/wtc/ - Witcher, Cyberpunk, Gwent General

These Cards Suck Ass Edition

Gwent Closed Beta is open!
Spare a moment for those of us without an invite!

Gwent patch notes:

>Gameplay demo (E3)
>Gameplay Demo (Gamescom)

GOTY Edition is out!

Patch 1.30 is out!

>Latest patch, free DLCs, The Witcher books(first 5 are official, the remaining fan translations are of varying quality) and short stories
>Experimental first-person perspective mod for TW3

>Pastebin containing Witcher gear locations, TW1+2 and books info
>Debug Console Commands
>Where do I find Gwent cards?
>Witcher lore series for newfriends

>All vanilla Gwent cards ready to be printed out
>Gwent Standalone cards
>Redirect to the current thread
>Discord server

Cyberpunk 2077
>First trailer
>Creator about Cyberpunk 2077's world

Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Personal Responsibility

Post your decks so I can steal them.

>Gwent patch notes:
old patchnotes


>fags who won't forfeit even though they are still in the single digits and you are about to break 100

I fucking hate these dunces.

and then, suddenly kambi out of fucking nowhere

Ciri was sitting cross-legged on the ground, paying great attention to cards at hand. Geralt tried to teach her some Gwent one lazy afternoon and unfortunately, she didn't seem to understand card games at all. He threw a spy with a backward motion, his superior tactics granting him two additional siege cards. Ciri pouted and threw her deck in the air, then kicked at the match cards and walked off.

Geralt wasn't going to let that one slide. She makes fun of my horse, fine. She insults my beard, fine by me. She drinks all my apple juice? Okay! But disrespecting Gwent? Fuck no.

– Come over here – he barked at her.
– I won't. Your game of chance bores me.
– It's a game of skill, cunt. Come over here.

Ciri approached him exasperated, a her face a mask of shock.

– Did you just call me a cunt?
– I did. You're shit at cards. You insult my superior tactics, call me a lucker. Well guess what, Ciri. You're no longer a kid. I will no longer restrain myself.

Geralt grabbed her by the neck and bent her down, quickly unsheathed his silver sword began smacking ass with the flat of the blade. She shouted in pain for a while, then began moaning. Oh no, thought Geralt. Not again.

– M-more – she begged, some strange obsession in her eyes. Her hands already began unbuttoning her shirt.

The witcher sighed and took off his pants and breeches. Ciri instantly got to his giant mutated cock and began sucking furiously, pulling painfully at his majestic albino bush. Geralt patted her head in a preoccupied manner and thought of Yennefer sucking Triss' tits to make himself hard. His cock instantly hardened, seemingly because of Ciri's tongue covering it with tons of slobber.

She's my daughter, he thought. I have to make her happy, otherwise what kind of a father am I? He thought about Yen playing nude Gwent with Triss, making himself jizz violently. Ciri slurped at his fluorescent semen and let out a muffled gasp of comfort.

It's my duty. My destiny. My daughter.

Be honest. How many times have you seen Kambi?

I haven't seen it once and I'm 52.

Once, in concert with a Hjalmer combo, that amazing +3 swing it is

i'm come.
do you have the collection of these stories?

fuck yeah, i've been wanting shani for a while now. my F2P NR deck is really looking good

>no ability

>mfw medic chained three times in one fucking game

I can't wait for this shit to be gone in the next patch.

hahaha man, this is fantastic. enjoyed reading

Post first screenshots.

where does the name Geralt: Swordmaster come from? an alpha/kill the servers name? I see people using it all the time

kek I remember taking this.

Is it just me or are hybrid builds garbage in this game compared to Witcher 2?

In Witcher 2 you could fully max out two trees by the end of the game, in this one you need to sacrifice some essential skills to do a hybrid build since you only get 12 slots.

Haven't done the DLC yet, heard they added some skill slots or something? Are hybrid builds decent now?

I did a sort of hybrid. I maxed out light and strong basic attack damage, the dumped most of the rest of my point in magic but also a heavy alchemy investment to be able to survive three decoctions, was pretty fun

Might have to try that, I'm obsessed with having rend and whirl though, might have to just bite the bullet. Didn't the lack of crit damage hurt you or did you use potions for that?

Finish the game, start a NG+, get to endgame, that's when the game actually starts.

been a while since I played so I can't recall but I spammed potions whenever possible and I know I didn't have whirl or any fancy sword techniques

not really if you've already done everything

Geralt and Triss OTP

feels good to have a little sister like Triss. :3

Your sister Triss is my waifu. She is the best. Please tell her that I love her :3

must not let it get to her head too much!

i want to live on ciri's vaginal juice water for a week

Is Radovid crazy?

Triss is humble, she can't be corrupted by our love :3

I came into this thread because I just got a Gwent Beta invite and I wanted some deckbuilding advise.

Instead I have found only terminal autism. I feel sorry for those who regular this thread.


I want to be Triss' toilet slave

Dude, get out while you still can.

Trissfags are diseased.

It can get so much worse, this general is only autism of the high-functioning variety.

Trissfriends are true love champions :3

there isn't enough gwentposting to keep the thread alive, like it or not we depend on waifu autists to bump, feels bad compared to my native /r6g/

What a shame.

