/wfg/ - Warframe General

Today is the day edition
previous thread:
>READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png

>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Top guns, read note at the bottom: i.imgur.com/UCGjWk0.jpg
Tierqueer Filters: gist.github.com/JustEndMyLife/8d7d68d5ebdffe5995a53c42edf43663

> forums.warframe.com/topic/715768-update-19-the-war-within/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/723544-the-war-within-1907-valkyr-prime/
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


worm a cute

Press F to pay respects to Ashy when?

the only true god tier frame


> That loki in a suit

There isnt a single mission loki cannot do. Not only that but he can do it solo



>the only changes fatfuck has made to loki have been improvements

Ash can do the same all while having infinitely scaling finishers that are LITERALLY free

So, he's only coming with a Nikana skin?
Doesn't seem much compare to the other frames.

>ash can do the same
cc vs damage my friend
which one is can actually endless scale?

he's also coming with a nerf___

How do you think he'lls eventually fuck loki up? Here's my take
>decoy is now always automaticall placed directly behind you, no more free targeting
>invis is now a toggle ability, enemies react to footsteps, jumping and so on now
>disarm now has a duration

How bad did Ash get hit?

pretty bad, user. gotta say, ash is not looking good right now.

but don't worry, the coming rework is going to change him for the better. he's going to be great.

>Ash Nerf will activate once you buy the Deluxe Skin Bundle 10o!

>invisbility with instakill finishers
>invisibility with no instakill finishers
Loki will eventually stop dealing dmg while ash will continue going forever

super hard he is no longer a tileset capable DPS now he is a room DPS

Oh shit where did you find that? did they show it on stream? looks like they managed to make it decent like Rhino's when they fucked up with Loki's

DE are removing his fourth ability.

It's times like this i'm glad I play forgotten warframes.

>instakill one enemy at a time while the other 20 prepare to rape your virgin ass as soon as you're out of the finisher animation
>cast ability once, jump on a wall and watch enemies kill each other with infinitely scaling damage

>killing shit one by one
>not making shit kill each other while you get the actual objective done

CC > Damage

> I use Seeker on Atomos
Have I been memed?

They showed that a month or two ago on a Devstream.
Can't remember which one, but they did.

It is the Lotus' job to guide the Tenno.


When you buy a different ship, does the inside still look the same?

>guide to dat ass

Someone post becca's boob slip pls

that is a very unhealthy posture

>le radiation is viable CC meme
They always go for the nearest target in their line of sight and they will never kill each other thanks to armor scaling

Ash was never good, and the edgy cunts that made up most of his players deserve it, but I still feel bad for them.

Man why did they lock saryn and by virtue of that chroma behind that retardet judgement point system? At this point it would be more enjoyable to farm for Saryn P than for her normal varient


>thinking we don't know how rad procs work
>again implying you have to kill everything to win

why do you fags keep sucking liki's dick when Naramon pretty much turn any frame into a better him?
Also, reminder that after Ash's butt gets RAVAGED by Fatfuck, Nova is next

>nearest target
>melee range
remind me what loki's passive is again


Because Loki is one of the top 3 frames in the game, the other two being Nova and Frost.

What did they do to edgeMcframe?

>ha suckers i'm sitting on a crate!
>o-oh no w-why is it runing towards the cryopod when there are 5 enemies around it?!
>mission failed

>Scott SLEEKS in



How does someone have this many credits lying around for fuck's sake?

Not accepting the facts does'nt make em less right :^)

Damn, memes already?

What is it you're buying user?

>every few seconds, you are desperately looking for an enemy dick to suck
>if warframe's spawning mechanics fuck up, which they will, you're completely vulnerable and you have no control over it

Unrolled grakata riven.

> will never kill
>that's a problem
What did he mean by this?

if you are out of enemies dick to suck, then you are playing the game wrong m8y
You are also ignoring any frame benefits from it, so when is Loki getting removed from the game?

update [DE]layed

>Due to the need to fix an issue with invisible Kuva, we expect to release Update 19.1.0 on Friday. We don't want to ship the rework of Kuva Siphons without fixing this critical issue, and it's rather elusive to fix.

