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3DS: 9.2 (Downgrade: 10.7 - Entrypoints: smealum.github.io/3ds)
Wii U: 5.5.1
Vita: 3.60
PS4: 4.01 (Kernel)
PS3: 3.55

3DS: pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9
Downgrade + a9lh: plailect.github.io/Guide/
Wii U: pastebin.com/8u0WAyJC
Vita: pastebin.com/v3caHHnp
Games: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Bt-Yf8V591ENHraRwD8fUQhuzH-a2_mRi0UWSV4NvD0

-Downgrade from 11.1 possible thanks to new exploits that are going to be released in the following months. If you still haven't got a cfw, DON'T UPDATE: you can use httpwn to play online and access the eShop.
You can downgrade from 11.2 with a hardmod or hacked system transfer. plailect.github.io/Guide/dsiware-downgrade
-Nintendo released 11.2. Updating is safe only for RedNAND/a9lh users.
-Unbanning is possible by replacing LocalFriendCodeSeed_B gbatemp.net/threads/449251

>Wii U
-A new method to get regionfree has been released. gbatemp.net/threads/448468
-Preview version of hexFW released.
-haxci has been released. gbatemp.net/threads/447688/
-Stable CFW with RedNAND released. gbatemp.net/threads/446819/

-PSN spoofing is broken on the Vita for both Henkaku and TaiHenkaku currently. This means no online play and no store access. If you don't have a PSP game for Adrenaline access, your only option is to use a PS3 to download from PSN then transfer to the Vita.
-Adrenaline released. gist.github.com/TheOfficialFloW/0ed4e09e2d447e631416cb84d7c43107
-taiHENkaku released along with source. tai.henkaku.xyz/
-Some .vpk files can brick your Vita. Be careful. wololo.net/2016/10/04/warning-ps-vita-brickers-in-the-wild/
-Update 3.61 patches HENkaku.

-4.06 patches the 4.01 jailbreak, DO NOT UPDATE.

-It's possible to run games on OFW 4.70 without ODE and IDPS. gbatemp.net/threads/447577

Other urls found in this thread:


Came here to learn how to hack my vita only to learn that it's firmware 3.61. Am I screwed?


I don't understand why everyone is so excited for 33c3? What more else do we need? Rippings games directly from CDN isnt enough for you? Have people not learned their lesson already? Anyone who has a 3DS over 9.2 firmware in the year 2016 just give up pay for your games, latefags

>over 9.2
Over 11.0.

You know what I'm about to ask, fampai.

So why can't we get an emulator for ds roms without a cart yet? Don't even care about playing them as vc/cia just want equivalent to a gba emu for ds roms.

>PS4 backups on retail units NEVER

I mean im waiting for ds sd loading but why? It doesn't really matter.

Also why does the ps1 retroarch get one trillion fps when sound is off but when its on it becomes almost unplayable? On the same note how do i lock it to play at the rate its meant to and also skip frames that go below (50 or 60?) isntead of just slowing down.

You're fucked.

You can run emulators on 3.61 but pirated vita+PSP games and Vita userland homebrew are out of the question

Slowhax will allow for 11.0-11.1 downgrades (presumably being released around 33c3) also
nah bannedfags with other 3ds's they wanted to downgrade. Also fuck off we should always be encouraging a way to downgrade new dses user.

What's the current minimum/recommended SD size to install a9lh?

How hard is it to upgrade from emuNAND to a9lh? What are the benefits?
For reference, I got emuNAND when 9.5 and whatnot was the shit and it took me 3 days to get it working properly

time to sell it and get a new one

Desmume has been ported to 3DS. It's not good and doesn't even support touch input, but it's there.

Because software emulation sucks and you would rather use the hardware on 3DS instead of emulating it.

if you're on 9.2 and a n3ds you'd have to be mentally retarded not to do it
if you're on o3ds you have to do another downgrade but its easier now follow the fucking guide

it never should've taken 3 days unless you stopped to jack off every other step

Not really a minimum, but with Black Friday around the corner you'd be as well getting something like a 64gb/128gb card to take care all your needs.

Is the new galaxy N3DS hackable?

