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Dino Jam: Expected disaster, still disappointed.

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Unity: unity3d.com
UE4: unrealengine.com
Godot: godotengine.org
Haxe: haxeflixel.com
LÖVE: love2d.org
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

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Any musicbro here today?
I need the sound effect of crafting.
something like "clunk clunk".

those i found online are too realistic / actual records. and they are not suitable for games~

Who's maintaining aggydaggy.com anyway? DD and Jam are outdated.

Friendly reminder that there is nothing wrong with enginedevving

I'm currently learning Blueprints through some tutorial, and I have a question if someone would be kind enough to help.

In the tutorial, the guy's making a system that when you press "ctrl" you enter "discarding mode" where the mouse appears on the screen and you can select an item in your inventory to discard. Now the problem is the way he designed it feels weird to me. In the pic his version is the top. Someone in the comments mentioned a different way(pictured bottom) which doesn't give you a time limit to discard and feels a lot better gameplay wise, though it also feels like it's doing something wrong. Would creating a 'Survival HUD widget' every time you press ctrl fuck up your performance after a while?

>those i found online are too realistic / actual records.
drag them into your audio editor and get to work

>realistic sounds aren't suitable for games

Late, but I never planned on having those bullets be final, just easy to look at.

Also the game is sandbox, and there isn't a "player" character, the player can just direct control anyone of his units.

Yeah you don't want to create the widget every time.
In all likelihood it won't have performance implications unless you do it hundreds of times, but it's still a weird and pointless thing to do.

If you don't want the time limit, just remove the part which connects the top to the bottom.

If I remove the part that connects the top to the bottom, then I'm stuck in ui input mode forever because it only accepts mouse input

I'm too lazy to do it right now but I would start here
rearrange them in the speed you'd like, EQ the low end a bit, and you're done

The only reason the bottom version doesn't have that issue is that it uses the Game And UI node instead of just UI

Oh yeah, that works very well. Thanks for the help mate.

I'm guessing you are looking for something chiptune-ish. Have my go at it.

thread last posted in 18 minutes ago? ded game, ded thred

Day 7

Still cannot save specific variables to identical blueprint actors in Unreal 4

I feel the madness overtaking me


>stuck on saving feature
That's a hard swing UE is taking at you. Hang in there.

Pro strat here.

>browsing imgur when you should be devving

We're all just busy yesdevving! Right guys?
Post that progress!

Well what the fuck else am I going to do?


2 years user here, posting shitty screenshot of 1 nights work getting used to unity again. Tower idle style game atm.



well that was anticlimactic


You just don't get it goog.

Added mouse support for the main menu. Almost free to do more entertaining things.

Most def, boss.

Got herbivores accustomed to the new system. I also fixed it to make them show respect when they want to eat a plant which is already being munched on by someone else. They will now just bugger off and look for a new plant.

Also pepped up the environment a little. I'll probably build a tileset and some random generation at some point, but right now the focus is on coding carnivores. The herbivores aren't limited in their reproduction right now, and I must somehow introduce population control.

The webm may not be convincing (the stutters are due to WebMCam being a cheap piece of shit), but profiling shows that ~50 of these relatively dumb agents take up a maximum of .00005 seconds per frame, and that's only the case when all of them are planning at the same time. This gives me confidence, I am definitely on the right way. However the number of nodes and objects is growing at a rate of about 2 per second, so I will have to go leak hunting soon.

the pitch is too high and sharp.
thanks though.

thanks for that.
That's really good.
the clunk is separated, so it's easy to edit too!

unlike other free sounds i found, always recoding in the background sound, or just clunking 2 metal object together.

here's what i edited.
in case anybody needed the same sound effect too.

I love seeing progress on this user, keep it up.

Is there really no low-poly centric 3D tools? I want something ultra goddamn lite.

Everyone seems to say "use whatever" or "blender".

I'm liking this, it's nice of those dinos to show respect for each others eating space.
What engine/language/whatever are you using?

maybe wings3d, it wont teach you to model though

i like silo

Thanks, I will.

Godot with its built-in scripting language GDScript. I have previously worked in GMS, but couldn't find a way to implement this system with the way it handled scripts and objects (though that was a few months ago). Overall I am happy to have made the switch, my brain works better with Godot than GMS. Though the documentation is somewhere between "abysmal" and "not as good as it should be".

