/vn/ - Fresh Lemonade Edition

Visual Novel General #1266

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Read the wiki below
4. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

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This general is for the discussion of English translated Japanese visual novels. It is NOT FOR UNTRANSLATED VN DISCUSSION
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

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Can you not fuck with the OP? Retard.

Thanks for fixing the OP, retard

This OP. I like it. Keep it up.

Pink-haired sluts rule.


This OP. I hate it. Knock it off.


Another shitpost in the OP? You need to step your game up, guys.

Stop fucking with the OP, you retards

What English translated visual novels are you all reading?


Another fantastic post in the OP? You need to cool your game down, guys

Why is this threadly dose now?

why is Umi suddenly popular again?

What untranslated visual novels are you all reading?


La insoportable levedad del ser.


Counter the Rise shitposting. I love Rise too, but that autist ruined her

Some people are going trough the VN so it came up a few times.

Umi a cute, and a perfect waifu.

we need some new memes

She can't be sad, she has a cat. You can't be sad if you have a cat.

I'll have some as soon as I start reading my next VN

Pick a localization company. This company will translate any VN you want no matter what VN it is, but after that they will never translate another VN ever again.

Geez, you couldn't spoiler that image, could you? Holy shit, some of us haven't even read this yet.

We need tiltposting back

Its ok, you never will.
Because thats from the fandisc and translation never

>tfw I will never get married to Umi

Nah, I will. I'm a JOP.

Or Rio.

She has some incredible aim.

Does With Happiness have scenes with the original girls and weddings?

Erina is the bestest.

Anyone read CoroBlo2?
I thought it was pretty bad compared to the first part. I don't like the pirates at all.

Huge potential, but the 0 romance in her route ruined it all.

Quite liked it. Pirates a best so far. Lily is cute, and the only girl thats not DFC or a complete cow. I guess Kumiko can sorta fall in that category as well, but she hasn't revealed more of her character.

Saw the twist coming tho. I want a full lenght game with routes and more characters set in that universe. Would be fun.

Well, she is very sad.

>people enjoying Corona Blossom

>people enjoying VN's

JAST please release Django

>If we run in to no problems we should be able to release by end of the year.
>oh shit nigga there's a problem oh well Feb. 2017 release

What are you talking about?

Let's make /vn/ a Yuritopia!

18+ Meikyuu

I want to fuck that metal blob

Any VNs about idols?


Please read the OP


what a cute girl

Going in early to tell Rance fags to fuck off to their own thread

Ready for Breach?

Think I'm finally going to learn Japanese so I can read tons of nukige

Koisuru Natsu no Last Resort

Rate all the moeges you played

Muv Luv Extra >Koi resort > PE > Nekopara >> Dracu Riot >>>>>>>>Shuffle

You haven't read Hoshizora?

Yeah, because I read Japanese literature too (books and stuff), so not only do I read the cool flashy VNs with awesome waifus but I also read all the real meaty stuff too. BTW, Japanese lit is pretty different from "English" lit so it's not like it would have been better to just read English lit


it is time nerds.
buy it if you can.

Sorry, I'm boycotting MG

Fuck off to your own thread.

Damn, those bastards won't show the hyper weapon on the preview CGs.

Preorder successful. The 23rd is fucking ages away, though.

not vn

Why are Rance CGs so few?

because H-RPG not a VN
Go to

Huh? Haven't played 5 or 6, but Sengoku Rance had more than 100, if I recall.

You can easily look up VI's gallery. It looks like it has a decent number of CGs.

Delayfags btfo

who else here /can't read/?

>finals next week
>three projects due

make it stop.


Also didn't fall for the Sengoku trap of focusing all the cgs on a few girls to the detriment of the game

Katawa Shoujo > Yume Miru Kusuri > Princess Evangile > Koirizo

Interesting. What are some of your favorite pieces of Japanese literature?

Eh, it's an old game. I think most pre-2010 games don't really have too much CG. Besides a few exceptions.

>Yume Miru Kusuri

what's wrong with Shuffle?

Mushoku Tensei, Saekano, Zero Maho Kara, Slayers, Rokka no Yuusha

Koichoco (eh not really moege) > Princess Evangile > Hoshimemo (haven't finished) > Dracu Riot (dropped)

The girls' problems are a little more extreme than usual but it still seems like moege to me

...Alright. I don't even know what to say.

How else would you classify it? There's barely any plot, and a lot of dumb comedy and high school SoL bullshit

It's literally charage

That means the same thing as moege



are you dumb

Name a charage that isn't moe, or a moege that is plot focused. You literally can't

Never played the infinity series, should I start at Never7 or just play Ever17?

How is Yume Miru moe in any way?

Aeka is like 11/10 moe and the others aren't far behind. The appeal is dating and protecting cute girls so it's moege

I think you have a twisted idea of what moe is. Cute girls do not immediately make a VN moe.

>Name a charage that isn't moe
>moege that is plot focused

Explain how Aeka isn't moe

Murderers can't be moe.

Seriously though, I don't see how she is.

I want to bully Aeka!

I want to tenderly gangbang her with all my friends!

fuck off antoinette

I want to date Antoinette and help her torment Aeka!

you goddamn degenerates

>That render
>Those jaggies
>That banding

Is Persona a VN?