Oh well, I guess I'll wait until someone figures out an exploit for 3.61+ I never use my vita anyways so it's no big loss.

I was actually considering on doing that before I found out you could hack a vita, but without the "get a new one" part.

4 / 128
Man i wish i had a 128gb and not a 64gb. I think i only have 12gb free and if the rumors about switch n3ds game release cycle are true then im screwed

But in there year 2016, system menu 9.2 has been the "safe" firmware for MANY years already. Anybody who hasn't gotten themselves a 9.2 unit by now has no one to blame but themselves for when they're complaining it takes 40 minutes for an ROP chain to execute,

With a 2nd hacked 3ds, it's guaranteed 11.0 (or when slowhax is out)
So still never ever territory then for converting to cia/virtual console? I mean I have a cart but it's just slightly inconvenient.

>-It's possible to run games on OFW 4.70 without ODE and IDPS. gbatemp.net/threads/447577
>it still requires a fucking CFW PS3
Okay where can I send in my early-run Slim PS3 to be hacked? I want to play games like Vesperia already and I have no experience with soldering and hardware mods

I don't leave in the states, I'm helping a friend to hack theirs and we have no black friday here.

Software emulation on the 3ds can barely play SNES and GBA games, why would it be able to play DS games?

How do I hack water that was spilled on my 3DS? Can A9LH fix that?

I have a cfw'd 3ds I agree, those on hackable firms who didn't hack have no one to blame but themselves/are retarded. But those who bought 3ds's and they came on 11.0+ should be free to downgrade as well. There are a lot of 11.0 dses out in stores now user.

As long as you can read and follow instructions, it's simple.
Takes an hour at most to swap over.
Benefits are 100% bootrate, no mixing up sys/emuNANDs, and you can save yourself from bricks with NAND backups.
You also free up some SD space.

I got it up and running relatively quickly. It was fine-tuning it that took the good part of a few days (on and off).
How am I retarded for not doing it already? I generally just thought I was contempt with emuNAND and never dabbled in a9lh until someone shilled the genuinely great aspects of it

i sold mine a while ago, only recently bought another for soul sacrifice. I still haven't found any other decent games for it.

Ricehax, user.

wait what, I haven't noticed any issues with snes or gba on the n3ds? Retroarch and the default gba emulator the starter kit comes with have worked fine so far. Unless you mean it's barely able to get to that point.

I'm playing Pokemon Moon, and I'm tryiing out the Festival Plaza for the first time. I get an error code when I try to connect to GTS. It's not a numbered code, though. Can anyone link me to a translation of this?

Do I need a NNID to connect to GTS?

How do you use custom badges on a banned 3DS?

Are you running Shamwow 9.2?

Whoops. Darn phone.

There's a guy on EBay called cartel downgradez by vinny. If your PS3 model is downgradable to 3.55 then you can buy his service for $30, ship your console to him, he'll downgrade your console for you and change the thermal paste, then ship it back to you.

I'm already running that, but I think mine is gone

It didn't get dropped on water or water spilled on top of it, it was on top of a humid place for a while, so water kind of seeped in

The battery is charging and it still turns on, but all the face buttons are mushy and unresponsive and the L button is still clicky but in the system it's pressed all the time, so I dunno if drying it will fix it

Nope, I tried to boot up Tissues11.2 but I don't think it worked

If you are on a phone, try translating that with google translate's app, it has a picture mode

Sorry, son

Black Friday makes SD cards cheap? Is it an Amazon deal or should I head out to the local JewMart or Target?

Remove battery and disassemble asap

How do I install Temple OS on a Vita?

>heading out on Black Friday
uk Amazon's already doing 128gb micro sd and adaptors for 25 britbongs so it's worth having a look around.

Reminder that DS rom loading from SD is not worth waiting for.

I want bootrom.


That sounds like something a cia nigger would say

But the guide said I could upgrade to the latest now

You'll never get it unless you accept ds rom loading from sd card into your life.

Enjoy your 100gigs glitch.

I'll try again later, maybe after setting up my NNID.

You what

Besides having SD cards instead of proprietary cards, what could Sony have done to save the Vita?

It says, please try again and if the error persists, please contact Nintendo Support.

