/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

Just Like Make Game

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> Play Demo Day 11

> Play Halloween Jam 2016

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GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
Haxe: haxeflixel.com
LÖVE: love2d.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

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You fuckers always make me almost double post new threads.

LDJAM soon, fellow devs!

>new website
>have to make another new account
eh, I don't like having to make a new account

What's the theme of the RPG? What kind of combat system are you going to implement?

Yep yep. Going to be my 4th and I'm glad it will be scored unlike that hippie love fest bullshit last time. When there's no scoring you end up with a race for (You)s instead of a competition with metrics of your performance.

You see that mountain? You can climb it.

>see that tree?
>you can spend thirty seconds holding down a mouse button to collect a trivially important resource from it

That's the spirit

At it's base, it plays roughly like a jrpg more than something like baldur's gate. Classes basically just manage the level to which you can increase certain skills, but multiple classes can share multiple skills. Like all fighters can learn sword fighting, but maybe only Knights can reach the highest levels and archers can only be novice swordfighters.

So what's the deal with Sim Loli? I've only ever heard about it and the creator seems like a creep, but the concept is interesting in a purely fictional context.

If I can't talk about this here, sorry for sounding like a retard.

That's a pretty bitching mountain how'd you make it?

>excelling in one area means players will be forced to make compromises in other areas
yup it's a leveling system


Has anyone tried developing with a Vive in UE4? I just opened up an old project I was working on and my right lense is all fucky. The lower half of it is black and the upper half has black lines drawn along the lines of the lenses. I'm wondering if I have some post-processing effect that's not rendering correctly, but it's been a while since I worked on this.

It works fine in other games and in new UE projects so it's not that the head set is busted, it's just this project. Anyone seen it before?

Pfft, it's only like 5 seconds.
Thanks, it's just heightmap data applied to the terrain.

His game is about raping kids and not everyone can look past that making it feel like you're posting your game next to a pic of someone's dick out or something. Nobody wants to share their work in an environment like that, even if all other people see is a game, which in all fairness was an autism simulator and not really a game anyway.

its a surprisingly detailed simulator type game about a very controversial subject

in the end its a game, and yesdevs are welcome here

someone post link to this

>in the end its a game
in the end its a game
>yesdevs are welcome here
how many years has he been posting that game? he's not going anywhere with it. more like a plebdev.

>If I can't talk about this here
You fucking double nigger, this is Veeky Forums, we BETTER be able to talk about it here or else the numales have won

it also attracts shitposters en masse sadly due to it being argument fuel

hi /pol/

I don't mind if people talk crap about Clarent. It's nice seeing people care enough to discuss the game. Whether or not they say good or bad things has no bearing on our ability to make the game we want to make. :^)

0-3: Stealth with unnecessary puzzle elements with too much scope
4-8: Horror survival rogue-lite in spess with way too much scope
9: Techdev

I'm assuming because we're posting in /agdg/ that we're talking about the single player side of a game, and actually making playstyles that people bring in from other games viable is an important part of that

When I'm talking about Dks1 I'm specifically thinking about the launch experience, when stacking vit and using flash sweat and such was an easy route to cheese the game, and not the PvP variant with pursuers and whatnot

and its not just about nebulous role-playing feel, but about keeping your game from being about some boring detail and focus it on the things you actually want it to be about. I'd actually argue that segregating your builds with a class/skill tree makes it more likely that different builds emerge because they can't all use the same broken thing.

whatcha working on, agg dag?

Learning stuff

Research for
>Horror survival rogue-lite in spess with way too much scope
by watching Event Horizon for the fifth time.

Here's mine

Writing callback functions that play sound effects at certain points/frames of an animation.

Seems like it could get messy later, but it looks like the most sensible way to handle sound effects at the moment.

Trying to learn how to setup a project correctly and when to use blueprints and c++ in unreal 4

What are YOU working on?

just working on some sprites
also working on getting better at drawing anatomy and and structures

that's a bit easy to do

a bit too easy

>I'd actually argue that segregating your builds with a class/skill tree makes it more likely that different builds emerge because they can't all use the same broken thing.
That argument doesn't make the slightest bit of sense. If people are going to all naturally gravitate towards a particular build in a flexible system, they're just as likely to gravitate towards a particular build in an inflexible system. Creating strict divisions in class in no way prevents people from finding the exploitable class/build/setup, which is once again not a question of the relative merit of either system, but rather of the developer's ability to balance within the confines of those systems. I can name two games with much stricter class systems than PvE Dark Souls (Valdis Story and Dragon's Dogma) which both still have extremely exploitable setups that players who have no taste for variety gravitate towards. Your argument has no legs.

As for "keeping the game from being about some boring detail", that's some subjective vague bullshit I can't begin to address. In any game with builds, flexible point investment or strict class trees or otherwise, players are going to be putting consideration into how they build their character. For a significant portion of RPG players, that is very much the point.

stage 1 is cave and stage 2 is hell. rather than drawn text, the stage names are all subimages of a sprite and are drawn depending on the current stage value. since the test room i have doesnt have a stage value, the ui freaks out a littlea

Trying to learn how to 3D model. Organic models are still really hard, but I feel like I'm getting better at mechanical things.

Themes aren't really about difficulty though they're for fun, in the end no matter what the theme is the best dev wins, whether the theme is easy or difficult to pull off.

Making some adjustments to the engine geometry of my space fighter model so that it fits the effect better.

neat design

neat *tachikoma

fuck, meant to reply to


>every mech and robot must follow my 2016 robot design standards
dude seriously fuck off with that shit

>how to flyingdebris
This is such a great reference image.