>In other news, Ash's revision pass continues and we are also adding:
>Smokescreen can now be cast while running (no lower body movement lock).
>Smokescreen can now be cast while in-air!

>We will be showing this off tonight on Prime Time

This, plus you can't use Zenurik if you are using that.

1 day for ashy to not be UP


>We will be showing this off tonight on Prime Time

Desperate for those views i see.
welp, im fucking off, 3 weeks and the game is back to being ded, you duds should do the same

>one more day to farm kuva before the nerf

when you're constantly looking for dicks to suck, user, your frame benefits take a backseat

i.e. you can't aoe murderfuck everything with your ex-favorite edgeframe because muh invis will run out

loki's invis lasts over thirty seconds (~12 with a range build) and you're free to do whatever you want until it runs out, which includes firing your gun and killing as many enemies as you want

you can't seriously tell me that depending on enemies being alive and near you is beneficial and expect me to not think you're retarded, user

What is there to do in this game besides farming shit?

Farm different varieties of shit.

Nothing, except maybe the exceptionally shit pvp conclave mode.

This game is for farming. Might as well call us space farming simulator 2016.

>go into simulacrum
>20, 135 HG
>kill all of them with my operator
want some sleek kid?

ERP and playing dress up

jewing goyim and buying fashion items with someone else's hard earned money

Which is like farming shit, but you farm goyim instead of mobs

Nothing. You're permanently grinding for 10o points and if you dont consider that the "endgame" then you finish the game in the first week of playing

Did about 10 Spy missions in total and now have all Ivara parts. How do I have fun in this game playing her?

loki is going to get reworked next

here, they even gave you a warning

my rivern says to kill 44 enemies with finishers without being afflicted by a status effect. I have tried to do this with ash ults and loki stealth and im just confused as to why it wont work, i wasent hit by anything both times

>make your power colour blue
>go to high level Corpus mission
>spam invis arrows on the ground
>people won't be able to tell them from sapping osprey shitstains

>10 spy missions.
>I've done over 30 and still don't have the set.

Ashs bladestorm isnt a finisher. Also you need to equip the riven mod on a rifle first

>How do I have fun in this game
That's something all of us would like to know. Good luck and report back if you have any success, user, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.

>max duration and efficency
>get a buddy or two who do the same
>farm oxium this way and laugh at the shitters who it the conventienal way

Fuck off, the only grineer leader I accept is ruk.

ash's ult isn't finishers, it jsut does finisher damage. there's a difference ya shitter, read the wiki.

use a frame that can open enemies to finishers, i.e. excalibur, ivara, equinox, ash (teleport, not ult), inaros, banshee

Head like a fuckin' Orange

I'm kind of a newfag desu. Where and how do people farm oxium? Same question for credits as well.

>potatoes will never be cute


If they were just a bit shorter and had more proportionate features

I have mixed feelings




Is the best way to last minute Kuva farm still to run the first half of Rescue and see if one spawns?

>finish the uranus junction that unlocks second dream
Do they even play their own game?


>posts the more un-thick ass in warframe
Valkyr has the most narrow ass 2nd only to nekros whos in the negative

Got Saryn P as a low level poor newfag and having a blast.

There's no point in arguing with valqueers user, they're too far gone in their delusions.



>Do they even play their own game?

Like, what effects and settings do you have on?
Cause I like em, hard to guess what you have on to put for ReShade.

Steve didn't know the ugly of the default display settings of his game until someone posted it.


Oh I'd so love to see this.
>Speed reduced to 0.75
>Decoy aggro range reduced
>Invisibility breaking when attacking or interacting with objects
>Switch teleport only possible with enemies
>Disarm getting a base duration of 3 seconds.

Please, oh divine Grineeer, make this happen!

That's because they don't. You are silly to assume they are


the easiest way to fuck loki up would be to change invisibility from a duration ability to a toggle ability, with associated absurd energy costs

then you can just slap some RD nerfs on and you're done

surely this is ironic right
surely they didn't expect me to follow an obvious dead end tunnel