE THE@TER FORWARD 02 BlueMoon Harmony
January 25th: Million Live 3rd Live BD @Fukuoka
January 28th/29th: Producer Meeting 765PRO ALLSTARS -Fun to the new vision!!
January ???: Airi Totoki ~Princess Bunny~ scale
January ???: Haruka Amami & Miki Hoshii ~Twinkle Star~ Nendoroid Co-de
2017: Cinderella Girls Theater Adaptation

Happy Birthday Rio and Miki

Other urls found in this thread:


Bow down to king Hatukasan


That is not proper winter attire.



It ain't cold everywhere on earth.
Maybe they took a nice Australian vacation.


So between the two womanchilds in the OP, which one would you prefer?

>Miki birthday in 2 days

I'm gonna start making threads at 700 replies with someone else just to make you eat your own medicine faggot

I'll take the flying onigiri.

Goddamn, these drugs are fucking strong.

>tfw I share my birthday with Rio
I'm her boy for today.

Isn't Miki too young to be a womanchild?

Do it if you can.

I prefer bread

She's 15


I don't think Miki qualifies as a womanchild.

Alright! Who doesn't love a good OP autismo war?

The thread police.

Happy birthday user.

>being this mad because someone interrupted your falseflag OTP week
This is the path you chose. You started making early OPs because you were angry about the Halloween joke, and now you're angry that someone else made an early OP. The ironing is delicious.

>another metafag complaining

It's so easy.

You're easy, nerd.
Easy to get into bed.

oh boy here comes the CGbaby

>It's a CGbaby

It's the same post a MLfag (probably you) did last thread.

I've got a theory that metafags don't get kissed on enough.


Looks like Sendai and Imas Station BDs are coming out on the same day. Anyone getting the latter?

I've got a theory that there is in fact no "war" between the CG/ML/SM/DS/OG fans and it's actually just one or two guys falseflagging and replying to each other or even themselves, constantly flipping and switching sides, for nothing more than their own amusement.

They are very silly people and we should ignore them as best we can.

Now then, back to our discussion about womanchilds.

So, anyone going for T1 or 2 in the current SS event?

My wife on the left!


I'm really glad STATION came back in full. There was that brief disturbing period where they broke up.

Nice try metafag

Nana you get headpats

Nana you get breastpats

Can I get headpats? I'm a good user.

Say something nice about this idol.

She has pretty green eyes.

She fucks good.

Miki you're a girl

She got me into the franchise.
Thanks porn.

more like breastpads

She's beautiful and cute and sucks loving cock.

Best Miki.

Mikimiki is a good girl. For various reasons.

Everything about her is nice.

Nine Mikis!?


Miki isn't for lewd. That's Hibiki's job.

1 poyo.


No, Hibiki is for pure loving. Miki is for lewd.

Hibiki is 16 years old.
Miki is 15 years old.
Therefore, Hibiki is unsuitable.


Good Good

Hibiki is very lewdable for her age.

That's four poyos, not one poyo you fuck

Here's your order


nana you get hugs and kisses

3 poyo~

What the fuck no, that'd be me and I'm not mad at all. I had a KonoRio thread ready but I don't mind this at all because I love Miki.
I'll save it for tomorrow.


Uzuki Shimamura is quite cute here.


Get you a girl who can be both.

So Rina likes poyones?

The ones from her coworkres at the construction site?

Three Mikis!?

Two Anyas!?

Miki's bare legs

On it.

>Whatever honey wants... Is okay with Miki
What a slut. Sluts are good girls.

Takagi-san take off that wig, you can't be Miki with breasts like that.



I must them.

This is my favorite meme


Is it a first event in which scene in awakened cards and MV scene look nothing alike?


Grab ahold of your Chama by the butt

Miki's husband!!(female)

Why is she in a cage

Thank you, have a cute Yoshinon

Deepest lore.

I want Makoto to try and dominate me.

Plant MUST make a Miki c91 doujin!

She tweeted too much


to save lolicons from their fate.... she's a succubus who feast on men's souls

Cuz she's gonna break and run

Makocchi armpits are so lewd...

Hibiki is for headpats not lewding

>Tiering for Bakane

Because he hasn't made enough of Miki already.



But does she let the men she seduces feed on her?

>Because he hasn't made enough of Miki already.
Not enough, you criminal scum!


Why does Momoka drive me crazy? She is the only idol I want to pump with my seed all night long!