League of Legends general /lolg/

I want to wash Brew's hair and date him edition.


>Patch notes:

>PBE changes:

>Useful sites:


Other urls found in this thread:




3 for vg vs vg

memers leaving game last second

Your favorite champion now has to work in a restaurant.

What's their position, how are they at their new job?

Brew is for bf

Xth for perfection

3,5 or 7 decides which 4 champions i'll use during my placements
the 4th is just in the extreme case i'd have to play support

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums alive lobby +1

>"Unbeknownst to [Ezreal], the glove had a twin that had been excavated from the tomb years before."
New champion confirmed? And will they be an evil version of Ezreal? Will they be as cute as him? Lets find out in tonight's episode of /lolg/.

> Ryze
I don't think he's pretty good at it since muh runes and muh sociopathy


Teemo in every lane.

Sion Jungle is stupidly strong with the jungle changes. He gets 118 bonus health every clear, and the slower respawn rate of camps means he can even gank after each clear with little to no downtime on camps. His clear is incredibly healthy at all points of the game, and mid-late game Colossus makes him almost impossible to kill while he's knocking up the entire enemy team.

The only thing that counters him is complete fucking retards on his team who don't even try to take objectives.

the pentakill team sans sona


leona is supposed to operate brick oven, instead keeps scorching the entire goddamn kitchen while yelling something about the vanguard

Well, and the fact that his ganks kind of suck.

Vlad is a pole dancer.

Rerolling this.

whos down for ranked flex?

Have fun

leona seems proficient with making bbq

this guy is anorexic

Uh, is something fucked up for NA servers? It's been telling me I can't connect for about three hours.

>tfw no adc gf

Sona plays music.
This one was easy.
Though I'm sure she would also make a really good chef too.

Amumu top
Sion jungle
Diana mid
Lucian bot
Alistar support

How do his ganks suck? His slow is easy to hit even without the rediculous minion kick range, and good positioning with his Q either forces the enemy to move out of it (away from their tower) or eat a knockup, either of which is a death sentence against a level 4 Sion with a red buff.

The only way his ganks suck is if the Sion is bad and doesn't properly position himself. He can even dive easily post-6 and live with Colossus + W shield.

>used to changed VO to other languages
>riot coerces me into updating into """""""modern""""" client
>some VO rolled back to client language
>mfw new client fucked my shit up so hard most champions don't even speak anymore
Fuck, this game feels so sad and even more lonely now. Thanks Riot, real fun playing Kled and Sion without voiceover

Looks like Morde,Yorick,Olaf and Karthus it is then. Wish me luck lads

Are the servers fucking up for anyone else? My ping is low but I keep getting disconnected from league.

>guy is just lean
>he must be anorexic

"Client Update Failed
Unspecified error occurred. Please check the logs for more information."

Where are the logs?
and more importantly, how do i fix it?

I can't even launch the client it keeps saying I'm disconnected



I see what you did there.

c >riot games >lego legends > logs

you post it on reddit and wait for riot to respond

Idk, that's been the complaint that i've heard for why people dont' sion jungle, and I'm assuming you're not master/challenger so your opinion is worthless anyway, so I'm going to listen to what the higher elo people think on the matter.

Go download the Hextech Repair Tool from their website and it'll do it for you. That or reinstall.

>It's not good unless my favorite e-celebs tell me it is

who's this semen demon?

>it's not good unless good players use it
basically, and that's true

>make lucian garbage
>release a 1350 skin

There's plenty of people who play champions at diamond - challenger that are considered to be "shit" by the community.

It's not that you can't climb by playing low tier champions, you're putting yourself at a needless disadvantage

Does anyone else think Camille has too much going on in her kit? Like every single one of her abilities has like 8 different things going on at once.

xth for finding others throughout the years

this goes for Lucian too, he needs to accept his wifes death and find his own happyness

>Lee Sin doesn't get banned
>Our Jungle meme picks Master Yi in high fucking gold
>Enemy Lee sin has TPA and some gook name
>Hyper carries the game
>Score is 15-2 at 20 minutes
>Our team actually FF"s

There's to fucking many cancer champs. 10 BANS WHEN

So as I'm sure you may know, Katarina's rework moved her early game damage into her passive, which scales primarily with levels until lategame when it's 1.0 AP and AD ratios kick in. By the time you've reached this point(level 16) even a support can afford the core damage items Katarina needs.

My question is, is support Katarina a possibility? Obviously it would need to be a dedicated kill lane because Katarina doesn't do shit outside of her nasty all-in damage, but considering the clown fiesta bot lane is she'd have plenty of opportunity to do her thing. Plus, everyone knows that ADC players are retarded and the mere mention of Katarina's existence is usually enough to tilt them.

What do you guys think? Amusing memestrat, or worthless shitpick?

She will be broken for a month and then get nerfed into uselessness, because Riot has no subtly in their balance so they can't balance champions that have more than basic damage abilities.

