/bbg/ - Bloodborne General

Fierce and gallant duo edition

Old>Patch 1.09 Info

>Accessing the DLC
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>Co-Op & PvP
Official PvP Chalice: hizzngr3 (Pthumeru Root)
/bbg/ Fight Club:
Pthumeru - n6rc9jh8
Loran - jjpkdcgd
Isz - 9v8qndas
(every Saturday 6pm EST, general rules:imgur.com/1RjNbF4)

>Resources Pastebin - Planners, Calculators, Spreadsheets, Stats Info, Where to go next in BB, Guide Scans & Wikis

>Chalice Pastebin - General Info, Glyphs for Gems, Best Gems Setups, Multiplayer & Speedrunning

>Media Pastebin - OSTs, Concept Art & Screenshots

>Beasthood & Claws Info

>Wheel, Fight Club, Arc 101 & other Misc. Info

>Bloodborne Damage Calculations and Formulas

>Google Document for all the above, but easier to read.

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First for why don't you wanna wake up?

I will forget everything

Second for bullying Amelia


Full video is still being made, but I wanted to show off the level 10 kill

What do you forget?
What gems should I go grab and what drops them?
I'm a level 60 with 35 strength, 30 vitality and 25 endurance so far not much in the way of other levels, I increased my skill and bloodtinge and bit and may increase my skill a little more as I don't know what to do level wise outside Vitality and strength.

>25 End

>25 endurance
You can delete your character

Asked in the last thread, is the reiterpallasch worth it for a pure skl build til i get the rakuyo, or just stick with the cane/saw spear?

I had no idea runes were a thing and gave me a boost of stamina with a decent percentile. It doesn't bother me in the slightest as while it sucks some levels out of me this is fine by me however my questions weren't answered.

It's a pretty good weapon. I like it a lot more than the cane, but objectively it's weaker than spear.

>25 END
First playthrough I guess. I sugest playing blind. Upgrade your favorite weapon to at least to +6. Use the gems you find, there's no need to do dungeons when you're not PvPing or cooping. Level VIT when you think you're taking too much damage. Bring strength to 50 or so.

Yeah first playthrough I took hunters axe and it's done by me fairly well. I'm probably more a soulsfag in regards to END as I prefer mobility and generally can dodge most attacks eventually even if it takes a few encounters to learn attacks of something. I've only had a few area's which I'd say damage was total horse shit like late game with my VIT I'm having difficulties as one hit does 500+ damage in one go and this is normal, the nightmare zone I'm on the second one is a sack of shit. My hunters axe is 9+ by the way and I can keep leveling strength. I actually ran out of blood vials so I need to go farm those a bit more. I'm still figuring things out but have been piecing together the story of the game myself but unsure about specific things still. I may buy the DLC and go for that before I complete the game but I doubt I'm that far yet.

If you're at Nightmare of Mensis you're almost finished. Go see areas you didn't explore yet or just keep doing it. The DLC is the most fun part of the game, if you do buy it, you're at the perfect time to start it but be aware it's hard as dicks. If you see fire don't wake up.

It's a pretty good PvP weapon, but Cane/Spear are better for PvE.

>Almost finished.
Shit I knew it, I just had some feeling I was already done I finished this game faster than Demon's Souls and it's not as long as Dark Souls 1 was. I doubt the DLC is all that hard but I've never played it as long as enemies don't hit fucktons of damage automatically we're good. I've seen almost everything as I'm quick, thorough and generally speaking really curious to see every nook and cranny.
So what do I do now anyways the Chalice dungeons? I don't have PSN+ to play alongside people and the DLC ain't gonna be purchased anytime soon.

Farming gems for the first time, using the BY68ZGAJ glyph. Does item discovery have an effect on what gems you get or should I just keep using my clawmark and moonrunes?

For Boss gems no, for mobs it increases drop rate. Item Discovery affects Chunk/Rock droprates for bosses.



but why fight him when hes so easy to sneak past


Just run past him. If you had that much echoes racked up it sounds like you didn't need them in the first place.



>I forgot to spend 1.2M echoes

How do you forget to spend a million echoes?
I spend mine whenever I can get 2-5 levels in one go at most 5 levels in one go as around that point I'd lose over 120k and that's awful.


How about you stop being a dumbass and use your blood echoes when you get a chance?
You could have bought items with that much too!

I just got a 22.3% bolt gem + 7.8 flat physical from a saw spear hunter

And it's a circular gun gem

Can this be used?


I'm doing an arc build. Should I go full meme and have 99 arc or invest more in hp?

