To improve your experience and heal this comfy board from all the cancer, here is a quick quick guide to Veeky Forums:
DO NOT respond to Alphonse
DO NOT respond to Brosifine
DO NOT respond to !mjet
DO NOT respond to lap times posts
DO NOT respond to GM BTFO/what went wrong/corvette threads
Actually DO NOT respond to x BTFO/what went wrong threads
DO NOT respond to V6 > V8 threads
DO NOT respond to ecoboost shilling threads
DO check the sticky before asking for advice
DO search for QTDDTOT threads (questions that don't deserve their own threads)
DO search for a general that might interest you:
>/dat/ - Daily Ausfag Thread
>/dbt/ - Daily Bike Thread
>/ovg/ - Racing Vidya
>/osg/ - Sticker General
>/hg/ - Honda
>Veeky Forums - Toyota
>/bmwg/ - BMW
>/ccg/ - Classic Cars
>/org/ - Offroad
>Truckerfag Threads
>Twingo Threads and others
DO NOT get baited into FWD vs RWD vs AWD
DO NOT get baited into Manual vs Auto
DO REPORT trolls, as per global rule 3
ONLY shitpost if it's funny

Enjoy your stay!

You forgot

>DO respond to Scottybird threads

Someone needs to sticky this

someone tell the janitors to not delete this this time

>DO NOT get baited into FWD vs RWD vs AWD

What do you mean? there is no duscussion here, FWD is clearly superior when al the factors have been taken in.

FWD is for DD and rally
RWD is for track, dorifto and twisties
AWD is good at both but complex sometimes
4WD is for /org/

Also the "Why won't you get a corvette" and all it's derivatives.

That's falseflagging.

I'm with you brah!

MR is clearly the best in all situations

DO call out gm shills on how shit gm is
DO NOT respond to Ford bashing

Thank you for setting the record straight about ford. 50 cents have been deposited to your account.

t. Ford marketing department.

sticky this

Is this the new kind of shitposting that kids do now?

it's just gm shills that are tired of getting BTFO all the time

>generals are a good thing

Auto topics include a wide arrange of interests. Generals exist to discuss them. If you can't tolerate other people's interests you should look for somewhere else.

>an anti-shitpost thread is shitposting
For fuck's sake.

>DO NOT talk about cars
>Instead, circlejerk in a general
>I repeat DO NOT talk about cars

>Nobody argue, just suck each other off
>hue hue hue i sure showed them, all arguments are bad, i am so enlightened prommoting happy communities over debate
>i can't believe hillary won, if she did this would be federal law and not a shitmost baka desu senpai

Are you prez or alphonse? Or arr you new to the board? This thread just covers all of the garbage-tier sewagepost topics. things on the bingo, etc.

The post says nothing to prevent debate, only shitposting. Debate as much as you about whatever want but do not feed bait. Can you even read?

reddit seems more your style

Hi alphonse

I didn't know I was posting in such website of tough guys, damn. All I wanted was to promote better discussions :^(

What you just said is incredibly ironic, by the way.

>facts are shitposting
gm fangirls truly are delusional

>falling for the snap oversteer meme

Memes aren't worth your life, son.

Fuck off scottyfags

thx for the bumps

bump for first page

whos alphonse?

also i have a feeling this thread was made by some butthurt GM fag

the greatest poster in the history of this board

how do you tell whos alphonse? whats the story behind him?

He has a trip

He used to post with a name but mostly posts as anonymous now. Put alphonse into the name field on 4plebs and go to a random page, you'll get the idea. Floods the board with furry porn, constantly shitposts corvette vs gtr and ford gt Lemans vs anything.

the samefagging is real


yeah, fuck off cunt

yeah i saw some furries and when it comes to corvette vs X im on GM BTFO side

glad to see more people are slowy appreciating my work

Ich bin der Größte.

>tfw no generals that interest you

Anyone want alphonse's IP address?

Doesn't he keep changing it? Or does he use proxies?

Its static from his phone that his parents pay for.


Still points at your phone. If someones willing to pay a few bucks, we can find out a lot more

I've already said exactly where I live like 2 times before. If you truly wanted to find put where I lived you would go through the archives.

How the hell do you even get IP addresses from a forum like this? Wouldn't you basically need admin privileges to see who connects to the website?

It's creepy but awesome

Well i dont live to far from you. Maybe ill do that

post it

have fun

Oldfag here

Don't come around here too much anymore

Who's this Alphonse dude?

A troll who's been shitting up and spamming the board for quite sometime now. Pathetic, I know.

a person who destroys the asses of general motor's fans


Just ignore him and pretend he doesn't exist.

>Who are you faggots talking about? Nm I don't care

There, it's that easy.

>i-ignore hin
>h-he's a meanie

bumping for more assmad