>It's not that you can't climb by playing low tier champions, you're putting yourself at a needless disadvantage

unless that champion works better for you for anything else

she's a waitress but is constantly writing down orders wrong and giving people each other's orders

Support cucks btfo

Jungle master race ww@?

>b-but I can carry on blitzcrank in my silver games!!

Stephen Thompson, albino model.


>putting text on an image proves something xd

Sion is the......?
Help me out here.

Amusing memestrat

A top 200 player's opinion has much more weight than any user on here

guy who works the strength test at a carnival

chef, duh. he has a pizza oven built into his torso

>download the client update open beta just for fun
>remember i'm running on a 7 year old toaster laptop
>lag so hard i can't select a champ in que
>now if i want to use old client, i have to select it every time i open the client
>which it won't let me do until i wait for updates in both the old client AND the new client any time there're updates

there's no way to have the old client as the default again, is there?

>ADC higher than top and support
This guy's a retard.

>SJW won again

Told you as soon as the skin hit PBE

swap top for ad sub mid-high diamond
you can carry harder from carry tops or tri top users than most ads can since they instantly die to everything without peel

Delet this
t. support main

what rank are you?

umm lolbabs?

why are they reducing quinn's cleavage?

adcs pls post your igns im going crazy with these randoms

Tfw ur asshole prolapses and ur gf succs it.

The flat Earth model is an archaic conception of the Earth's shape as a plane or disk. Many ancient cultures subscribed to a flat Earth cosmography, including Greece until the classical period, the Bronze Age and Iron Age civilizations of the Near East until the Hellenistic period, India until the Gupta period (early centuries AD), and China until the 17th century. That paradigm was also typically held in the aboriginal cultures of the Americas, and the notion of a flat Earth domed by the firmament in the shape of an inverted bowl was common in pre-scientific societies.

The idea of a spherical Earth appeared in Greek philosophy with Pythagoras (6th century BC), although most pre-Socratics (6th – 5th century BC) retained the flat Earth model. Aristotle provided evidence for the spherical shape of the Earth on empirical grounds by around 330 BC. Knowledge of the spherical Earth gradually began to spread beyond the Hellenistic world from then on.

Modern flat Earth theories, such as those espoused by modern flat Earth societies, are commonly labelled pseudoscience.

League of Legends

Her damage passive scales on level so she needs solo lane exp



how do i get good at her?

how many XP quints do I need to run to make the lv3 cheese work again

About 25

>ADC locks in Ezrael

More than 3.

You don't, because she's really, REALLY bad.

She's one of the more interesting and fun champions released for a while, but her tentacles die too easily, she was too strong at release, and she relies too heavily on getting AD to do anything while having no way to survive even if she does.

She honestly needs to have her dash range increased, have a knockup+shield on the ult, and she'd be fine. It'd give her the mobility she needs, and the survivability she needs to not just eat shit in teamfights.

>Flash in the middle of the enemy
>Press R
>Win game
Pretty much this.

Max E run DFT and git gud at grabbing souls

But what if they run as soon as I R?

>Flashing BEFORE you press R

Wukong if ur reading this u suck dick reptiles ALWAYS win

enjoy ur loss bronze noob


>Flash in
>Press R
>They just walk away because you can't stop them at all
>All your damage takes at least 5-6 seconds to take effect because of Flash>E>R>W>Q
>This full combo provides zero CC, doesn't even do much damage
>To make it do ANY damage you need to build almost full AD
>If you build AD, you die instantly, because your heal doesn't matter at all if you just eat shit from dying and being CCed

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +1

EZ just has to equip megaton hammer and it's ez mode 1v1

spllitpush and 1v3 when they try to stop you

What is in it for me?

I feel like I'm going to get suspended of permabanned soon. I don't know how I get so emotionally attached to this game but it seems like I'm always giving out death threats in post game. Feelsbadman

you flash in the middle of the ult cast animation you dip

>tfw lolg told me Dominate's gf was a crazy SJW that didn't shave her armpits

I knew this bastard wasn't that stupid. Sure he was one of the worst junglers in LCS but he never appeared to be mentally challenged enough to bang a girl that didn't shave her fucking armpits, just thinking about shit like that horrifies me.

is saying i'm not enjoying this particular match, ff'ing a few times and saying vayne has 10 deaths (not calling the player bad, just pointing out the fact their ad carry is hella ahead) bannable?

hey fuck you man at least I have a lategame


>renekton doesnt have a late game

Where's that pic from my dude?

what rank?

You only have to watch his stream for like half an hour to get an idea of what kind of person she is.

>Doesn't show up on the camera for no reason
>Always cooking or taking care of the dog in the background
>Dresses like a regular person and not a whore
>Doesn't EVER speak to chat, for any reason
>Dom doesn't turn into a different person when she's around

Seems pretty a-okay.



>waifu gets heartseeker skin
>it looks awkward as hell
It's not fair, bros.

>all she needs is to be broken and she would be fine

quinn is just too ugly for good skins

that fucking neck posture in the second still

i'm her side-fuck and that's what she sends me every night

from her twitter you dimwit, where else would girls whore themselves out? She deleted it but the internet was smarter.