What racing shoes do you wear when you drive?

what racing shoes do you wear when you drive?



I wear my cycling shoes because they're narrow and have a flat, rigid sole.

How does driving in boots feel?

Like a fag, just like when his bear boyfriend gives it too him.

Are you saying boots on men are gay?

These are comfy and perfect for it desu

>not driving barefoot

Well, the two cars I've driven enough to get an actual "feel" of the car while wearing those were an old automatic C-class Mercedes and my current Toyota Hilux

I'm not sure I can say that it feels like anything, as both cars are pretty damned numb when it comes to actual driving feel

To be honest; the few times I've worn them while driving something more nimble & manual I've felt that the stiff ankle support makes the biting point harder to find, and the thick sole making it take a bit longer to get the feel of the travel

Sounds like someone bought a subscription to my camservice

Boots on anyone non military or construction is gay.



Oh, Just the comfiest shit in existence, that's all...

What about folks who deal with snow for 7 months at a time and who is also involved with search & rescue?

>New Balance

As much as I feel that racing shoes are a bunch of poser bullshit, those are actually nice looking shoes...

Even though i didn't get to ride this year, I've been wearing them almost every day. They're very comfortable, and I don't find much lost feeling on the pedals.

You have your opinions, I have mine.

I bought a pair of the white goodyear shoes...yes they look good and comfortable too

Fuck you, it snows where I live

I would buy them if there is a way to remove the goodyear logo

What are top ones? I like them.

too bad most high top shoes look like they were made for niggers.

My only pair of shoes:

New Balance Minimus (the version pictured). They weigh almost nothing.

When im driving for fun i drive barefoot

Red Wing Beckmans.
Best investment footwear ever; dressy enough for a job interview, but tough and comfortable enough to hike in.

Thank you very much, I know what I'll be getting myself for Christmas.

What is the fucking point of high-top sneakers? Boots are more comfortable, better looking and longer lasting.

Your opinions are wrong though.

It snows a lot here.

When I like to drive quick I take my flipflops off.

New Balance are totally the shoes of white people, though. It's great.

I wear NBs pretty much exclusively because their sneakers tend to have a wider cut than other brands and are just really comfy shoes. Don't have a retro pair like to go full Dagumi though, mostly newer thin cross-trainers i,.e. 603.

>literally shoes for autists
I really don't see how anyone even remotely aware of themselves would wear that shit.

Pic related is fucking comfy as tits + that AC blowing at your feet is not wasted

>Not kicking Adidas


Jesus Christ, is EVERYONE on Veeky Forums 15 years old, or do you just dress like you are? No wonder you can't get any girls.

pretty comfy

2007 Justin Bieber wants his shoes back

Oh boy, here we go, another 20-something who dresses up like a 40-year old because he's just "that much more mature than others his age". Whatever boyo, if driving with leather shoes makes you happy and feel mature, go for it, but you look like an autist.

Casual and comfy with a hint of minimalist trendiness works wonders for anyone who doesn't wear a trenchcoat and a trillby. But what would you know?

Pic related, your driving gear. I bet u get hella skids in that 86

i gotta get myself a pair now

Or maybe we're not all retarded enough to "dress for driving" holy fuck, get a life. lmao


I'm actually 21 and I have a girlfriend.

It's not my fault I'm slav.

Love my Beckman chukkas. Awful for driving though.

you get a pass

where to cop?

What model of NBs are those?

I'm going to assume you been taking advice from Veeky Forums those are some nice shoes


People still wear these horrible puffy things? I'm genuinely surprised

Ken Blork bls go

>racing shoes

If you walk publicly in some faggot leather shoes, I feel bad for you.

So do I stick those between my toes?

I wear the Nissan Skyline R34 starter kit

Can't find pictures of my actual shoes, these are the closest to them.



I know... Im a kek... But ya know what? I love Drift Cat's. Have a half dozen different pairs.



It's a thing in some places,

I heard they do that in South Africa, instead of a floor waste. Seems grubby as hell

You wear wirerim glasses, wear basketball shorts and some random graphic tee. most likely white, not very popular at school, might have bad breath.

I wouldn't mind Adidas weird designs so much if they just made things monochromatic.

these are great. Nice sole for heel and toe, comfy, and versatile.


bought for skating, kept for driving.

Nike SB Rabona

More like squatting and listening to hardbass, comrade

kekd like a retard

I have this exact model in grey black and white, they're great for everyday.

Additionally, Converse are great as well. Thin soles are great for driving.

Nike Freerun or Converse All Stars

Wicked good heel-toe shoe

Cheaper than decent boots

love these for karting or track days