/dbg/ Dragon Ball General

Lunch Edition

>1.03 patch info

>IMPORTANT: Make wishes in Single Lobby, otherwise it could corrupt your save

>Helpful Xenoverse 2 Data/Links

>Xenoverse 2 changes
PC: steamcommunity.com/groups/vfightersXenoverse
PS4: Search "Dragon Ball General"
XBone: account.xbox.com/en-GB/clubs/profile?clubid=3379873991575336
/dbg/ players: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ElJpKAB8F9xw-4oqsOuorggP_Hngdvxm7aduvpY1DIg

steam > userdata > [your steam id] > 323470 > remote > DBXV2
DBXV2.sav should be there, which is your savefile
If you wish to delete it to try reimporting or for other reasons, disable steamcloud on both xenoverse 1 and 2 first.

>Xenoverse Booru: Upload all Drawfaggotry here

>Notice: Go borderless/windowed if you have problems with glitching through the floor if you alt+tab or use windows key instead.

Last time on Dragon Ball G!

Other urls found in this thread:

gamestop.com/browse?nav=16k-3-Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2,28zu0

There's nothing to do.

wait for update or make a new CaC


I'm fairly new. Making my suffering CAC now.

>That art
I wish people would post more art that was actually good

>still playing xenoshit when fusions and pokemon are out



Sorry user but no-one here at least to my knowledge draws by hand in weeb style

>Fusions is out
Oh shit I forgot

I don't care if it's by hand even though it's the best good art can still be digitally done.

Even the OC Buufus are sluts

>can't afford a 3ds
>or even another 200 dollars to fork over for 2 games

I liked 16

>not playing all 3

Who's the cutest femsaiyan?

Having fun with this saiyan alt, their moveset is pretty flashy


He was pretty cool, was he wished back by the dragon or not? If not why was 17 wished back?

something something completely artificial so no soul to revive according to hacks

Check it.

But eighter is in super?

>not -5 +5 +5 +5 -5 +5
Mix beerus' clothes alot.

I pretty sure +20 is not possible legitimately.

>more than +6 difference
Not possible.

>Minuses at all

Saiyan moveset is interesting, though it throws me off compared to what I'm used to in the femearthling moveset.

What did you mix for this?

hehe motherfucking xd

I've only played Saiyans so I have nothing to compare against.


it doesn't matter

Yes it does. The outcome is heavily weighted based on what you put in. If you mix two sets of level 5 clothing you will get a copy of that clothing's stats 90% of the time.

Belle is cute

I still have no idea what decides if this little combo works or not, except for it being more reliable if used from the back or the side.

But, when it does work it's pretty nice.

Holy crap it was a nightmare to get this uploaded before the captcha's time limit ran out, my internet is so terrible today


yes I know
but that's where it stops

your and idiot


i'm kinda confused

so there are 12 universes in DB right

how do timelines work then are they different universes too or are there like separate timelines in every universe

Timelines are multiversal. Every universe now has 6 timelines.

Well the universes themselves are part of a bigger meta universe and these meta universes have their own timelines. So like in Future Trunks Arc. Zamasu killed all gods in all of the universes even though the present universes stayed intact.

hang yourself

I've made like 100 different QQ bangs, clothing combination absolutely does matter. It's not totally random at all. There's a big spreadsheet somewhere of some guy who also made hundreds of bangs, and there is a clear difference in the results from using different clothing.

i hope gohan does something cool in DBS

ever since he promised Videl that he'd get strong and protect everyone again i've been waiting

Eighter has a kind heart and emotions and shit, he's more of a man than 16

is there any way to hit the last hit of victory rush

they ALWAYS recover from stamina break before the combo ends

That user's one who looks like tan Erasa

With how the past episode ended, it seems Gohan has actually been training. He has his normal hair back, showed up with Piccolo, and was out of breath.

I don't care for Gohan, because I hate MUH PUTENTAL, but it seems like he will have a comeback. Especially since he learned why Trunks came back to the past.

