/dbg/ Dragon Ball General

Tambourines and didgeridoo Edition


>1.03 patch info

>IMPORTANT: Make wishes in Single Lobby, otherwise it could corrupt your save

>Helpful Xenoverse 2 Data/Links

>Xenoverse 2 changes
PC: steamcommunity.com/groups/vfightersXenoverse
PS4: Search "Dragon Ball General"
XBone: account.xbox.com/en-GB/clubs/profile?clubid=3379873991575336
/dbg/ players: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ElJpKAB8F9xw-4oqsOuorggP_Hngdvxm7aduvpY1DIg

steam > userdata > [your steam id] > 323470 > remote > DBXV2
DBXV2.sav should be there, which is your savefile
If you wish to delete it to try reimporting or for other reasons, disable steamcloud on both xenoverse 1 and 2 first.

>Xenoverse Booru: Upload all Drawfaggotry here

>Notice: Go borderless/windowed if you have problems with glitching through the floor if you alt+tab or use windows key instead

>Last time on Dragon Ball G!

Nail's gonna smash all those Freeza Force mailboxes.

Stop right there, performer of misdemeanors!


Why are fights with Nathan always so fun?

>Guru's shouting for help across time and alternate realities

Truly he was the Dragon Ball Z

xth for punching gohan in his stupid face

oh shit nigga

xth for holidays

Yo, did you take a picture of your screen with your phone?


pew pew

>Kamehameha whore fun

Haha, yea right, he's shit, only good for TP farming

xth for Earthling proud race.

Other than 40 ton weights what's the fastest way to level up?

PQ 89, how? I can't melt all their health fast enough and goku gets back up right when I least expect it.


>inb4 "git gud"

Get an invite from someone to grape festival with 40 ton weights equipped.

>Not Kamehamewhore

What a missed opportunity.

Creepy Susie is my only earthling character though


Bring friends or git gud.

PC? I'll help

Yeah, it's this new project I'm doing called "Crystal Clear"

post it

Goodnight /dbg/

why you gotta be so negative user? this is a place for fun

Bring Justice Combination or a similar reliable, high DPS skill with low ki cost and spam the fuck out of it.

Or ask me to help you if you're on PC.

How should I do my stats for a strike build? I want to max out Basic Attack and I'm using 5/5/5/-5/-5/-5 QQ Bang

I'm also not sure if the points put into Ki and Stamina are the same as Xenoverse 1

lewd monkey

I posted her before
>tfw no lazy eye

Max out strike, 84 points in stam, rest in health.

>this half naked slut wouldn't join in on the Christmas cheer

Anyone knows if Final Cannon is a drop from Trunks or from the PQ itself?

Good night, Valentine

looks good

Nah, I'm on the xbox one.
One day, though.

Who are you? I'll help out if I can, just give me a second to load up XV2.

You just get it at the end when the game feels like giving it to you

I love it


Found a wild Custard while farming dragon balls

goofygoobZWEI Much appreciated.

A cutout would be cool. Just saiyan.

>not contribooty

You did the proper thing and punched it

what exactly is Jaco up to over there?

Bah, was hoping it would be like Final Pose. So i'll need to actually beat this PQ.

Any idea if i need Ultimate Finish too?

I found a wild Jari Lancha once. Helped me out in offline EX15 and everything.


I still need to level her

You can't stop me

I have no idea, maybe chasing after videl since I just KO'd gohan.

No clue it was one of those PQs that I had to run about 40 times

good afternoon /dbg/

do any of you have any hangover remedies?

Being absorbed cures a hangover

How the hell do you do this? I am stuck on the W + left click. Nothing i do seems to work. What am i doing wrong?

water, a shit ton of it.

getting punched in the face by somebody in your body.

I tried to do something festive but then realized I suck.

Please make fun of me so I never try again.

just make the undersuit green

looks cute

Drink more.


yea think im gonna have to just keep drinking water



Input the wrap-around pursuit faster, input the stamina break at just the right moment.

i live in fear of body change after what syko did to me earlier. no amount of bullying you will ever fix what has been done.

Fuck i dont know when to hit it

Anyone recommend good supers with the cutscene like poses? You know like Super God Fist and Tree of Might has them?

As soon as your aura fades. It's very precise.

You're awesome


Kill Driver, when fully charged.


That kick for CaC when

Audacious laugh

Ive been at it 45 minutes and havent got 1 once. Fuck, they seem to recover the times i actually get to set up a stamina break. Thats what they are asking right? A stamina break?

took me and a pal like 2 hours

now go out and punch E V E R Y T H I N G

your body seems to get violated alot

Good idea.


Isn't future Trunks going to be a mentor on the 20th? Probably then.


Is he a paid DLC mentor or free mentor?

I probably won't use it on Karbon all that much since he's got 0 points in strike supers lol.

I got a Human who will put it to better use though.

Yep. It's very close to frame-perfect, and sometimes the game just says "Nope."


Earthling proud

Free. DLC pack one is a fucking joke compared to the free pack coming out the same day.

He said "good"


Yeah every time he just recovers before he reaches me, wtf

t-they just keep stealing my body. lima, and parsa, and syko.
they want to be inside me, when i should be inside them.

I have 0 in strike supers (and a -5 QQ on it for most presets) and that didn't stop me from getting a 300+ images folder of God Fists.

Kill Driver is amazing if you bother to learn using it.

You have to input the wrap-around pursuit immediately after the knockback attack, and then input the stamina break just as you're coming out of the pursuit. Too late and they'll recover too fast.

This bobo guy and his shit stick won't quit following me

Maybe I do post butt every now and then.

It's not F trunks, it's F Gohan that's going to be a mentor.

Are you PC Karbon?
You see super chill and I wanna fight with and/o against you

post butt

Anyone want help farming Dragon Balls or a PQ or somethin'? Bored outta my mind here.

Well shit. He still might have the kick though. What else does Future Gohan have that's not already in the game?

Fucking how. Every time I do it I can't get the camera centered over him.