How high are you aiming for? Cruel Fate: 35/99 puts you at 120. 40/70 at 96, and 40/90 at 116.

>40/70 at 96
This will probably be it.

Who coop?

How do you get to the Blood Starved Beast without triggering Djura?

It's after BSB that you can befriend Djura.

So it is okay if he starts shooting me, if I want to befriend him

If you're going for 98, I'd put the last 2 points into Skill for the Saif.

As far as I know you have to kill DBP, enter Old Yharnam from the backside and meet Djura.

Yeah. After BSB you'll wanna come to him from the back without triggering him, BSB's or Paarl's lamp.

i need help with failures, sl 68 pass bbg

Kill BSB, meet Paarl (you don't need to kill him just see his life bar) and go from either one of these two lanterns to Djura.

Alright. You from US and A? Cuz I am from Europe so excuse my shittery if I can't help you enough. Ringing in 2-5 mins.

If one were to stand infront of Lady Maria and perhaps jerk off, would she stop playing dead, or would she still sit there?

yeah im a burger

You have to kill bsb to even get to Paarl, and bsb is through Djura.

She would get up, not because of the fapping but she must poop.

tfw no bukkake sex with Maria-sama

Only do chalices if you plan to play online (gems) or for killing the last boss (trophy). I recomend going into NG+ as chalices don't get harder and some materials become available for purchase. Don't do root dungeons without knowing what you are doing, it's a waste if time.

You reach out to touch her with your hand and she grabs it. What if you tried to poke her with your dick? Would she grab that too?

Well what dungeons are even worth doing for crap like physical gems, or what do I actually want as a strength build?

Don't give me weird ideas user

See the OP

thanks dude, want to do maria as well

Lmaoo what was that for a face?

What if your character never backed away? Would you just spend long moments gazing into her eyes? Would she blush?

How hard would ludwig be with a +7 saw spear?

She's dead until you reach out for her so ejaculating on her face would count as necrophilia I guess

Yeah but I'm talking about when you finally do reach out for her and the cutscene plays, but your character never moves to back away from her. Does she just keep staring into your eyes with your cum on her face?

Right. I'll see what I can find.

>Does she just keep staring into your eyes with your cum on her face?
I-I don't know but suddenly I feel like it's somehow very important

Overall, how good is a Pure arcane build? I get the impression it's a lot of Gem farmer for your weapon

That's useless.
Guns can't even be converted in the first place.

It's great.

tfw no good Maria hentai

It's great but you have to go through CDs a lot yeah

It was close my friend. Next time we get her.

It's too bad that Maria is confirmed to be a lesbian by Miyazaki in an interview.


Wouln't that make her reaction all the better though? She's probably never had some one cum on her face before, and now she has to play dead while some random hunter jerks off on her.

poison knives png

Let's do this: in the last stage let maria only attack me. Because of lag she will barely hit me.

alright, her combo attacks kill me instantly

Not hard. Use Fire Paper and BBP to make him even easier.

Spam hmls or something like that. To be safe from all her attacks you need to be like 10 meters away

fuck that was my bad i dodged in the wrong direction

Nvm. I died at least 50 tomes to her :D

fuck yeah, thanks for the help man

Was geht Bernd.

I have all first row items bought, what should I buy with my echoes now? Shards?

Youre welcome senpai.

Nichts, aber ich bin nicht bernd

do people still play this game enough for me to be able to farm coopings of bossu and such?

I miss the hell out of it.

also what's most populated, NG or NG+?

give me ideas for cute things to draw, i need to practice with my new tablet.
i'll probably post them when i'm done but don't bully me, i'm not very good

Maria, messengers, a brain sack

draw lady maria blushing

draw END Yourself getting tickled by a kos parasite

NG and NG+ is not separated, and it's been a while since I've cooped outside of /bbg/ so I wouldn't say, but bosses like orphan or ludwig are quite active

Imposter Iosefka teaching celestial children about reproduction

anyone got any cool low depth chalices

oh isn't it? what about the level difference?

Ebrietas making macaroni


Use your dick user. I believe in you!

Shaman Boneblade if you can manage to get the first anchor shark to 50% of his health.

Anyone need help? I don't have any chalices open on this character but I can lend a hand on anything else.

what is the most absolute madman weapon and why is it steak driver

I didn't find it to be all that great

its not even good but it makes you a madman

Brute force

I'm currently farming heavy abyssals and I can kill FRC headless in about 40 seconds with a fully gemmed pizza cutter, fire paper and bug pellets

Reckon I would obliterate those horsecock shark fucks if I went back