Not even a Gohanfag but it would be nice to see Gohan come back and be in the spotlight at least for a short while

I've made 800+

that's mine
there's nothing that impacts good T5s (other than obviously using two different T5s)
as far as I can tell the stat allocation on good T5s are independent of the clothing used

just take two different T5 pieces, a senzu beansprout and cross your fingers
there MIGHT be a slight lean towards the allocation of the pieces used, but it's not nearly as heavy as using the same piece twice or using a high tier and a low tier

I think they are setting up Gohan to be useful again. He could barely fight nuGinyu. Seeing Trunks get so powerful probably inspires him.

>tracksuit Gohan in xenoverse 2
>can't turn super saiyan
>all his skills are shit
This is embarrassing why do so many people want to be this guy

Reposting; DLC supers/ults are currently in the game.


That's weird. He went SS in the track suit in the movie and in Super. Can't go mystic makes sense though.

but a lot of them don't work as they should

>that damage
Why are the one handed kamehamehas so awful

with how cool future trunks is turning out, how can vegeta allow the version he is raising to be shit

he spoils him with amusement parks instead of turning him into the version he is proud of

And the other thing I made a quick, shitty .webm of. It's nice and stylish to do, but not the most useful thing.

Yes, it took this long to post it.

What are your favorite ults and supers? I like Broly's Ult Meteor and I love all the drain grabs even though I can't pull them off vs human players. Perfect Shot and Gravity Impact are good too. For some reason I love Milky Cannon even though I'm not a big Ginyu fan.

I think I could only enjoy him being back in the spot light if something was threatening Pan and Videl. Lord knows I love me some 'Protect- my- family' rage

He should always be mystic, that's the whole point. The ritual basically unlocks his full potential and makes his base form his absolute peak. Super Saiyan becomes completely obsolete as his strength is already at his peak, it's just stupid retconning.

I don't mind because I hate mystic

I like Supernova. Mostly for that smug.

I'm pretty sure mk.II does more damage if you wait a bit before pressing it again.


Keep in mind this was on my level 20 alt; I was too lazy last night to log on to my main.

Explain? Some of them do feel kind of wonky. Brave Heart for example is just Saiyan Spirit with a different color and still seems to miss it's target 75% of the time.

Brave Hearts seems faster than Saiyan Spirit.

android rush for one, it's extremely inconsistent

Can't wait for the Cooler Supernova.

>Implying that's not just how alot of shit is
I mean they fixed most of the attacks but they were inconsistent as fuck.

Is there any super soul I should aim for getting if I want fastest stam regen?

I like using kaioken a lot

Well... Yeah. The characters in the game use the moves.

I plan on making it 2250 eventually.

They why can't we use Cell's big hug move?

You don't have a tail. I'm sure you can mode it in to use it and make it look very awkward.

Okay, but Frisbees have tails. Why can't they use it, huh?

So do Saiyans...

Oh wait.

That's not Xenoverse canon, just like skinny male Majins not existing.

If someone sends you a gift after a bad pvp battle are they being nice or shitty.

>best girl.webm
>It only shows worst girl

>Your power level is 5? Scum...
>nice or shitty

Context matters.

Either way, you have to kick their ass

kek, fair point.
It was like 30 healing capsules, which is extremely ambiguous

Shitty. I used to do it all the time with Raditz's Z Soul in XV1. Felt great.

gamestop.com/browse?nav=16k-3-Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2,28zu0


You wanna fight, huh? I'll clobber you.

It depends. Some gifts can sound really positive, like "You're Number 1!!!", but others really negative, like "Your power level is 5? Scum" or a poisonous mushroom.

I don't wanna be a dick but that sounds really fucking fun.
Stop corrupting me

>that part where the black one gets fucking fisted

Followed closely by Leak

I don't buy Pokemon games at launch anymore and I still have no idea what Fusions even is.

where is that from?

I believe a strawpoll is in order. It is the only way to answer this question without disrupting class

I can't tell the saiyans apart from the humans to give a good enough answer.

Ugly 5 head

So what Super Soul do you use and why

I use That Looks Fun! because i wanna go fast

One of the DB Heroes trailers.


>tfw your challenge gets denied

>I actually felt that one...

Because it's incredibly good and forces me to learn to Perfect Block/Just Guard.

I only sent it out to male Super Saiyan spammers in XV1, because they were both unfun and inefficient. You could actually clear PQs faster by punching things really well as a male Saiyan.

You know you want to. The Soul is even purchasable in XV2, so no grinding required.