I take it he was agreeable?

Oh my god! J.C.! A bomb!

When Lambert, Eskel and Geralt play 'I have never...' in TW3 please tell me that the decisions in TW2 carry over!!!

no. but you can just admit you've taken fisstech and fucked a SUCCubus.
then go to /x/ and ask them how to do it.

What deck do you want to build?

A good starting site to look at is this one:

Electronic old men
s' cooool


>took out some deserters using axii execute axii execute etc
>can never reproduce an axii execute after that

Am I doing something wrong, what on earth


>the unnatural red of triss's hair

I want gingers

I'm pretty shit at card games because I enjoy playing whatever character is the coolest, so to speak.

Right now I use Radovid, but I suppose a monster deck would be pretty cool. Ultimately though I'd like to have one deck for every kingdom.

i wonder whether her carpet matches the drapes

I've heard Shani is going to be Silver next patch.
Won't resurrect medics and you won't be able to resurrect her.

Brett bad, desu.
She was good for those cards that need a golden trigger, like Siege towers, Ves, Margarita, the ballistas, etc.

Now? Meeeeeeeeh.
They really want us to use Philippa again, don't they?


it has to!


dubs gets my spare gwent key, I signed up with 3 emails and got in on all 3

No idea if everyone that signed up got one, or I just got super lucky

Either way, I have one left, put an email in your post (throwaway one or w/e)

I said it yesterday and I'll say it today, I think I get like an epic a day.

And I only open 2-3 kegs a day.

I fear there will come a time when I won't get shit in the kegs. It's only fair...

>you will never diddly the var attre girl, perhaps even her sister in a wild threesome

>this is my first witcher game
>decided on deathmarch
>I can only ever find steel weapons, never silver
>Fighting level 9s and 10s at level 4 in shit gear

At least dark souls taught me to iframe


>defending some scavengers from a million ghouls
>bandits show up

Fuck this quest

I don't remember bandits showing in that quest. You probably got unlucky or something

Decided to play through this game again, am I better off doing a NG+ or just starting afresh?

Only advantage I can see is having loads of money and keeping my skill points while building my character further. Anyone tried?

Deathmarch is a straight up bitch

I seem to remember that there's some bandits nearby that you should kill before you start the quest.


I am currently trying to make Kambi work, and I am llevel 87 - so it takes time to assemble enough good cards to make it even slightly usable.

Oh fuck off, medic chains were the lifeblood of a powerful skellige deck.

add smart human ai mod and upscaling and even eredin fight starts to become something of a challenge. not to say that fighting those flaming rose knights while in light armour yourself was a fucking pain in the ass.

That moment when you give away your daughter to some elf-prick.

gwent patchnote when

Check Reddit

H-he choking her?

> tfw no daddy witcher to choke u

I've played 1 and 2 and I think this is one of the best series of videogames but dude, it's so easy to make witcher fans mad. I have a friend that gets super pissed whenever I tell him that DaS is better or something like that.


He's giving her a necklace silly :3

> tfw no hunky daddy to make you gifts


It's clearly an accessory to her vibrating plug.

Kayran - Devour 3 non-Gold units of your choice and absorb their Strength


They really need to learn proper language.
DEVOUR what the fuck means?
My cards, enemy cards, or any card?
I hope that "devour" works only on my cards...
Beacuse if this crap can destroy 3 enemy creatures and also grow 20+ strenght on a gold border, jesus, what is this game already become? MTG?

>20+ strenght on a gold border

D. bomb and D. shackles will get rid of it.

Are you completely unable to use contextual information? Of course it's only your own units, that's how the other monsters work as well.

>implying i would ever.

Seriously though, if you have read the books and are a lore nerd then the scene of Geralt giving her a necklace at Avallac'h's lab was eerie and creepy as fuck.

Why tho

so whats the best neutral card atm for 800 scraps ?

I know you don't care about politics, but think of your WAIFUS!

I want to make her hips bigger for child bearing

but I actually enjoyed his politics a lot

I just think it's funny how Dijkstra's plan to talk Geralt into assassination plot relies on playing the waifu card. Dijkstra knows Geralt holds his waifus dearly.

Nice bait though im still waiting for my beta :(

Check out these repeating digits.

nothing like overseas plundering and springtime


By far.
I know, man. But don't forget that in one of the endings Ciri goes with Emhyr by her own volition.
That's crazy, man, crazy...
I expected something similar at the end of the quest.

He waits til everyone leaves the Parssiflora, then takes you to a table and starts explaining you how fucked up would be if they temerians give the north to Emhyr.
Instead you have his stupid scene in the theater and he asks you leave while he murders your pals.
You mean spray tan?


I'm having issues of waiting too long to use epidemic with a big units deck and it becoming a dead card, I don't want to pull the trigger too early but then his vulnerable 3 is blocked by some 1 weanies or a 3 priestess is saving something else and it annoys me

Guys, how big is Witcher 3 with all expansions+DLC?

Do you have sauce? This is really good.

It's a huge game with massive amount of content, depending on your play style you can expect anywhere from 60-200+ hours

Time, hard drive space, or map size?