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>Thread was created with incorrect OP or a lot earlier than post?
Ignore and report; Wait for a correct thread to be made.

>Skyrim Special Edition has been released, and the original SKSE will not work with it. We are currently investigating the application to create a SKSE64 build for the Special Edition. This will not be a fast process. The update to 64-bits means a lot of investigation and changes. Much like the work that has gone into F4SE this will take a tremendous amount of effort. We appreciate your patience while this work continues. We have no timeline for a release. - the SKSE team 29 October 2016

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I didn't get an answer last time I asked
This happens a lot
How do I fix?

Waifus and lore living in harmony.

Guys post your favorite real or hypothetical (friend)ships between characters.

Raise your ugrids value?

Oh, you were here. That explains a lot.

Why, that seems like a really gay thing to do

Well that post was made by a gay person (Ada) so yeah.

Leave old thread shit in the old thread.

Gay characters only.

I was just trying to think of a topic to divert discussion away from what was going on in the previous thread and I know /tesg/ likes to gossip about what its characters may or may not be doing.

Of course, just explaining why the last thread was shit. I trust he'll do the same so he doesn't ruin this thread too.

First time morrowind player here. I have autorun on but I still feel like I'm sneaking everywhere. Is there a decent way of getting some permanent speed up?

Why are archers so perfect, tesg?

I just got here, it's lunch time. Still, barely time to eat - enough time to post a pic or two and then go back.

No, you're just trying to start shit to shit up this thread too. Fuck off.

I always thought crossbows were pretty cool. could use bayonets on them though.

Rather than spend another thread talking about circlejerks and what theme song our waifus have while they're shitting, I'd line to hear about what new mods people have installed recently. We're always messing with our games so I think it's interesting to discuss what people have willingly added to their games.

For me, I recently tried a mod that installed the Blue Palace and absolutely hated it. The screenshots looked nice but the lightning was atrocious. Also went through pfuscher's 4k texture pack and found the best damn forestgrass02.dds I've ever seen.

Whatever your plans are today, I know you will succeed /tesg/.

Oh that works too. I actually recently installed the footprints mod and the one that causes bandits and the like to actually surrender when they beg for mercy. I haven't seen the latter in action that much but I'm hoping it won't break anything.

Thanks mysterious new waifu, your encouragement gives me the motivation to get through the day.

Good old Do-no-wrong Peri. Glad to see you were not at fault at all for that poorly articulated shitfling in defense of pedos which you are known for literally never being involved in.

Just posting my waifu

Cute. Is that really yours'?

She's a big girl.

Thank you very much! May your dreams come true, and your days be glorious!

Is she propped up by a stick?

I hope it crashes.

Sure is
No its a belt thingy around her neck. kek

Prove it by posting nude in /aco/.

>Using mehrunes' razor

Please don't play with mah heart, user ;_;
Lemme guess Lornhong new waffle?

What is this, Nita with breast implants?

Oh goddammit.

Its god tier
Whats that supposed to mean

It's like "what if Nita was good." Non-derpy face and no foot fetish (I hope).

Well, she is a Nord.

Another one


>no foot fetish


Soo I've only ever played a bit of vanilla Oblivion and want to do the whole thing properly. I've chosen a series of mods that I thought would be good from the OP guides and thought maybe you guys can advise if there are gonna be any clashes between them or if I need anything else on top to make shit work.

The list is as follows:
- Wrye Bash as a manager
- Really AEVWD
- Improved Trees and Flora 2
- Low Poly Grass
- Oblivion Character overhaul 2
- Oblivion stutter remover
- Unofficial Oblivion patch
- Qarl's Texture Pack 3

Stop avatarfagging or you will end up like diana.

nice png faggot

Needs bigger tiddies

I bet you don't even give her a name.

You're right i dont Im really bad at naming shit

No name, no soul.

You're also bad at making waifus.

Name generator nigger.

But Nords are tiny and weak. Next to being stupid, ugly, uncultured swines. :^)

This poor guy is getting shit on. Well, I think she's cool.

>all these people knocking down a new toon who isnt part of the circlejerk at the same time pretending they are gods at waifu making

>daily reminder that polaris did nothing wrong


>tiny and weak
That's just wrong
Nord culture is p cool

full pic?

People generally shit on characters that are all style and no substance. Like uh, if the new guy slapped a backstory/name/personality on them he'd prob get a warmer reception.

Here's why you're retarded. The use of the word 'toon' for a character in Skyrim.
The origin of 'toon' as slang is disputed for exactly when it came to be, but it was popularised by 'Who framed Rodger Rabbit?' - in the movie, cartoons co-existed with humans.
Some humans who were 'racist' to cartoons would say the word 'toon' instead of cartoon (an analogue for coon).
Toons were never 'characters' but specifically 'cartoons'

Now, here's the kicker:
Is Skyrim a cartoon?
Is Skyrim based off of a cartoon?
Is Skyrim aesthetically stylised in the form of a cartoon?


every member of the circlejerk got shit on when he first got here you fag

This. Sounds so stupid.
>all these people knocking down a new cartoon who isnt part of the circlejerk
Is basically what you're saying.

This. At least a name ffs. Diana gets shit on for the same reason as this guy. Has nothing to do with being new, they both deserve it.

Lets see yours cunt

What's the armour?

Um, play the games? All the Nords are big and strong muscle heads.


There's something really funny about her, not sure what but seeing her makes me laugh.

Did you fix her yet like that one photoshop user showed you?

You folks really like to use that particular screenshot, eh?

Not yet, ain't got the time too. I also forgot to save the gif...

pls respond.

I remember seeing waifus like that back in 2012

Meant to quote this

Would kiss

No, level up athletics if you don't want to cheat.

I wonder what the next game's Deadric Prince quests will be like.


I doubt that

That was me attempting to bait you into posting more of your character. It wasn't very effective.

You don't understand user, You will be the Daedric prince.

I'm not him, goofball. I'm just someone who gets called into action whenever someone shittalks my Nordic homeboys.

do you seriously think this looks better than

That's called bait my young fagboy

Of course not, user. I'm aware that my waifu looks terrible. I wasn't the one posting that screenshot by the way, even though that screenshot is mine.

Pic related is what my waifu is SUPPOSED to look like.

QT wearing practical armor and tasteful make up vs ugly topless bimbo with breast implants. Tough decision. /s

She's supposed to look like Erin?

Hot bimbo everytime

End this meme pls.

You're waifu doesn't look terrible at all.

The hot one isn't a bimbo, and the bimbo isn't hot.

Who's the artist?

So when and how did the Falmer become white souls?



Dwemers fucked them up so fucking hard.

>try Ordinator
>hate it
>try SPERG
>hate it
what now?

Acquire taste

Kill self.

Play a different game.

get PerMa or Requiem

Try PerMa, SkyRe, or SPERdinator