Better 1st party backing and a variety of titles that didn't just appeal to hardcore fans.

Also, gotten MonHun back somehow.

best psvita game that is less than 900mb in size?
my memory card went kaput but I want something on my vita until I get a new one

repost in new bread

I was thinking of getting and replaying Muramasa with the DLC, but I dunno

And thank you.

Continued first-party support, actually marketed their games, and that's pretty much it.

Sony isn't exactly famous for first party support unlike Nintendo

Did Vita even have any fun online games?

Killzone and the various not-Monster Hunter games were alright

There's a glitch/bug that happen if you delete some games when you have more than 100gb data in your 3ds sdcard. Check the archive.

Never ever
Nintendo is going to keep its new toy while you keep Frontier. And you're going to like it.

>Sony isn't exactly famous for first party support
Isn't Uncharted 4 the highest selling and scored game on PS4?

Dragon Quest Builders is fun. Demon Gaze if you don't have the space for larger DRPGs.
Personally, I love me some EDFs.

Lumines Electronic Symphony

Super Monkey Ball: Banana Splitz. Downwell is less than 50MB.

The discussion was video games.

>download a bunch of cias and put on sd
>install said cias leaving them on card until at 99gb or lower
>problem solved
you get a 128gb if you're a hoarder user, that's never an issue :^)

Im not going through the archive just to find that, thats stupid

It's the highest selling first party exclusive but third party games like GTAV and CoD outsell it big time.

How do I know if it's downgradeable?

Hes talking shit though, i cant find a single thing talkimg about his issue online

He said archive neanderthal.

Try playing A Link to the Past or Donkey Kong Country and then get back to me. Only a handful of games actually work on mGBA or blarg without issues.

Download a file called minvercheck, you can google it. Put it on a USB then do a system update via USB on your PS3 in the settings. The update will give you a error message stating how low your PS3 firmware can go down. If it says 3.55 or lower then you're good.

>the archive isnt online
I know its (you)

So Dragon Ball Fusions came out today, first game I've felt like pirating.

Any idea how long it make take for this thing to be dumped as a QR code?

I've gotten it before when I had first put my 128gb in my o3ds, only happened with BBM though it'd say some shit about space or something (don't even remember actually what it says) but it just gives some dumb error if you have over 100gb because I guess it can't handle the blocks number or something so you have to fill the space before being able to use bbm and probably (doubt it now though) fbi.

how do i install httpwn on my n3ds the version on the hombrew starter kit doesnt seem to work.


steins gate 0 vpk when

About five hours.

Cia is already out, I've been playing it for a while, really fun

BigBlueMenu (title manager) Outdated now I believe.

If you buy a digital game when you have a not pirated psvita and then get another pirateable vita, is there any way to play that digital game or it'd be impossible to play it?
If not I'll jsut get a physical copy of the game, but it's 20€ more than the digital copy thanks for the shipping

Well, it's already been dumped as a cia if you want to get it that way.
As a QR? No idea, I'd keep checking the Title Key website.

When they figure out how to play it on a 3.60 Vita

Hol up, if I have a retail copy of Steins Gate 0 can't I play it on my 3.6 Vita?

Where can i get a pstv for cheap in Australia?

Who is this literal semen demon?

You would have to activate the account on the other Vita, which requires PSN access.

Momo Belia Deviluke

>doesn't know about To Love Ru

100 mario challenge doesn't work without sharing levels online, and you can't do that

so clue me in buster

Probably not.

People are thinking that because Root Letter needed 3.61 than Steins Gate 0 will need it as well. Nothing confirmed just yet.

Fuck, I don't want to update but I've been waiting for so long to play it

I guess I'll find out this week

Makes your cock grow a couple centimeters every time you use it, but your skin gets darker every time.

So I guess that I should discard the digital option then?
I don't have much money so if I can save 20€ that would be nice.

Also I forgot to say that the physical copy wouldn't arrive until one month or two

Is he certified reliable?

So I just copped a new 3DS with 9.9.

I'm going to do a downgrade to 9.2 with browserhax, but I'm afraid it might auto update to 11.2 if I connect it to WiFi.