Let's see your models nigga

That's fine, I only plan to use 3D for walls and minor details like vines and shit. I'm going to billboard characters/monsters/etc.

hospital room i modeled recently for an animation.

how do I mix the following words:
Pong/multiplayer/versus/breakout/every player can shoot balls/every enemy ball damage the player.

Golden Project?

>not cartoony shit

Breddy gud hospital bed.


Into a sentence or into a name?

How can I make a clickable GUI in GMS? I just don't have any idea on how to do it. What I've found attach sprites and draw rectangles to the GUI but doesn't include attaching objects that you can interact with. Is there a way to do this? I need a bar to select and place buildings from.

Well the dual camera trick for viewmodels was working great

Until I tested it online with two players

did you check the asset store?

Ported my project over to Unity 5.5 and spent most of my time messing with draw distances. 5.5 changed some stuff with the depth buffer that allows you to set your far clip plane to really big numbers. For example, I've set it to 2 million and haven't had any issues with z fighting.

This isn't the best example (because most aren't near or overlapping each other), but the cubes in the background are hundreds of kilometers away from the camera and have no issues whatsoever rendering.

After doing that, I mostly just messed with some effects stuff that I've been wanting to try. I'm not feeling too well tonight so I'm not in the mood to try anything heavy.

Both Ace Combat and DCS do slightly wobbly smoke trails that look really nice and are more interesting than just straight ones, so I wanted to try mimicking that. Turns out just jittering the rotation around doesn't give you the right effect. The particles need to slow down over time so that they they stay together and don't get too spread out.

As it currently is, the pattern is a bit too regular, but it's a decent proof of concept for later.

into a game idea.

But I don't think that helps if I don't know how to make it follow the screen and be interacted with.

Create an object that checks on mouse_click if the mouse_location on the GUI layer is within the AABB of the object.

Do you have a tumblr?

Literally the first result for "game maker studio gui button"

Thoughts on Grass Texture?

ain't nobody got time for a 25 minutes tutorial!

meh... you can see the pattern.

But apparently the time to be stuck on GUI buttons for several consecutive days.

Shit I didn't see that, I'm going to watch through. Thank you. Hopefully it'll work with objects.

Oh nice, Godot is fun. I agree the documentation needs some work.

>tfw to intelligent too make a game in an existing genre

I feel super retarded for not being able to figure out how to get a reference to a game-object that a script is attached too.

what genre you gonna invent, fampalicious?

I'm learning programming for the first time in my Cs course. Language is processing, similar to java I think. How do I start up gameDev? Making games in processing is a pain the penis.

What do you guys think of a Galactic Senate Simulator?

You basically play a Senator in Star Wars type galactic senate. You can author new proposals by picking from a large list of issues that have varying effects, and you vote on proposals by other Senators. You'd have to manage relations with other Senators, Trade Federations (which provide most campaign funds), and your constituents.

There would be random events that could happen, like an intergalactic invasion, assassinations, and maybe random disasters that occur when certain policies are in place.

Pick an engine from the OP or Construct2 that caters the most to your preferences and plans. Watch tutorials, remake the classics, become not-totally-incompetent, start your first project, realize the scope is way too high, finish your first game after a dozen or so failed projects.

Because the thing people wanted to see the most in Star Wars was more negotiations and politics.

I'd give it a try, depending on the graphics. Gotta have some good UI if that's all the player gets to see.

Do games I've made as assignments for class count? Like I have one where you have to get a key and unlock a door in a time limit, or a really terrible frogger imitation.

Is GameMaker a good place to start?

Sounds pretty cool. Of course, with something like that you have to make it pretty goddamn compelling to keep people's interests.

I imagine you'd need an angle other than just drama (humor, puzzles, action, whatever) to make it work. A straight menu-em-up is too dry (see: Googum's Whip The Vote).

The more games you remake, the more practice you get. It's important to rebuild the classics, because they are simple enough to help you learn the nooks and crannies of your engine of choice. You'd be surprised how many people have problems cloning Pacman, Tetris, or even Breakout.

GameMaker is a decent beginner's engine, and it's even possible to make great games with it (like Hotline Miami or Risk Of Rain). Only really useful for 2D though although there is one madman in this thread using it for 3D.

a-are those diamonds?!
The fuck were you thinking?

This isn't really anything special, but floating origins continue to be super rad. Combined with the insane draw distances you can now set, it makes it easy to set up scenes like this.