Is this suitable for a basic main character model?

If the camera is topdown and the gameplay is really good

You mean mecha design that has been standard for 20+ years?
It's just a reference guide on how to make generally nice looking mecha, not a "you must follow these designs exactly" guide.

if anything call it a placeholder and continue with the rest of the game

Trying to find where downloaded fonts go in Ubuntu.

i mean that in as like in design not exactly in programming

>It's just a reference guide on how to make generally nice looking mecha, not a "you must follow these designs exactly" guide.
No, its a "you didn't incorporate my 'acceptable mecha features' checklist, so correct yourself by following my guide" guide.


What is wrong with you

Does having a gf increase or decrease productivity? Right now I am so lonely i nodev out of despair. But I wonder if a gf would actually be any better

Yeah, posting it in response to every single robot that gets posted here is pretty fucking autistic.

It doesn't get posted every time a robot gets posted. You're just being extremely triggered for no reason.

>It doesn't get posted every time a robot gets posted.
It absolutely does.

Feeling lonely makes you more productive than having a gf you have to invest in. Basically you want a gf for the companionship but you have to nurture that so it becomes a hassle.

>Letting a succubus steal your mana

Goodluck not having the energy to dev anymore.

Decrease, big time. I didn't do anything productive for weeks when I was with my last girl.

I'm happy with this. Looks so much better than my original placeholder. I had to turn off the engine trail because it looked really bad with this new effect and need to figure out a new way to do a trail.

the top of the ship needs a little something to break up the large surface but the backside looks 10/10 especially the area around the jet

Here, have some of your own medicine.

I hate this style of game. That whole Isaac, Nuclear Throne, etc style.

This may not be the same, but it looks the same.

Damn dude, this an ignorant-ass post. I don't even know where to begin.

what do you have against A Link To The Past romhacks

There's no permadeath if that's your worry.
Progress is saved as you advance through.

That's just like, your opinion man

How the hell are you going to animate that?

Yeah. If I think of something, or somebody has any good ideas, I'll throw something on next time I'm messing with the model.

I've been playing with the idea in my head of attaching "packs" to the back of the ship for extra thruster power, weapons, fuel, sensors, etc. The game has absolutely no support for anything like that at all right now, but it's fun to think about.

Trying to get a Vector graphics with foil screen overlay look.

The horizon line cutting through everything is a little annoying

Do vector graphics even have scanlines? I don't know if those monitors even work that way. Looks really cool though, user.

I'm only asking because the dude was banned and I've heard some unsavory things about his behavior.

The game's concept and apparent quality strikes my morbid curiosity but I'm afraid just downloading it will get me put on some list.

if you were really clever you'd find a way to get the vertex glow kinda effect, where the corners of polygons were brighter because of how they were drawn you could definitely get a good aesthetic going

>and I've heard some unsavory things about his behavior.
...Oh golly, some people who object to the treatment of some pixels in a video game told you that the creator was a bad man because reasons. That's certainly something to put some stock in.

Is it natural for a compeltly dark level to be 50k tris even though if I had a directional light its like 100k-300k tris?

Why does unity lighting use so much performance?

Because unity fucking sucks how many times do I tell you people to stop memeing it.

Unity sucks at optimization, you have to do all the work by yourself.

have you baked occlusion data yet?

lighting in general takes up a ton of performance, which is why most modern engines really lean towards as much baked lighting as possible.


Basically, Unity rerenders a triangle per light in scene? or that touches it I think?

But baked lighting and setting static lighting of objects I guess help a bunch.

>From what I understand it's because it has to do another pass for each light.
Holy shit is it 2005?

disagree. It looks like a core booster from Gundam and that's pretty cool.

sky grasper style? Fit a sword to it so it can do fly by ship kills.

Why would having lighting increase number of tris?

unity supports vertex lit, forward, and deferred rendering
what else is there?

Decrease for the first few months. Possibly increase after that.

Forward rendering doesn't mean you have to have a pass per light. There are lots of ways to have multiple lights in a single pass.

that's sorta what deferred is for

in forward, unity has a threshold for lights, after so many it switches to a cheaper estimation

back to if you want a bunch of dynamic lights, use deferred lighting. You should probably just bake your shit though

You can have multiple lights in one scene in Unity with one pass . So you can have different objects each lit by a different light in the same frame with a single pass, but when you want one object lit by multible light sources you need an extra pass per light source.

Yeah, well there's been advancements in forward rendering since Doom 3 came out so it's kind of pathetic that if you want many dynamic lights you have to eat all the drawbacks of deferred.

That's still not acceptable for a modern engine.

unreal 4 uses deferred
they recently shoved in some forward support for VR though

what engine should us modern devs be using?

nothing is more modern than the engine I am developing right now

Well the state of the art is clustered rendering which works both forward and deferred, although I'm not sure why you'd continue using deferred. It's forward rendering, which means MSAA, transparency, etc. yet you can have tons of lights as well. It also works with reflections and portals unlike tiled rendering, and it can be used to accelerate the lighting of volumetrics and particles as well. It's pretty fucking good.

Where's your game retard?

Yea but we're too amateur to implement that, so we gotta take what we got. Unity is also made to support a bunch of different platforms with radically different hardware, so it has to stay somewhat simple and compatible.

new to pixel art, this is supposed to be a base character for a game I'm working on

do any of you guys have any advice to give me regarding how to make the sideways views of this character?

(ignore the locker, its just a placeholder)

put a dick on it

i love it, reminds me of this fat store clerk