/ffog/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward & Final Fantasy XI General

>Patch 3.45 Notes

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XXXIII Update Thread

>Stormblood Expansion Teaser

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>November Version Update

>Previously on /ffog/:

Other urls found in this thread:


ippiki is a pedophile. confirmed.


horny desu

what is the word that has no relevance whatsoever in this general

i wish we could confirm anything aside from abe being a fag and rheia being a cuck


>& Final Fantasy XI
I don't like this meme.

Kiss post.

Bench post

New Balmungoloid here. Are there any good spots to find people to fug other than the Quicksand?


bully catboys
breed catboys
/pet catboys

Are you a girl?

post race if so

Smug cat fishing.

egg is life

does this mean i can be a mithra

>randomly targeting abe and rheia
ippiki post


Why can't XI fags fuck off already? Your game is 15+ years old now, no one cares anymore

Anyone want to be friends for a couple hours and comfort me as I drift into slumber, only for me to delete you when I wake up because I'm a complete schizoid?

You know where to find me...


Egg is love

I wanna pet that cat!!

Balmung Infiltrator here.

Post names. I'll dish the dirt.

Actual thread.

XI is a dead game that does not warrant it's own general and is forced by a few people from a shitty faggot circlejerk.
There are no XI fags, it's stratos and naka having epic jokes at the thread's expense.

desu i would pet you anyone should be listened at least once

That head is so disproportionate to their body. Kill it.

u cared enough to respond retard

let them chill here, jesus fucking christ how butthurt can you ever be?

nobody is going to post on your shitty thread

Just make the thread if you dont like this thread you bumbling retards
you had 30ish posts and 7 pages to make a new thread
fucking lazy piece of shit faggots
hate all of you dumbass single minded retards
I hope you all get crotchrot on your dicks with internal and external hemorrhoids on in your asses
go jump off a cliff
go swallow a shot of bleach and buckshot
fucking faggots

I would, but I'm on Hyperion. I don't like sad Kiss posts.

And then everyone on Balmung was purged. Even the NPCs. God, those poor NPCs and everything they must have seen over the years, unable to scream for help...

Make your own general you ultrash subhuman.

this guy i don't know where to meet you

Meeting femroe quota. Enjoy my excellence, thread (as if I have to tell you).

Truth be told the only tricky part of petting me is finding me.

I am incredibly easy to sneak up on. Someone got me today while I was sitting around waiting for some GP to replenish while gathering.

you are fucking retarded my men
epic amber tier vandalism
actually even worse cause you can't even search for /xivg/ anymore

>Help I can't take the g off my search to find the thread.

How can I become an expert emotional manipulator?

I've been on Balmung for a while now and despite trying my hardest I just can't seem to make an impression on anyone, I don't know if I'm being too ingratiating or my sense of humor annoys people, but I've only made a couple friends and no EBs.

I've noticed that all of the people who have nice EBs and waifus tend to be pretty manipulative, and I don't mean that in a negative way necessarily, but they just seem able to attract people without even trying. If any of you have found yourself drawn to an ebin or whatever out of the blue, what was it that drew you to them? I want to try to emulate them and make some more friends. And maybe an EB...

hell in some of the legitimate threads people mix around the letters in the links in the OP for shits and giggles.

Ninight, everyone. Sleep well when you can.

I haven't been playing FFXIV recently. I don't even know why I'm posting here at the moment.
Shortman post.

>we need to change the general because i want to post a picture of me and my homo friends playing a different game

there already is a seperate general for other ff games, go there you attention derived faggot

i bet this is naka or stratos
being cancerous losers is in their nature
yeah and its vandalism like amber did

Has there ever been a live orchestra performance of FF14 music? I'd love to go to that.

where to contact you then?

>that one day when you cornered Red at a fishing hole while he was big fishing and double teamed him with a partner


I wanna get back into gathering, it's solid money, always something to fill your time, and is pretty enjoyable since you get to see some of the nicest areas in the game.