The field is 1 million meters across and being able to fly through it like nothing is really cool. I doubt I would ever actually make a play space this large, but it's neat to know that I can.

Damn, that's a pretty good update Unity made there.

What does one put in a design document? How much of an idea do you flesh out before actually deciding to start making something?

Well user it sounds like you already described the idea with those words.

Is that an ass holding a gun?
Nothing personal, but it kinda looks like one.
If you just got a 3d model of an ass/legs, and added clothing textures to it, I wonder how convincing it would be as a player view model.

Well, this was easy. I have found (one of) the sources of the insane object / node increase. I've been using timers to implement a cooldown system. In my naivety I assumed that setting these to "one-shot" would mean they delete themselves after firing, but that was not the case. They continued to exist in the scenetree, hogging memory without contributing. Fixed this by telling those timers to go kill themselves when their job is done.

The growth does continue to exist, even though in lesser magnitude, so I must assume my planning code is leaking. Back to the profiler.

people really enjoy whip the vote you know.
anyone who is interested in a game where they play in government (in a position that isnt the expected dramatic action of a top world leader) is fully expecting something "dry"

>up and down in space
That looks awesome though.

The enemy gate is down.

what kind of melee weapons would be in a medieval scifi fantasy world?

Laser rapiers

Much like a schematic for a circuit, your design doc should provide enough information such that someone could remake your game and have it be very close to original. Take my example of a circuit diagram, Given a diagram (assume infinite resources) I could replicate that system in many different ways--industrially manufactured on a PCB or simply prototyped on a breadboard, to name two off the top of my head.

Your design doc need not be done all in one go. The more you flesh out early on the better of course, but iterative development facilitates critical analysis and flexibility.

If you want practice, I suggest writing a couple for simple games like tetris or the original super mario brothers.

Does this help at all? And disclaimer: there are many ways to interpret a design doc, and I'm certain others will reply to you with their interpretations. No one is inherently wrong, it just means that the best design doc is one that is tailored to fit your/your team's style of work.

Thanks for the help, I've got the buttons working. I just need to get them into the right position on the screen.

I've seen your demonstration of it and while I'd like to try it, the UI sounds and, for the lack of a better word, the feeling of dryness it creates for me hold me back from giving it a go. 18:20 onwards is where that is very prominent. Especially when rapidly moving the mouse over several elements, the sound is very unpleasant.

What's funny is that the fact that they've switched to a reverse float depth buffer at all is only mentioned as a side note.

Jesus fucking Christ why was this so hard to get past the spam filter.

Jet propelled halberds.
wallhacking hand-crossbow
Magnetic-segmented blade (rigid blade with gaps held together with sci-fi magnetics, so you can basically just cut through a sword bind)
Don't forget also your trusty companion, the hoversword. Is it enchanted? Is it space technology? Is it ever going to stop talking to you about the time somebody used it as a farming implement? Who knows!

GetComponent() ?

Would pic related be a helpful screen if you're new to the game? And yeah, I know the drawings are shit; I can't draw.

I would probably end up boiling the game down to a visual novel; there must be a way to influence things in the senate. The player should be able to execute schemes against their rival senator/party.

I don't have one specifically for the project, just a personal one that I also progresspost to. They all get posted under the tag "space carrier ops", so if you really want to you can find it through there.

there's volume controls (bottom left), you can turn off the effects and/or ambience/music if you dont like them. it's a long play type of game so i put those volume controls in there with full expectation that basically no one is going to have the sound on.

So where on my keyboard do I find the radar button?

Yeah, nodes don't delete themselves, even if they're removed from the scene tree completely they'll just exist out in purgatory. This is the only thing that has caused leaks for me in the past. I'm not sure what the other leak would be.

it's just .gameobject.

Was this intended for ?

>tfw to intelligent too
Getting real tired of this facebook meme.


That's what I get for being eager to post progress. I forgot that I used timers for the plantspawners and waterbasins as well. So far the numbers are stable, so I'm gonna chalk that up as a win. I really love that I could solve that with just
>timer.connect("timeout", timer, "queue_free()")
The native event system is pretty dope.

My original fear was that somehow the datastructures (priority queues) for the planner weren't collected properly, but that has been confirmed not to be the case.

Today was a good day.

I know that misspell is on purpose, but It gave me an aneurysm.

you are BACK