>his wife EB teleports and aggressively eggs at you

Looks like Captain Future.

it was before they were eb'd

Is catposting still allowed here

>i bet this is naka or stratos
I'm some random shitter from Hyperion no one knows. I think it's stupid to "combine" the threads, but I'm also not getting all autistic over it.

what class do you recommend for a new player?

greetings ffog, my friend wishes to travel to jeuno at level 12. i think we're going to die.


any class but monk will teach you how to navigate in battle

Yeah man, god forbid I don't want to see a spam of irrelevant XI pictures just because "lmao this is a xi thread now too" or you know, having irrelevant shit forced into it

just pick one you like the look of, the game encourages you to level everything on a single character so there's no problem switching around or experiencing

post eggs

Either of the tank classes or Conjurer to get faster dungeon queues as you go through the main story. If you want to level a dps job later you can do so through Palace of the Dead.

you can do it either three ways
Being charismatic (the good way) post rarely to where people have a general interest in your posts and stay on topic on the post you are replying to in a tasteful way(Red, faeiy roe)

Being loud (bad) force yourself by spamming images or try to start a rivalry with an already established ebin to get people in who really hate that ebin (that nigga who peed on guffy)

samefag circlejerk bonanza (really bad) samefag yourself as well as get already webbed or mutual friends to respond to all of your posts to make you look popular (a popular metho of softs posters, seto, evie, mumu)


In XI or XIV?

And the content of the thread was sooooo great before.
I'd rather see XI shit than people talking about inter-personal drama that has literally nothing to do with any game.



>"post c@ butte"
>ten guaranteed replies
>not irrelevant shit

How do you even tell who has a bonus at a9s-a12s? I just had a party disband before we even started at a11s because the bonus message came up.

Considering I have no idea who the people in that first example are, I think I'll go for the other ones, thanks.

Trying to be popular is like trying to fly a plane at an air show. Sure you might be a really interesting people and you might be fairly unique but at an air show you're looking at quite a lot of flashy and unique stuff doing their thing.

So what you need to do is catch fire in flight and have it go long enough people notice something is wrong, trail high up into the sky belching great gouts of smoke, let it just hang there at the pinnacle of your climb and then plunge into the audience as a screaming fireball.

I dare any motherfucker to forget you after half of Ul'dah is a smoking wreck.

Oh wait you wanted to make friends ignore all that.

Gathering is top shelf, but I just want Shower-Rain in Hinterlands so I can catch my goddamn gob. Fishing has all the best spots to relax at though, for sure.

Dude has some motherfucking Tetsuya Tsurugi eyebrows I can get behind that.

I've had some pretty funny fishing encounters with people rping themselves up to a romantic encounter, before realising "Oh damnit there's a catboy fishing over here" and having to RP themselves back to the house.

ok guffy

this seems conflicting.

i'm really indecisive. :/

are healing and tanking hard?


anyone here good that can answer some warrior questions?

look up xenosys vex on youtube

go monk

Ask away

it was certainly fucking better than irrelevant xi pictures with no context being posted just because you faggots dont play xiv anymore but still have to force yourselves
>ultrash never shitposts

i wish this shithole still had mods so you retards would be banned every day

>if x is shit we should make it even worse!!!

that is red
pay attention to him

should i egg?

That's easy, though. Did you buy the special edition with the chocobo cap that gives you movement speed and reraise under level 30? You should have it, check the moogle merchants near the mog houses in your city. You may need to register something on the website, maybe.

You should probably spend some time away from Veeky Forums, friend.

Obviously, yes.

Nigga I like the XI posts
Its a breath of fresh air other than the hurrr post butt or the hurrr gc im totally not gay bullshit
you niggas need to go to second life for that shit

Hey man, I didn't go to school, I grew up on the streets of Ul'dah, I don't know how to read or write

Congratulations Naka, you managed to do something Vjera and his cronies never could. And all it took was a little extra autism.

of course you like the xi posts, you make them
xi posts are shit
make your own general for xi oh wait you wont cause you know its a dead fucking game

>a little

what was that

I still love you, you know.

nice failed vague post

what did he do?

>getting this mad
flip OUT and THROW a TANTRUM for ME

>its ok when the literal who midlander does it
how come its only a problem when ultrash fucks with the op

provide counter-arguments instead if just memeing like a brainless child

Guess who.

Did you miss the 8 months Naka did nothing but slutpost in a purple Liora outfit and spam "cummies!" and "boypussy!"?

nah nigga, I solely play xiv but this game look exciting. keep throwing that mad salt blindly though.
that and I just hate prison gay faggots
or faggots that have to let everyone know their fags
or people who have to let everyone know they got laid
everyone is supposed to be over the age of 18 but im sure the average age of this shithole is 15

Anyone got Kiss's steam?

>being this butthurt

delcious, keep catposting faggot

heres my argument: you type like a school shooter and you have no friends

i await your response

Did you miss the 2 months where Amber was fucking with it?
Fuck off ultrash retard.

There's nothing to argue. You're sperging out for no good reason, my dude.